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JESUS New Trend Emerging Sermon.

What is Faith? Ascendingly (from previous Sermon) Faith is a point of Righteousness. Continued Faith, Faithfulness = Proof, Ascending Proof, in Righteousness, the Faith Path. If to be Righteously Prophesying therefore to be Faithful. And Pertinent Faithfulness today is Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal with Explaining for Your Group and the greater Public as Broadcast. This Sermon speaks of the New Trend Emerging as this typist has Witnessed and herein Attests.

JESUS Christ Soul Righteous Broadcasters, in Gathering Together from their Masses, has been Witnessed of some software, though with price if a Person is merely in the secular, yet rather like unto Freewill Offering for the Best For All as now this Enlightening is being Given. In other words Edifyingly, This JESUS Christ New Trend Emerging is the finding through months that the Broadcasters are evidently alerting and inviting Others of their [Church Masses of course, and] Groups to come visit this Sermon Together and come visit that Sermon Together!

Anewly there is more "rejoicing in Heaven" (from Luke 15:7 Weymouth New Testament), even as much as

The Greatest Love of JESUS Family is to set aside excess selfishness for Best Guiding All (

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, reveals how some of the spy networks operate for to help Christians Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law with 7th Seal Newly Opened For To Give Into The Public, whether the spies opt to help or not, so if not then to benefit All even from less savory sources, and this new leadership pertinent help plants seeds for 1st time Christian Broadcasters, Fortran, ASCII, Christian former President and 1st Lady George and Laura Bush, females to become male, water gif.


Similar level to "Fortran" is ASCII and it was said though in the secular: with ASCII you can go anywhere, meaning such as operate computers, ultrasonic units, and machines.

This above stated "Greatest Love" is for the Evident Ascending Broadcasters Continuing Faithfully hence Righteously!

And so this fulfills thus far "But eagerly desire the greater gifts. And now I will show you a way that is beyond comparison" (

The detailed traceability software, though "secular" (as stated above), hence indicative, is not merely flip-of-a-coin since [as explained somewhat above, first the JESUS Faith Grace then the secular gifts Maintenance (see Main Page Definitions)] for JESUS Christ Best Way For All Perfect Begetting Faithfully New Higher Level Discovered as Given Better Perfect Level, hence a Maintenance Responsibility accomplished Faithfully for Lifting These Found so Worthy. These have performed Broadcasting per se, even if merely such as a Group Chat.

Of this Holy Trend the patterns emerge somewhat identifiably, for instance some at the start of this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series have shown that even though there are software Iron Curtains so to speak and partitions as between groups of nations, the maps have shown coverage is globally: Good News For 1st Time Christian Broadcasters even though the visitor counter might read such as "00001"; the spies of the planet and beyond are also reading; yes You 1st Time Christian Broadcasters, Grassroots Leaders as Christian former President and 1st Lady George and Laura Bush had mailed me back then, and as Many Others prior had explained [also similarly including of software analytics]:

You 1st Time Christian Broadcasters Are Reaching Top Leaders of at least the secular world!

They are Hearing, and as written " For many are called and feawe be chosen" (Tyndale Bible of 1526 at

Yes "Tyndale Bible of 1526" has had a Better Translation Uplifting The Worthy As JESUS Christ Does.

Similar to how some ancients ("1526") spoke a Better Language per se, i confess i don't speak as much ASCII as some as shown above [though can utilize for Best Applying including as in this Sermon], and for to make me [and Current Translators] embarrassed?, not so, JESUS Christ Ascending Way is for Uplifting the Worthy, yet like unto secular Marriage this too is a passing concern [not excuse for divorce] (as written in Matthew 22:30),

as this invites a Person to Love Others of other types of talents, even in lower levels as if about other types of faith (see previously stated "no" context and rather Wisdom Reasoning). For instance for to set food on the table it is easy to Love the Employer, though can You Love the Newly Hired Employee that might cause You to be without a job?: Love.

As written "And to the one willing to sue you and to take your tunic, yield to him the cloak as well" (Matthew 5:40 Berean Literal Bible). "Look at the birds of the air. They do not sow nor do they reap, nor do they gather into barns, and your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" [(Matthew 6:26) and it was written in the Law that They called Themselves Gods], Give Love, Give Faith, Broadcast.

Give God and rather than as if unknown. Christian Baptism enters into Name Soul Spirit.

ASCII enters into [such as speakers, and] electromagnetic waves and so can be Perceived. All Created Members are Perceived so be Good. In lower level behave or be fixed by Others. To Behave is to Ascend Properly to So Broadcast as stated above.

Christians not leading software is similar to lack of behavior: unruly. This speaks to me, yet Many are already with the talent, and how to explain?: if You have 2 good feet and are able to walk, shall i lend a hand so We can walk on 1 hand and 2 feet clumsily, yet rather Talent On Talent Together in 1 JESUS Body Eteranlly as Fitting, as to run and leap and grab the formerly forbidden fruit of the Tree Of Life as JESUS Christ Invites Us For To Broadcast [for to Give humbly serving as a Heart that Best Way feeds and cleanses All Members (Luke 7:38)].

My, rather His (JESUS was born as a male [Adam too with unseen JESUS Christ The Original] so Females Will Become Male [not excuse to sin]), software showed Groups at a time would visit certain pages, so this strong correlation showed the People Visited Together as much as did. In other words, a Sermon written weeks ago might suddenly have a spike in popularity [even if bottom of page counters don't notice (see above about spies, also Many conceal much traceability)].

Such "traceability" in the lower level secular works has often been about catching crooks [Perps], though rather JESUS Christ would that All be as a bright and shining Exemplar City set on a hill. So the New Behaviors Patterns of Each,

Unifying hence United and Together Created this JESUS New Trend Emerging

Therefore are as Found Worthy for this Thank You Broadcasters So Doing!

Some secular level water plan ideas are shown here, let Us rather Best Guide.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, reveals how some of the spy networks operate for to help Christians Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law with 7th Seal Newly Opened For To Give Into The Public, whether the spies opt to help or not, so if not then to benefit All even from less savory sources, and this new leadership pertinent help plants seeds for 1st time Christian Broadcasters, Fortran, ASCII, Christian former President and 1st Lady George and Laura Bush, females to become male, water gif.

Some of the above secular are nicely put together such as at (

But this doesn't mean we have until "2100" AD.

26 May 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, reveals how some of the spy networks operate for to help Christians Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law with 7th Seal Newly Opened For To Give Into The Public, whether the spies opt to help or not, so if not then to benefit All even from less savory sources, and this new leadership pertinent help plants seeds for 1st time Christian Broadcasters, Fortran, ASCII, Christian former President and 1st Lady George and Laura Bush, females to become male, water gif.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 33.

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