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JESUS Pertinent Sermon.

JESUS Christ Good signs and wonders abound increasingly in His Faithful Leadership Family. Yesterday a Christian in Work with me [having supported a little financially] mailed a message of the Miracles involving millions of People, and this Easter week after yesterday's Sermon i walked into another room and as not previously found a multitude of rainbow effects on the floor crossing each other, and could hardly find the light source that was making that effect, waving my hands toward windows where lights entered to no avail; then going to the floor and with a hand inches above the rainbow effects found the multitude came from nearly straight up though there was no light straight up; the multitude of effects came from the tiny 1/2" curved edge of a glass table that magnified the effects almost a yard long: why yesterday?: because of the JESUS Christ Plan for All that opt to be Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN With 7th Seal Peace Formula [chronologically from superseding, to rather more Pertinent Flow again for the Better Way Flowingly].

For to uplift the Worthy, Distinguish which is Better, the peaceful Opters or the Opters as worshippers of their so called gods of destructions?: the Peaceful are Better. This solves again Anewly yesterday's Sermon as to how atheist China had victory over Buddhism; therefore this Agrees with as JESUS Christ said in Matthew 21:43 Berean Standard Bible "Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit.": so that thing that had been counted as if opposite of Christianity has become better though in a secular level: Be Aware Before The Fact hence Be Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Legally Recognizing Higher Level Grace For Best For Each yet also rather All. Make the Perps Worthy Legal People, make the unfaithful Faithful.

As a curved funnel for Best Guiding the Flow consider the Bridal Gown made of People (see illustration at JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Heaven Sermon listed on Page 32), so from the dust Souls are Gathered and rather than the Bride "as JESUS Christ invited" All to Be JESUS Faithfully Pertinent Preceptingly Before The Fact (quoted as explained below).

See how the Angels and the how People on the dust Flow toward JESUS Christ,

yet rather Be humbly Prayerfully Faithfully Broadcasting for JESUS Christ 1 Best For All.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, shows the Pertinent Flow Of Souls Transfiguring from Mortal to Best Eternally in JESUS Christ 1 Broadcasting, whether a CEO, atheist, agnostic, or other, constituting a New Righteous Prophesy.


See the symbolic Prayerful hands of the Person below center, 2 rather as 1 together upward pointing,

and this is easy for the atheists and agnostics to agree, such as Unarmed Security taught to show straight hands

in plain sight so as to not instigate cause in Others to ready weapons to protect against peaceful people, nor to attack.

The Faithful that are Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Legally Recognizing Higher Level Grace are the Victors Already and Continuing Faithfully Likewise Over Best For All Guiding Principalities (

and to Best For All Gather is New Victory Over "AGAINST PRINCIPALITIES" (ibid.) as written:

"9and to illuminate for everyone the stewardship of this mystery, which for ages past was kept hidden

in God, who created all things. 10His purpose was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom

of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, 11according to the

eternal purpose that He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord"

( And "kept hidden", rather than about selfishness, was for All Our Sakes for the Whole of this Civilization had formerly been not yet ready to receive. In the Beginning Adam and Eve were innocent though as Children unaware of the Law Of Moses, unaware of JESUS Christ UN Victory Over the Law Of Moses yet with the Law Of Moses for being Over as Many as opting to not be Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN. So for instance if a Chinese [formerly known as though "warlord"] Leader rather opts to Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN then such as Victory Over any Civilization [thus far, and symbolically] if living at the Pleiades region if such opted worse, if such opted to not so Celebrate the JESUS Christ Best Way For All [(ibid.) so the Pleiades symbolically would not yet be aware They lost their battle before they started it].

So this constitutes New Righteous Prophesying in JESUS Christ Over much that had been unseen in the census.

The JESUS Christ 1 Flag is planted in the Heavenly Place [symbolized here].

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, shows the Pertinent Flow Of Souls Transfiguring from Mortal to Best Eternally in JESUS Christ 1 Broadcasting, whether a CEO, atheist, agnostic, or other, constituting a New Righteous Prophesy.


Humbly Prayerfully unto being Lifted into Righteousness toward Broadcasting Prophesyingly for All yielded the Wise Better Understanding of the previous Sermon including JESUS Christ Faithful Fasting in the wilderness, Gave the Miracle that We found JESUS Christ "did not eat the Baptismal Dove" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS New Better Sermon at as We became Aware of the Higher Faithful Fasting Way Level for the Holy Spirit to Be [the next Higher Level step (of this "JESUS Pertinent Sermon"): so this Civilization for about 2,000 years knew of Baptism, and now the greater Magnified including More and with the Better meaning of the dove.

The previous Sermon showed the dove as best in it's class [similar to a car sales ad statement, though] of birds and under dominion Save as JESUS Christ invited and so as the Faithfully Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Are. To text a Friend that JESUS Christ UN exists is a Faith amount, Good in JESUS Christ. A Christian Preacher is a little Higher Level if to so inform social media such as with a billion interested: Good in JESUS Christ [even if merely Followers that let Others (plural) Lead]. So this is Pertinent Now these days and rather Today, in JESUS Christ as a Good sign for All, that Any can have value even an atheist, an agnostic, and a perp [types of faiths].

Which do You think will be easier [without wars, with fewer distractions and with fewer misleadings], to be Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN With 7th Seal with the Core [Heart] Peace Formula or not.

Before finishing today's Sermon consider the pertinent priority in this brief example. A CEO over a skyscraper being constructed visits up there and a Person slips and starts to fall yet the CEO graps and the Person holds onto the CEO, so should the CEO continue to hold onto that Person as long as reason to Believe that Person can be rescued, or shall the CEO let go when a Vice President there urgently tells the CEO to leave to attend a meeting immediately lest 1,000 People perish? (1 Nephi 4:13).

12 April 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, shows the Pertinent Flow Of Souls Transfiguring from Mortal to Best Eternally in JESUS Christ 1 Broadcasting, whether a CEO, atheist, agnostic, or other, constituting a New Righteous Prophesy.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 32.

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