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JESUS Promotes The Perfect Sermon.

In JESUS Soul, i promote the innocent Children and Likewise the Younger even through Zygote Level, for the Good Ascending Family Faith Path is through The Perfectly Innocent, and then the Perfectly Fitting Wisdom. For the Best Way For All, the Desperate Love Giving with no expectation of R.O.I. is for to innocently do Good for rather than self, hence Worthy of Uplifting as JESUS Christ Is, and the "no expectation" therefore applies Save Faithfulness in JESUS Christ Original Plan Best Solving All Eternally.

Preceptingly this Agrees with the previous Sermon that Distinguished the Higher Level Love Broadcasting, hence without price for All to know what fits, hence how to be with Perfect Wisdom hence Faithfully Perfectly Perfecting.

The Good Energy abounds out there, such as solar radiation, yet the greater of the Creator

is as a rechargeable battery and within: if not to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN With 7th Seal Innocently as stated above,

then hardly reason for refilling with Fresh Life Anewly Better [Higher Level], rather Ascend hence First Broadcast This into the Census.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, measured the faith healer Guiding how to be with Perfect Wisdom Perfectly Perfecting with how to Heal as thus amount measured as a New Discovery, Kirlian Photography battery, better tasting water, pyramid energy, whirlwind, vortex, healing, power, black hole, wormhole, distilled water, faith healing.

( [tomato].

As written as JESUS Christ Taught, of Luke 6:38 New King James Version "Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.".

Those above shown energy rays emerging [being automatically Given (this is an important Maintenance key, though rather as stated above Leading rather than following lower levels ways)] of Kirlian Photography continue until the "tomato" for instance passes away though reconstituting with water after dehydration is also of a value amount. Rather the innocent Child never having strayed, never having been self opted divided mind severed in half, is the Better Way.

Faith discussed above is about innocence, as the start of the Zygote [prior to Zygote may have been good or other], and continuing is the JESUS Christ Way [or "other" under Law, Save if to be Married, yet rather as the Zygote and Children being innocent hence as the opted Eunich Innocence For The Sake Of The Kingdom Of Heaven rather than for the selfish sake mentally cut in half the self brain mind: 1/2 as much knowledge (see older Sermons on merely flip-of-a-coin tech and rather the Better Way Anewly Discovering Higher Levels)].

What is a Christian Faith Healer, in the sense about what happens physically that can be measured

after-the-fact of Faithfulness, prior to the Subject Becoming Healed according to the Subject's amount of Faith?

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, measured the faith healer Guiding how to be with Perfect Wisdom Perfectly Perfecting with how to Heal as thus amount measured as a New Discovery, Kirlian Photography battery, better tasting water, pyramid energy, whirlwind, vortex, healing, power, black hole, wormhole, distilled water, how to make a pyramid spin, faith healing, better to be anxious to Heal than to be anxious to be self healed by otherjesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, how to be with Perfect Wisdom Perfectly Perfecting with how to Heal as thus amount measured as a New Discovery, Kirlian Photography battery, better tasting water, pyramid energy, whirlwind, vortex, healing, power, black hole, wormhole, distilled water, faith healing, faith healer measured


Click the previous link "ormus" [supports good health & wellness & ability to become in touch] "pyramids" energies, to see how some Healing Power

with focused cupped hands functions, and how moving air through a magnetic trap yields a bubble of good air through distilled water anewly with a sweet taste.

This "with focused cupped hands" i confess i have just done for this Sermon, for Your sake, for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose. So this measurable amount in the secular has become [of Christian Faithfulness for JESUS Christ Original Plan Leadership] Accomplished in the Healing Sense for Your Broadcasting Awareness for to Give and not merely in the census.

"Chlorine mixed with nitric acid can dissolve gold" (, hence this has a measurable affect concerning People that have become lovers of money [this Sermon does not include the pertinent particular correlation]. The point is, the secular [flip-of-coin hence chance (as written long ago in Ecclesiastes 9:11)] doesn't have to scare Christian Leaders [rather Fear JESUS Christ hence Overcome Your current Fear level].

If a grave Robber discovers an ancient Holy Scroll We Embrace as much as Good, though We hardly opt to become illegal Perp grave Robbers. Likewise the secular info from "ormus/tw/pyramids" and from "" gives values discovered

and JESUS Christ Gave Us these "values discovered" for Us to innocently

and JESUS Christ Spirit Best Way For All to be Fittingly these things

Together for the Best For All, hence Wisely. This is how of JESUS Christ

Original Plan [in part] We are Given to enter into some pertinent Higher

Levels of JESUS Christ Original Plan Wisdom: from His Love to Wisdom.

Kirlian Photography was shown above, and Behold from JESUS Christ Faithfulness look at the interested Christian Family concerned about how to Heal [as measured in part, thus far]!

Better Tasting Water: there is a reason within a Person that it seems to the Person that it is Better. We are hardly to rely on the selfish thrill of the lust for Better "Tasting" of Our tongues, yet importantly for to Give this info for Them, the Living, though much about as much as living in the census; so now the Higher Level is stated Anewly that the unselfish thrill of Heaven [in part] is that We can taste "Better Tasting Water".

This is like unto [in part] as written in Psalm 4:7 "Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased" with likewise as written in Luke 15:7 "I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance."!

6 May 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, measured the faith healer Guiding how to be with Perfect Wisdom Perfectly Perfecting with how to Heal as thus amount measured as a New Discovery bare hand directed unseen plasma, Kirlian Photography battery, better tasting water, pyramid energy, whirlwind, vortex, healing, power, black hole, wormhole, distilled water, how to make a spinning pyramid, faith healing, better to be anxious to Heal than to be anxious to be self healed by other(s).

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 32.

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