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JESUS Preacher IQ Sermon.

The little faith often about battles and traitors (Genesis 37:10, Luke 4:24 & 25) became with failing crops, yet of God Of Abraham Ascending some as Israelites left Israel for love of money, and went to gold rich ancient Egyptians for to work as slaves and continuing to fall, more of the Israeli tribes went to ancient Egypt even that the fertile land of Israel no longer belonged to Israel until the same "God" Of Moses Gained the Faith to become 1 New People Nation Energy Together Traveling 40 years through not bountiful harves food lands but through desert.

Faith lifts the low IQ Person to All Wisdom through JESUS Soul. This morning after dreaming scenes Guiding And Advising Others to be the Ascending Christian Way, Awakening in bed though eyes shut a sheet of paper appeared similar to a report card though with little info about a Christian Preacher with an "IQ" of "6", and toward the bottom like unto JESUS hands with palms facing upward and streched toward the [Moses burning bush type] flame bottom center that did not harm the hands nor the paper.

So Beloved, the low IQ Person can be a Great Good Preacher, no test of Faith per se, per "IQ". This JESUS Christ Ascending Peaceful Faith Innocence Way humbly Prayerfully

surpasses all other(s) sum(s) of created understanding steps transcending all comprehension worldly ideas and experiences (

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Twins clairvoyants seer remote senses with psychic abilities in extrasensory perceptions in cosmic telepathy for remote Telekinesis power to telekinetically manipulate matter from far away locations hence the measured value of Twins for Groups and All Given This New Better Test Of Faith Value.


Outside the molten lake of fire there was no harm, no scorching heat, and a campfire can warm cold feet and can cook food and be pleasing.

Verily, verily, a peaceful dove of JESUS Baptism, even if with an IQ of 6 is smarter than an adult Perp planning how to blow up the city including the Self, as often in the spy movies [even so a dove has IQ sufficient to build a nest, find it again, be aware of the region, raise young (Word Up), and fly at high speed through trees and bushes with eyes open then find food, even where Israelites feared, the desert, yet the Israelites Ascended to rather fear God then Victory Over the birds].

What if a reliable Christian Preacher "Righteously Prophesies Your Future" (yesterday's Sermon): would You completely ignore it? (see above "Perp", though about a pattern, this does not call You a "Perp" Beloved (ibid. on "pattern of" "Angels" [with wings, doves have wings]).

Is a Person if born with a Twin, the smartest Person ever?, there are many High IQ People, though in the secular some twins

have become called clairvoyants able to remote sense and with psychic abilities.

And NOT to discredit Beloved Twins, rather for Higher Level Best For All Loving Wisdom,

to love Your own Twin is nearly self love [as rather All are to love JESUS Christ rather than self].

It is Good in JESUS Christ to have Created Twins for this Sermon to Make Worthy All People and to Uplift, for the idea of "Twins" helps explain the Holy Flow step from Leading [the Other Twin, or a] Person from self love [so to speak symbolically] to Group Love (Church Membership) to Best For All (NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN AND THE 7TH SEAL OF ALL THAT IS ETERNALLY GOOD AND BEST FOR ALL AS ALL HOPED).

At least in the secular a Twin has been known for extrasensory perception in cosmic telepathy remote Telekinesis "The power to telekinetically manipulate matter from far away locations" ( [and see older much illustrated Sermons in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series on Time Travel not fantasy].

If to have such powers and NOT JESUS Christ Authorization (Giving Due Credit), then as the above stated "Perp" though such "Perp" norm is to destroy the self and in doing so then often to reach a state of full repentance, which might repeat in pattern, so like unto Good Christian Parents Guiding Higher such as explaining Eucharist is for the Worthy and often about the JESUS Christ Goal For All with Awareness Before The Fact, and other Parents such as watching a Toddler reach for a lamp that could fall.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Twins clairvoyants seer remote senses with psychic abilities in extrasensory perceptions in cosmic telepathy for remote Telekinesis power to telekinetically manipulate matter from far away locations hence the measured value of Twins for Groups and All Given This New Better Test Of Faith Value.


19 June 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Twins clairvoyants seer remote senses with psychic abilities in extrasensory perceptions in cosmic telepathy for remote Telekinesis power to telekinetically manipulate matter from far away locations hence the measured value of Twins for Groups and All Given This New Better Test Of Faith Value In New Proof Of JESUS Christ Original Oneness Value Best For All hence BrideGroom 1 Spirit.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 33.

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