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JESUS Over Vulnerabilities Sermon.

JESUS Christ revealed His Victory Over Vulnerabilities [plural, hence] in various ways [plural]; so JESUS [singular] showed Us [plural] how to be Over Maintenance, and with Ascending Faithfully Over Future Maintenance [formerly plural] 1 Best Way [singular] (recent Sermons including on "vulnerabilities" and on "like one of Us" on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 33 at Praise Be For The Worthy Original JESUS Christ!

Thanks also likewise for Civilizers ( in High Purpose Faith, and under Maintenance burdens similarly, for Treaty Makers, and for Before The Fact Agreeing Makers for as much as Better For All!

Written in Isaiah 40:22 is "It is he that sits on the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants

thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretches out the heavens as a curtain, and spreads them out as a tent to dwell in:

jesusun gathering, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, how to Catalyze UFO and other type Groups and not merely about Evangelism, 5 pennies rule, JESUS Christ UN Law Charity With 7th Seal UFO Tech Together, from radiation backscatter formulas to rather In JESUS Spirit the New Gathering Preparation.


Found Worthy thus far as stated above, Leaders Ascend to be Exemplar, from selfish illegal immoral lusts as from

"Sin in the Heart the Source of Error in the Head" (, rather part of the Holy Way was

Apostle Paul's Work to [plant the Best Word Seed(s) to] Convert ancient Roman Crucifiers into Christian Constantine Led Better Victory For All

(Romans 1:14) brief Success though fallen / Merchants ([selfish lust types] 2 Timothy 3:2) rather "listening" to the Better Way, and Best as written:

Luke 16:14 Berean Literal Bible "Now the Pharisees, being lovers of money, were listening to all these things, and they were ridiculing Him.".

They "were listening", as We The People have done, "listening" until convinced, "listening" until We had arranged the pieces of info to fit for the Better into Our Soul(s) [rather singular as We Agree to "Better" and rather Best]. Hence JESUS Christ UN at Addendum 1 Charity with the 5 Penny Rule (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Children Sermon at A recent Sermon explained values concerning exposing "SOME self vulnerabilities".

That Sermon was about: if to survive. Hence as written "Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat into my barn" (Matthew 13:30 Berean Standard Bible) though the selfish already destroyed and "burned" what such had considered their enemies as if "weeds".

Rather as the Faithful Leaders Explained, The Peace Work Continues Because They Listened!

If You Gave Them The Best Way [in Your and in Our words],

Be With Faithfulness that They Listened.

So rather the Faithfulness for Peace as Sent should be as Best Put Together [hence for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose] hence the Better Way and the Best For All, New Perfect Higher Level On former thought to be perfect level [as good as that had been and better than previously]; yet allow this Wisdom that People have the right to think. And with it as "Listened", People Listen to Our Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law With The 7th Seal hence including with the 5 Pennies Rule hence Addendum 1 Charity.

There are already Ambassadors Over Many Groups with Talents [in One Accord] functioning Over such as how to plan such models to accomplish many specific details to ensure such for to Best Benefit All, first the enemies from the money lover perspectives: those in poverty that have no money for to steal.

So first plan to feed Them, of the census model, and this is not for to sound selfish, this is Faithfulness as Given to Do as the Given Current Situation. Then simultaneously or quickly [according to the Plan Modelers] Giving to and for the Worthy Levels and so Amounts Apply. Then also considering the Newcomers: in Doing the previous sentences' Good Work(s), then the Others that have not yet been Publicly counted in the census would have "Listened" and upon seeing this Faith In Action would Be So Catalyzed.

So this Doing of Modelers already in those Positions, would be doing in the census yet Unselfishly, and then Beyond and Unselfishly.

Look at the response in history. On TV there were some Native American Indians for instance that if to Give Them a Gift, the Chief would respond with a Gift likewise; but if the Gift was too great and goodly, then [temptation beyond the parameter] the Chief gave a Person [this is for Better than slavery or similar (there is a Firmament Level under the Human Level)].

Our Best Path is New Victory Over the strayed and fallen into pits ideas [blind leading the blind, wars], and so New Victory Over such as and

Help Those in poverty, Better enabling to Best Help All, and hardly merely about census Earthlings.

Consider, at least in the moment [though JESUS Visited Earth] Earth in the center yet look at the Good being Sent.

Hence Anewly We can be in favor of Quick Victory Over poverty, rather consider Their Perspective(s) hence Their DESPERATE NEED(S).

We already are aware Good News can echo back to Us, We already are aware plants and systems can grow, with Value(s) In Listeners.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, how to Catalyze UFO and other type Groups and not merely about Evangelism, 5 pennies rule, JESUS Christ UN Law Charity With 7th Seal UFO Tech Together, from radiation backscatter formulas to rather In JESUS Spirit the New Gathering Preparation.


UFO type Tech Experts "Listened", let such function with the above stated "Modelers".

24 May 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, how to Catalyze UFO and other type Groups and not merely about Evangelism, 5 pennies rule, JESUS Christ UN Law Charity With 7th Seal UFO Tech Together, from radiation backscatter formulas to rather In JESUS Spirit the New Gathering Preparation.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 33.

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