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JESUS Original Plan As Sent Sermon.

For JESUS Christ to Create the Best For All and hence to be with and have His Original Plan As Sent for to Give into All, JESUS Christ had to be, is, and has to be in the future, Worthy Of Providing His Original Plan As the Senders did, do, and will find Best Worthy as Sent.

We, including Yourself, Need to be Most Worthy Together Forever. Verily, verily, Many People wrongly believe "new" is a bad word, "new" the JESUS Way is a Very Good Word, a Given Blessing. Many believed their false gods ways, though They deny it until proven there is a Better Way than the way(s) They've been doing it all their lives [His Life the Life JESUS Christ and His Way]. This Sermons Series shows things, but the proofs the Naysayers want concerns money often and job security often and stuck-in-a-rut often as what They consider as competition gains victories.

Doubting Thomas might not have had an Employer but was stuck-in-a-rut, like unto the wasteful [life of equipment] burning in this pic.

There is something "new" and marvelous in this pic, do You see?

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, explains the first 2 set times of the 2nd Coming, and the next is Likewise, of the Bible Book Of Abraham Ascendingly with Anewly Recognized Larger Eternal Faith SuperFirmaments with New Maintenance and types of Supermassive Black Holes, advanced giant, big, smart equipment, excavators, smart factories, intelligent design


Song of Solomon 5:4 Berean Standard Bible "My beloved put his hand to the latch; my heart pounded for him", likewise John 20:27 New American Standard Bible "Then He said to Thomas, 'Place your finger here, and see My hands; and take your hand and put it into My side; and do not continue in disbelief, but be a believer' ".

The above heavy machinery is at least symbolically without a Human Operator: as much as no chair clearly shown for a Person to sit [perhaps in the forward cage on the other side] (see below "Kolob, In Control Of Time, near the Throne Of JESUS Christ"). It is a marvel of this Civilization! Slaves in chains used to dig ditches by hands and with picks and shovels, also unfortunately Many People still do too. Yet something more "marvelous" than the above pic of an automatic self awareness [except such as shown above] computerized thinking heavy equipment digger, is the Greater Faith Unseen:

if to look at an online map You can see many buildings' roofs and unseen inside are many larger equipment systems, even in smaller buildings, for instance home rain gutters used to be made into shape in factories and now can be processed in the back of a pickup truck. Likewise i Preach this Faith in Original JESUS Christ As Sent for Best showing the Way Best For All, and for decades, though yesterday for instance was Better for me, as for no reason that i understood to be able to clearly figure out the myriad of details [Talents of Each to Be Members Together in 1 Original JESUS Christ, example the above digger hardly makes rain gutters], what looked like a big bill in the mail arrived thick with papers, yet it rather was a federal check

(similarly You can Google search "JESUS" "ICCDBB" "Ernest Angley", as in the "Streets of clear gold" Sermon if to opt for worse then such reward, Matthew 6:5, example per se a horrific hail storm). How can this be of a Good God?: yesterday the ice maker was clogged, and i hit "hail" stones together until the last one that i put into a glass: in JESUS Faith i often [according to my Faith type, amount, and conditions] Enjoy my hail, while others have often been worsened as such opted, as such Naysayer spirits in Them opted.

You in the census are Given a vessel to Maintain, Responsibly. I confess my elderliness, though counsel for All to be Anew to Begin Ascending Better even Best to Lead in JESUS Spirit!

Best Faith Leads, Lead. Likewise Best Faith Leads so Lead Likewise Your Maintenance Best.

JESUS Original Plan Faithful Worthiness / Your Faithfulness Amount / JESUS Original Christ Maintenance [e.g. Mary washing His feet] / Your self Maintenance [rather JESUS You in 1 Word Work].

Kolob is Over Control Of Time (older Sermons in this Series) as though the Father In Heaven Aware Of When The 2nd Coming Is, though as written at "that Kolob was after the manner of the Lord". So Kolob a very Good though strange looking vessel with a human size insect appearance and at the center of the Earth at the Throne Of JESUS Christ, though hardly looking human very much at all, hence concerns 2nd Coming Timing, and the Unseen Faith Value Within the vessel.

