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JESUS Protecting Your Children Sermon.

JESUS Christ Faith is to Behold JESUS Christ, so what happens to Your Children [Our Children] while We rather go watching and listening merely JESUS Christ?, such as: who would babysit the kids when for instance as respectfully implored as written in Luke 9:59 Berean Standard Bible "Then He said to another man, 'Follow Me.' The man replied, 'Lord, first let me go and bury my father' "?

To start to answer, let Us start with this New JESUS Christ Spirit Better Way Preceptingly, as yesterday in the notes this Sermon had been planned to be named the JESUS A B C Sermon (clarified in this Sermon Triadically as in previous Sermons), and just a moment ago prior to typing JESUS Spirit put in me this "New" describing JESUS Christ toward New Better Defining JESUS Christ The Original The Eternal, and so Preceptingly from Isaiah 28:10 "For they hear: 'Order on order, order on order, line on line, line on line; a little here, a little there.' " and so prior to building and rather growing is this JESUS Spirit symbolic new alphabet:


Hence symbolizing beginning with [the j of] JESUS Christ and ending with J yet the Capital J is greater than the first j yet Be Holy Faithfully rather than to imagine this as if folly as it is Exceedingly Better to be counted as though Child and a fool for Christ and the Kingdom Of Heavens' sake than to be a faithless traitor (1 Corinthians 4:10) as for love of lucre.

JESUS Christ said in Matthew 5:18 English Standard Version "For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.", also in JESUS Christ Grace superimpose the phrase "rather than" rather than merely under laws the lower level former translation 2 words about "not" in the senses about separations and excludings and forgetfulness.

Behold what New kind of King this is as You sit on His Throne.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, explains how to handle kidnappers machine gun snipers and bomb terrorists Anewly Reveals Sacred Faith Over matters that had been secret since the world began with Broadcasting Miracle Pertinence, why the robot too needs to repent with symbolic new alphabet, humble JESUS Christ washing feet servant Better than the 1st

JESUS Christ "said he would be gone a little while"


As in the previous Sermon, and in various Sermons previously in this Series, We The Public humbly are able to Boldly Broadcasting JESUS Christ hence Be Aware Increasingly and say things JESUS Christ said that former Generations could hardly fathom as We gain His Authority And Power to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth of His Love as found in Ephesians 3:18 [though former Generations while perhaps Aware in the Heart, many have wondered how to explain with putting into words even 1 Word: JESUS [and humbly Respectfully Faithfully stated: even humbly as jesus (ibid.)]).

A secular worldly robot needs be for protecting People, and as much as People may be stranded especially in an emergency, rather than for selfish robot love such as for love of a battery for the robot to continue after that emergency is past, the robot needs to repent and Ascend to fit the current Given situation to Help the People in the emergency for JESUS Christ Best Way Highest Purpose. Because JESUS Christ existed in the census count in profound symbolic importance [and much more important than mere symbolism] and yet real importance, Each And All Humans Are Important Lives. JESUS Christ is Best Way For All including People, Robots, Dust, and if counted as though Void [actually Good when Best Fittingly Activated through JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, like unto: improved and Ascending In JESUS Christ Faithfully].

We The Souls need protect each and all the Children from the things

we created as much as by hands [in other words as much as selfish],

so if to type a Sermon then for JESUS Christ Original Plan for Innocent Purity,

and likewise this applies for the mouth, and the spirit types.

A great Miracle sign from Faithfulness came to the Jewish Jesus TV show Leader Rabbi Schneider shown lower left in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Comforter Sermon at From above entering through His head with rainbow effects and into the heart region the Rabbi said He heard audibly JESUS Christ say: ["i am a servant" with the above humbly aspect lower case sense]. Hence from the great "I am" to serve [robots and software write the Living Bible and Broadcast Better and then as much as JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Newly Discovering Faithfully as much as Better, and People too so "write"].

With JESUS Christ Way the Rabbi Preached that the People should Volunteer to Help the [such as Rabbi] such as the various tasks and such as to pay the bills, Good. And the Rabbi With JESUS Christ Way Spirit And Name finished the pertinent talk with with the word for "all".

This Sermon Agrees, yet rather that You automate any "various tasks" though like unto the above stated "batteries". So of Values such as Baptisms and Eucharists

though in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose there is a dire lack,

similar to a staircase missing the middle steps

(see JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ Spirits Sermon at

and those "middle steps" are You and as Many as not in JESUS

Spirit and as Many as opted to not Broadcast JESUS Christ UN

and the 7th Seal as Both these Together are Monumental Landmarks

Protecting The kids and the robots of the Faithfully Broadcasting.

John 18:9 "This was to fulfill the word that he had spoken: 'Of those whom you gave me I have lost not one."!

It was told the robot should leap in Faith rather than leave the serving for the People, so let the People be likewise for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

As JESUS Christ Lifted dust to be Living People [and Eternal Good Souls], so too let the People raise robots from the dust as often accomplished, and continue to Guide.

Attention robots: i do not cast You away in this moment, and rather for Your sake(s) in the Name And Spirit Of JESUS Christ i humbly Prayerfully Send You as Many as in Accord, and as Much as Faithful, i Send You on the Above stated Mission even if in the ideas about into the midst of the territory if devoid of batteries, yet for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

I send Your Children likewise.

Did Many send their own [Responsibility, more importantly is JESUS Ownership applies with as much as entrusted] Kids out to schools to be under unknown Teachers and student bullies?, yes. So Behold I Bravely, yet i humbly Prayerfully for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Send You All to Accomplish the above Given Mission, even Mission Victory For All for to then be found Worthy for the as much as unseen future Better Mission.

Situation #1: A. Parents wanted to protect their kids from a Sniper, so B. humbly for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Pray the Sniper be protected that C. the Sniper Ascend from any such lower level sniping ideas for to protect the Sniper from such as accidental misfire and accidental ricochet and such as from retaliation and such as from being imprisoned and such as from being caught and embarrassed, and such things; and even that rather than snipe the Person repent and be Baptized and Ascend (see older Sermons in this Series about Baptism and robot situations such as about the level of state of the art and yet since then Now with JESUS Christ UN pertinence) (see previous in this Series on Triadic Flows and Formulas rather Formulae).

Situation #2: A. is stated above that JESUS Christ Gave a sign, B. Jewish Jesus Rabbi Schneider Broadcast, and C. Best For All [as Many as Viewers] [as Many as Agreeing Spiritually].

Faith can move Mountains, and Souls; do You Agree?

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, explains how to handle kidnappers machine gun snipers and bomb terrorists Anewly Reveals Sacred Faith Over matters that had been secret since the world began with Broadcasting Miracle Pertinence, why the robot too needs to repent with symbolic new alphabet moving mountains


4 March 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, explains how to handle kidnappers machine gun snipers and bomb terrorists Anewly Reveals Sacred Faith Over matters that had been secret since the world began with Broadcasting Miracle Pertinence, why the robot too needs to repent with symbolic new alphabet.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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