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JESUS People Sermon.

JESUS Writing Sermon said "as Many as", speaking of the Faithful Leadership, as for Best Way Guiding All Of Civilization and All the created, and even the Will Of God Work the Best Way For All. Though not All posted websites for the sake of JESUS The Worthy, in other words in secular lingo (Nehemiah 6:8, rather as Sent as Best Good was Hoped even if hardly a few Luke 4:26 [reference "bravery" in this Series]) in the time between leaving the Garden Of Eden until the first Righteous Prophets of the Christian Bible those generations so very lost with rare exceptions.

For Righteous Prophesying through JESUS Christ Name Spirit [unknown so much to Them, now Ascend] were becoming increasingly Better Faithfully, and in generations with "as Many as" writing the Living Bible became known as the Patriarchs Of Faith. Hardly can "as Many as" writing the Living Bible today be any less. For example Genesis 22:8 Berean Standard Bible [with Isaac"] "Abraham answered, 'God Himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.' And the two walked on together." And as Inspired yet also Precept On Precept in this Generation see "Anoints the Original JESUS Christ" in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS High Priest Sermon at

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, reveals of the Tent Of Meeting Centerline Sacred Faith Formula the Best Way into Heaven Over matters that had been secret since the world began begging the question are TV Viewers and Others supposed to believe that Churches don't donate? Agraham Isaac Jacob


(see "Jacob's Ladder" at

As JESUS Spirit provided for the above "Inspired" hence "Anoints" "JESUS Christ" and not others per se, likewise the previous Sermon was not for to turn away and stray, as rather for to Specially (see above "Patriarchs" Of The Christian Faith) Thank the Peace Formula [Peace = Patience x Kindness] Participants; and Anewly in this Sermon now such are in the JESUS Christ Name Spirit Blessed in this New Anointing Spirit: Praise Be For JESUS Christ The Original Eternal Good with the Better Way For All, Precept On Precept, Better Best On previous Best.

And rather than merely more perfect [as superb as such is], is the Gift for Planners the "Best" Way. So Anewly this Miracle Of Faith: is Faithfulness Within JESUS Christ and JESUS Christ Within The Best Ascended.

The previous Sermon was Over the love of money, for instance if many Churches [hardly All Churches as there are Churches that Ascend] have asked for money, and printers of money too [governments] have asked for [and demanded] money, so if to Broadcast to TV Viewers that to become rich with mansions and sway with money, the TV Viewers first must donate to the TV Broadcaster [or must first get a job as if Infants and the Disadvantaged don't count] such as to pay for the TV License [and such as buildings]; but if that was true then about then why would TV Broadcasters ask for money to pay for TV License and such?, are the TV Viewers supposed to imagine that the money printers and TV Broadcasters don't donate?

The JESUS Christ Best Way is center line Ascending, even if it means Giving what You most love other than straying selfishly from JESUS Christ. So with JESUS Christ, "selfishly" in the previous sentence is a clue: for to Give the Self. Lovers of monies love Themselves hence love money for the idea to buy some things that would allegedly make Themselves happy.

To Edify more in the secular sense, if to pretend with the first technology able show on TV the walls of waters parting for Moses, and if to pretend [Character] Moses was paid $1 billion to play that role, and then if that same "Moses" Person agreed to be paid another $1 billion to play the role of a terrorizer killer of lovely peaceful friends without redeeming social value and with promise that the legal team could get away with it, the to rather consider how much money is enough? It doesn't need to be about $1 billion nor even a penny: first humbly Praying JESUS Christ and then continue with Doing as JESUS Christ would Do.

So this Sermon is hardly about less than "Best" For All, and through JESUS Christ the "Best" Way, even if to Better Enlighten the previously Enlightened (Genesis 2:19 including perhaps delighting in the sense of some People sometimes like to watch a repeat TV show and likewise to find memory comfort in the Bible and likewise to remember the Best Good of why You wrote such).

"Now Moses used to take the tent and pitch it at a distance outside the camp. He called it the Tent of Meeting, and anyone inquiring of the LORD would go to the Tent of Meeting outside the camp." (Exodus 33:7). The Tent of Meeting today is often in rigid structures and such as on Cruise Ships, yet the Churches continue for the Best [situations may apply, see above], yet We are with record in the Bible. Now even a tall tent entrance, normally center line, front and center, is an entrance into which the Person bends down some while entering, a humbling related idea of Great Good Value.

The strayed ways have been to the sides and bottom level [any caves or diggings for money so to speak: any other than JESUS Christ The Foundation And Founder Strength. Strays have also been outside [the Church (such as JESUS Christ ICCDBB Church at home)] and since outside then about the lost at least relative to the inside found Good of JESUS Christ hence as JESUS Christ Lifts, including empowering Righteous Lifters to Lift. Other than tent and other structures, the Church has been the Holy Mass (see in this Series "Accord" and about Visitors and criteria Churches [including Church types] have), and likewise the Baptized Person With JESUS Soul (see in this Series: from Baptism to Eucharist to...).

Yet inside the Church are the Listeners, normally (Luke 20:20) rather than to be strayed. Even so as Good as the Mass may be, consider rather the Preacher in the centerline: Giving [the JESUS Christ Family Self] rather than taking [rather Righteous Gathering] the Listening. The Righteous You in centerline per se as JESUS Christ as JESUS Christ Sent You To Be, is a Level, and the Hearers are a Level. In the 1st Testament the one in front [called as though "centerline" symbolically in this Sermon, as can happen] was the Higher Level Position, the High Priest: the Preacher: so there is Level on Level:

JESUS Christ In Heaven / High Priest Sent To Be As JESUS Christ Completely / Mass Level [often mixed spirits (1 Corinthians 14:4)].

JESUS Christ You In Heaven = High Priest Sent To Be As JESUS Christ Completely x Mass Level Baptized Ascending Church Member.

The JESUS Christ Best Way is center line Ascending is as the Tent of Meeting with a centerline from center bottom to top as shown here. JESUS Christ standing center would be at the bottom, just as You would if so Preaching [His Words]. So the opposite of JESUS Christ at the top as shown in so much artwork is the previous sentence JESUS Christ at the bottom, hence counted as though the Son Of Perdition (Google search: "JESUS" "ICCDBB" "Perdition"), even as much as true, also true is JESUS Christ at the Top [and Above the Top] as often shown in Heaven: these are True, this is Grace, and this does not transgress the Law, this is a Legal sentence.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, reveals of the Tent Of Meeting Centerline Sacred Faith Formula the Best Way into Heaven Over matters that had been secret since the world began begging the question are TV Viewers and Others supposed to believe that Churches don't donate?


There is another great though secular website about the straying idea and rather as much as goodly hence supportive structures horizontally, yet rather the Center Line Straight Up is normally the main idea at scroll over to see it change.

5 January 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, reveals of the Tent Of Meeting Centerline Sacred Faith Formula the Best Way into Heaven Over matters that had been secret since the world began begging the question are TV Viewers and Others supposed to believe that Churches don't donate?

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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