Related info is that such as an astronaut has hardly been the typical human appearance, so such may apply, Save Kolob may have insect appendages or such as robotics added (search Google Images "JESUS" "ICCDBB" "Kolob"). So another Value is added: rather than merely fearing creatures and various spirits rather fear the Original JESUS Christ (specifics on Broadcasting and Preaching with examples are in this Sermons Series). So this Civilization was Given 7,000 years (previous link verse 4) (Exodus 31:17: refreshed / rested).

Of "this Faith in Original JESUS Christ As Sent for Best showing the Way Best For All" as stated above We hardly have to guess the time of the 2nd Coming as much as with Best Recordkeeping as to when this Civilization started, and this Sermon Faithfully interprets the 2nd Coming soon and the 2nd Coming New Begin In 1 Full Glory ("two facts" 2 set times: Abraham 3:6) to endure through a Firmament of "7,000" years and consider the 70 x 7 (Matthew 18:22) so to count this "Firmament of '7,000' years" and this "70 x 7" Firmament as 2 SuperFirmament Godslings. Behold how long it took, so to speak, for the Book Of Abraham to come true, yet rather as much as Faithful it would be Eternal.

SuperFirmaments / Firmaments Godslings [Over sets of Levels] / Faithfulness High Levels / [repent x] lower levels.

Original JESUS Christ Faithfulness led this Sermon to make sense at least to me as i confess, with the illustration below Agreeing with the previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Giving Faithfulness Exemplar Sermon on! So rather than selfish Maintenance, this Exemplifies the Way of "JESUS Original Christ Maintenance [e.g. Mary washing His feet]"(as written above in the Flow) hence one of the many New Ways of "washing His feet", hence like unto a New Mary (see above "refreshed / rested"), from the Good Example Seed Work Mary Excavated And Planted.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, explains the first 2 set times of the 2nd Coming, and the next is Likewise, of the Bible Book Of Abraham Ascendingly with Anewly Recognized Larger Eternal Faith SuperFirmaments with New Maintenance and types of Supermassive Black Holes, illustrated, pics


[Note some galaxies are merging and some members moving oppositely from each other hence some galaxies have multiple Godslings (e.g. toward the central Big Pulse)].

Even so, whether the interpretation in this Sermon is Up is a Faith Direction Matter, so the above illustration about down is interpreted as a directional indicator [some have turned on blinkers though then drove another direction (see older Sermons in this Series) Recordkeeping can be exhaustive (so ibid. on Recordkeeping e.g. the values of raw data)], while the other Precepts fit the Original JESUS Christ Plan.

So i as though presumed to assume to possibly correct the previous linked Author, though humbly confess i could hardly have Ascended thus Level without that Author's Help and Likewise From The Heaven [A. Original JESUS Christ, B. "Author"[as much as this Sermon Agreed (see above "interpreted")], C. This Sermon with Previous in this Series on Triadic Flows and Formulas (Ether 5:4 fits the URGENCY from Us to All ["haves and have nots" with over a million Google results as in this Series and] in 3 Nephi 28:9, also with above stated Abraham 3:6): Thank You As Much As All Goodness!

Yesterday's Sermon Gave the "New Revelation (a New "revolution" Abraham 3:4 Victory Already Awaiting You) explaining the Love Flow changing the stars and" [control hence including] "over" identifying "types of ghosts and so about the future Grace Plan such as for City Managers" hence the JESUS Christ Best Righteous Prophesy Path and Straight, and how this Given "New Revelation" applies Over this New Educational System. And Today is Given for to Broadcast these things In All Faithfulness to endure to the end, rather Beyond and Far to Witness and Continue Attesting For Their Sakes.

2 June 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, explains the first 2 set times of the 2nd Coming, and the next is Likewise, of the Bible Book Of Abraham Ascendingly with Anewly Recognized Larger Eternal Faith SuperFirmaments with New Maintenance and types of Supermassive Black Holes.

Jesus Christ

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