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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

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JESUS Plan Doing Sermon.

For all the Better the JESUS Christ Original Plan started Giving Desperate Love with the Faithful Loving Wisdom yielding the Blessed Work Miracles such as Now Anewly the Wisdom is made Public Over a specific specification of Genesis and the Creation Of Adam, in other words about how Adam was made.

As from the "Us" as found in the 1st Testament ("like one of Us": see a somewhat recent Sermon on JESUS Christ Oneness As Invited To Become Together 1 In Victory Over plural), the as Sent accordingly as 1st Testament "Us" Hoped, JESUS Christ Planned to form JESUS Christ Exemplar Into The Census for to Lift Civilization into the Heavenly Levels and more importantly into the 1 Creator Leadership (from the Heart: " Giving Desperate Love") Level.

As a Living Casting the Pour is made, then the excess is removed (Genesis 2:7).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Helps explain how to Sanctify and Bless and make things into Holy Kosher Things Anewly Better Higher Level New Creations and Enlightens as to the Unique magma pool Furnace For Good Living Equipment For Most Precious Sacred All 1 Gift Giving, Genesis 2:7, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, casting an ant hole cave system mound


Not shown above are words, Holy Land forming, and works [buying] hard to find,

with Adam manufacturing Unique equipment, the Furnace For Good, precision

temperature and heat control,...and to Do it right the first time.

Faithfulness is involved, rather than to start then go play ball. Much like cooking food, hardly to go visiting when needing to input ingredients with working during the process. Preceptingly the previous Sermon of Faithfulness [Assigned and] Gave JESUS Christ some Most Precious Sacred Gifts, and these

Gifts From Us as much as 1 Bride consist of the Dowry with Ourselves as 1,

so to continue Faithfully rather than later opt to self use such Gifts and not Give (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Witness Sermon at [even though already Given hence to Be Better than to steal them back: this Helps explains Holy Things]. It's been a comfort to no longer have to worry about what Gift(s) to get for Someone as about the Giving Of The Self and the above previous Sermon Gifts, though rather than excuse is for You to Ascend Faithfully to Give Better than Your former self.

So the former ways of the Conspirators against JESUS Christ was as to interpret Genesis 2:7 to mean blowing into the nostrils of a lifeless Person, so to hardly other than blowing into the nostrils during routine cardiopulmonary resuscitation, as the ancient Egyptians were in works to somewhat selfishly do, while actually far more involvement from the Creator JESUS Christ was involved, not merely to make a human shaped vessel, rather to Create JESUS Christ in the flesh, in other words all of infinity; like His House inside His House (see in Mother Mary in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Covenants Sermon at, and above "Most Precious Sacred Gifts" yet with Giving Thyself Making It Happen: NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN).

The Specialist shown below can blow into nostrils and can pump that thing all the Specialist wants

though it hardly brings it to life in a coma much less makes it JESUS Christ Exemplar Transfiguring Census Spirit Ascending Family Soul 1.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Helps explain how to Sanctify and Bless and make things into Holy Kosher Things Anewly Better Higher Level New Creations and Enlightens as to the Unique magma pool Furnace For Good Living Equipment For Most Precious Sacred All 1 Gift Giving, Genesis 2:7, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, casting an ant cave system mound


From the level so far, We as 1 NEED to Ascend far Better urgently: Emergency!

Note: many asked to rush to spend money, as if automatically have done the opposite.

All the ingredients are NEEDFUL In The RIGHT ORDER, and this is hardly an order Given You to heap extra burdens on You, this is the JESUS Christ Best Way Saving Grace Option Ascending Path For All.

Sugar is fuel. Do You put sugar into a car engine or leaded fuel when supposed to be high octane unleaded?, hardly unless for to demonstrate way(s) to ruin the engine, rather to put 1st Testament fuel into it, and if an emergency perhaps to [Fast Before The Fact, also perhaps to] consider eating what is set as though food for You (Luke 10:8) so Christians humbly Prayerfully Bless the 1st Testament Foods prior to eating to make such Holy, to make such Kosher.

What is the exception, the "emergency"?, it is such as written in Zechariah 2:13 Berean Standard Bible "Be silent before the LORD, all people, for He has roused Himself from His holy dwelling.". Though above is stated to be "BROADCASTING", so to "Be silent" it is as to humbly Reverence "the Lord"

and the "Holy Land" and "Holy Things" though to Create such so Be Over such Best Guiding such rather than worshiping such, rather Worship Original JESUS Christ, even if to Be JESUS Christ Though If That Happens To Create The New Better Beginning Lifting Worthy Original JESUS Christ lest to selfishly self worship. All Creation is His yet Worship Him and for Edifying even if You are He unselfishly enabling Ascending Faithfulness Exemplar.

Having established it thus far, explains much more to me about the Desperate Love Giving NEED NOW. Also this above stated "Be silent before the LORD" is a KEY GIFT For YOU to Give, after signing "JESUS" and if to be transported to the Bar Of Judgement then to "Be silent before the LORD". He knows Your Heart And Soul, He is Aware of Your ways, He is Aware Of Your thoughts.

Deuteronomy 2:7 New King James Version "For the LORD your God has blessed you in all the work of your hand. He knows your trudging through this great wilderness. These forty years the LORD your God has been with you; you have lacked nothing.".

Behold this is a Great New Higher Level Creative Gift from Heaven Above, for if to properly process ingredients and if to Create Kosher and with Emergency Silence humbly Praying in JESUS Name, then a great Gift in New Meaning Value for the Silent Majority Of Christians [and the Yet To Be So], though rather than excuse to stray from the "process", the JESUS Christ 1 Way.

28 April 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Helps explain how to Sanctify and Bless and make things into Holy Kosher Things Anewly Better Higher Level New Creations and Enlightens as to the Unique magma pool Furnace For Good Living Equipment For Most Precious Sacred All 1 Gift Giving, Genesis 2:7, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, casting an ant cave system mound.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 32.

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