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JESUS Presence Sermon.

Faith within as Baptized is with JESUS Christ Presence already within You, including His Holy Soul, His Authority, His Power, His Second Coming In All His Glory, His Heart, His Overflowing Love, His Charity, His Overwhelming Care For Others hence to be 1 Together, His Ascending Spirit Will, His Original Plan, His Eternal Good Joy, His Affection, His Perfection, His Best Way To Complete Tasks Most Perfectly Perfecting, His Righteous Prophesying, His Mind All Knowing so Aware of what any would be found doing according to the ways of the fruits of their interests and works and rather the Best that Each Hoped hence for Heavenly Oneness Eternally,

yet within You He has placed something very special, His right to opt.

It is similar to giving Your right to vote to another for their sake(s), and similar to trading Your straight A report card so another doesn't have to flunk the grade and repeat.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, clarifies All As JESUS is as All as 1 Engine, and presents a New Miracle Of Faith from Woman to Man, while explaining what angels really had been, faith types, PS4, Assassin's Creed video game, eagle, caboose, specifies how JESUS Christ Spirit is inside You for His Eternal Good Joy to Best Protect You.

(wikiwand) (pic continuing precept on precept from yesterday's Sermon).

It is as to work the caboose unseen unheard until to signal the Engineer: All Aboard!

Above text states "All His Glory" with "His Power": it sounds FUN, so Be Perfect, Broadcast that Joy!

"Then I heard something like the shout of a vast multitude, and like the boom of many pounding waves, and like the roar of mighty peals of thunder, saying, “Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, [the Omnipotent, the Ruler of all] reigns. Let us rejoice and shout for joy! Let us give Him glory and honor, for the marriage of the Lamb has come [at last] and His bride (the redeemed) has prepared herself" (Revelation 19:6 & 7 Amplified Bible).

In this Grace of JESUS Christ Within You, why should a person not have premarital carelessness? to be Innocent, Pure, as an Embryo not in need of clothes (previous verse) and with birth [momentarily] because of Pure, so Pure that Embryonic clothes are optional, to clothe such is normally to wrongly interfere, currently (Pure Innocent Faithfulness applies, including Maintenance level hence including Law hence referencing medical practices, be with pertinent clothing).

So these previous 2 verses are important in the written in the Bible sense, and these agree thus far, with as written above in this Sermon. Historically there has been excessive much lack of ascending, as People in typical lives as if so to speak: hit a wall.

People wonder about the all mighty God, as if out there somewhere, as if not seeing them sitting praying under the fig tree, as if not aware they are struggling to feed the newborn alone, as if unaware they are stuck in an illegal situation or a stuck-in-a-rut job they can't escape.

People have wondered, then often turned astray to wanting something better for their [selfish] life. For instance people read in the Bible "For the Scripture says, 'YOU SHALL NOT MUZZLE THE OX WHILE IT IS TREADING OUT THE GRAIN [to keep it from eating],' and, 'The worker is worthy of his wages [he deserves fair compensation]' " (1 Timothy 5:18)

so people stole from their employers,

people robbed for food.

A person loves with all their heart their life, if a dead dry leaf flies toward their eye, the person flinches protecting the self. If a person is perishing from famine and loves their child and watches their child perishing;

who can overcome that situation? (see top part of this Sermon, and add humble Praying JESUS Christ). Remember Abraham (Genesis 22:10) and rather the Faith of Abraham (Genesis 22:12). A fleeting moment of a strayed fallen type of faith virtually does not apply. Continuing Faithfulness Applies.

Becoming drowsy smoking a joint in bed, can melt much of a person and remove their loved ones and as much as they worked to buy.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, specifies how JESUS Christ Spirit is inside You for His Eternal Good Joy to Best Protect You, within You is His Holy Soul Authority Power All His Glory, His Heart, Overflowing Love, Care For Others, Spirit, His Original Plan, Perfection, Best For All Knowing Mind.


While helping the self after Faithful charity Giving thyself Broadcasting the Good that JESUS Christ Gives from Your Heart, it is for the sakes of these, Your others, that You should Broadcast hence reducing their barriers that kept them self opted blind, as Your [with Our] Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law And Best for Each, shines into them, enlightening them to see the Way, such as to keep the bed from becoming engulfed in flames, yet rather that They Ascend as in this sentence and as in the top Big Long Magnificent Sentence of this Sermon explaining how to be "Overflowing Love" with "Eternal Good Joy" as You help all be Perfect.

Lift Them with their Mansions and Fancy Cars or with their homeless poverty. Lift Them more than You lift You. Yet JESUS Christ is for Family Invitingly, so not about making You his slave, so accept this severely harsh saying into Your Heart, please: typically in the morning praying, then perhaps after going to the bathroom ([with such as combing and] personal care Ezekiel 44:20)

Give the first 10% of Your Day for the Lord, in the current practice of Broadcasting JESUS as explained above.

Again not slavery, so the amount might vary in Grace, if so, rather more than 10%, conditionally similar to money in the bank [in cliche for a rainy day, a dire need], for example if to forget a previous agreement and then to remember after Christian Baptism while typing a Sermon, a person might opt to hurry through the Sermon, hence very conditionally. In a better example while writing a Sermon and the smoke alarm sounds, then normally to immediately attend to it: so does this mean Maintenance is Higher Level than Faith, hardly, rather the less faithful is as in the previous gif [perhaps careless so much as to resist getting up to check the situation].

A victim might be "careless". Having not gotten their way, they confusedly opt the worst, to end it. Many attempted suicides failed: it left many in horrible results.

Solve, precept on precept. JESUS Spirit in You can be through You [JESUS in You] Helping Them and rather many Levels prior to "horrible results". The Creator made You, the Creator Work Eternal is somewhere inside You, Good is somewhere inside You, even if currently merely noticed if You flinch to protect Your eye. Humbly Prayerfully Through JESUS Christ Spirit Give Them the Best Way To Improve.

13 July 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, specifies how JESUS Christ Spirit is inside You for His Eternal Good Joy to Best Protect You, within You is His Holy Soul Authority Power All His Glory, His Heart, Overflowing Love, Care For Others, Spirit, His Original Plan, Perfection, Best For All Knowing Mind, premarital.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 33.

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