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JESUS Purity Sermon.

The popular Purity phrase "washed in His Blood" is found in the Bible according to some searches (example, yet is in this 5th Testament as seen here as popularized of Christian Preachers [Thank You].

Defined, "PURITY is the quality or state of being pure" (Merriam-Webster), and importantly "noun freedom from adulteration or contamination" "freedom from immorality, especially of a sexual nature" (Oxford) noting that in this generation many would censor this even though for the Better Glorifying Of JESUS Christ With Guiding Unto Goodness, Purity, and Better and the Best Way For All. offers pertinent info on pure, "adjective pure describes something that's made of only one substance and is not mixed with anything else".

Pure JESUS Christ was able to Create Pure [Adam...] Mother Mary; and any in between Adam and Mother Mary could have opted to be Loyal and Pure, and at least were when young prior to "contamination" similarly "mixed".

Mother "Mary after having conceived Jesus departs in haste to assist her cousin Elizabeth who is expecting St John the Baptist.

This is the most pro-life passage of the New Testament."

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ Spirit, exposes the boundary of Mother Mary's Purity through Sacred JESUS Spirit Over matters kept secret since the world began with what You can do about it for the Best For All with Bible formulas such as Honorable = True x Pure, and such as Faith x Faith = Loyalty, as Mother Mary got pregnant, Elizabeth pregnancy, Saint John the Baptist


The above text includes "noun" and "adjective": other than in the created census JESUS Christ in the Spirit was rather than a noun in the created sense, rather the Creator And Heaven On Earth, and rather as an "adjective" describing the Better Heavenly Way Above in the Ascending Future, for the Pure In Heart hence "washed in His Blood". There is 1 that was in the census and had been created that is in His And With Our Christian Leadership Awareness that is able to be of the Miracle including "washed in His Blood" sense, Mother Mary, as showing above.

Yet let's rather than miss the "Ascending Future" point, be with Higher Level Awareness in JESUS Christ Spirit as with John The Baptist (also as stated above "any in between Adam and Mother Mary could have opted to be Loyal and Pure"). How to describe this Ascending Spirit to a "wicked generation (, therefore including [such as if to think, such as if to question: is a Mother innocent of having conceived?, conditions apply from the lower levels types and amounts of faiths]:

Like unto JESUS Christ, Mother Mary was counted as if sin as written in Romans 5:13 New Revised Standard Version "sin was indeed in the world before the law, but sin is not reckoned when there is no law." also more importantly concerning a Higher Faith Level: Parents Joseph With Mother Mary removed age 12 JESUS Christ from the Temple.

So how this worked is Mother Mary must have been Pure in order to be the Immaculate Conception, and did not break the Law Of The Census Government, though concerning "age 12" may have broken the Holy Loyalty Trust as happened according to

this Agrees with as written in Luke 12:48 "But the one who did not know and did what deserved a beating will receive a light beating. From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required; and from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded.".

So JESUS Christ Original Plan Gives a Moral Purity, and under the Law for to be Aware about a legal record: so there is Moral Purity with (reference legal and Law) Awareness. This is like unto lighting a candle then a Menorah then All Created then the Lighting With New Better Enlightenment the New Creating Plan. To be Pure, with Purity, [Edifyingly In JESUS Spirit: Know The Bible And Rather JESUS Christ With His Original Plan, and] Be JESUS the Christ the Original

and this may require an instant though with Godsling (see above "Main Page" Definitions) may require an eternity. Key is through JESUS Christ Desperate Love Giving Best Way For All hence JESUS Christ You [Us] Giving His Pure Spirit. As with the previous Sermon:

"Right = Honorable x True" and

"Right / Honorable / True" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Page 30 at Likewise Flowingly Giving from the left to right:

Honorable = True x Pure [Loyalty With Purity Miracles],

Honorable / True / Pure.

Cause and effect likewise is of Levels, such as under the Firmament Of Law is the cause and effect according to Miracles, and rather of Grace Moral More Righteous cause and effect of Faith x Faith = Loyalty, in Principles Of Faith with "principles of honor" (ibid.) and Now Anewly with Principles Of Purity" and even of Good Grace the Principle Of JESUS Christ All One Enlightening Anewly.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ Spirit, exposes the boundary of Mother Mary's Purity through Sacred JESUS Spirit Over matters kept secret since the world began with what You can do about it for the Best For All with Bible formulas such as Honorable = True x Pure, and such as Faith x Faith = Loyalty, sunrise over the land with Enlightening Spirit


30 November 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Christ Spirit, exposes the boundary of Mother Mary's Purity through Sacred JESUS Spirit Over matters kept secret since the world began with what You can do about it for the Best For All with Bible formulas such as Honorable = True x Pure, and such as Faith x Faith = Loyalty.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Page 30 at

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