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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

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For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

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JESUS Way Rather Than Former TV Ways, Sermon.

Which Broadcasts in flamethrower is afar bombings style, the Christian Missionary, or the current and former mainstream TV styles that cast out? And note this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series is in favor of the local JESUS Christ USA 1st Amendment Rights, and in favor of the [JESUS Christ USA Law and the] JESUS Christ UN Law Right To Think.

So to answer the question is for instance the previous Sermon to "see Others yet Key is for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose so Broadcast JESUS Christ UN for the poor, tired, homeless, huddled masses" hence Victory Over the cause of such "poor, tired, homeless, huddled masses".

Shall We invite the Perps? And what about Those who Bomb from afar?

Our Parents, Guardians, and Teachers wished We would "Behave", and the previous Sermon solved with pertinent specific details in this Sermon.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Grandparents equal to Children in JESUS so departed no longer needs apply, travels, Lake of Galilee map, old and young, all ages, baby, magi.


As written "man had been living in the tombs and could no longer be restrained, even with chains. Though he was often bound with chains" (

though behold the words "had been living" and "often": so the Person was able to control

the spirits, until it so to speak in cliche "got out of hand", out of control; much the same as the secular

worldly processes today [and not to pick merely on TV, if to be interpreted as picking on any today] as many

methodologies research how to be better: hence these Agree For JESUS Christ Best Way For All,

as much as: Redeeming Social Value Applies!

Our future [such as after passed away from the census count though no need to first pass away], is with encountering anewly to Us, the spiritual places such as of the Legion. So We should be planning for that Best Victory For All rather than pretending such does not exist (see previous Sermons on Oath On Bible) (see above Peace Leadership with "[JESUS Christ USA Law and the] JESUS Christ UN Law").

No measure of Faith law that did not make perfect is of a level of remembrance value though otherwise mostly history, past, done, Victory Over it. It is similar to this thing not to do to pretend and write a law applicable to: that any faithlessly questioning should jump into a hard bottom pit repeatedly to see if it hurts or to continue to question everything. So if any doesn't imagine it could hurt as We The Leadership establish the parameters Over Your being tested in this faith matter, then as written "So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?" (Luke 16:11 New International Version): Leaders and All (yesterday's Sermon) Desperately Need to Give Faith Now and Immediately plan for "Our future" "spiritual places"!

How easy can it be?: look at the above map, if there are no spiritual roads and if to go from Bethsaida to Magdala, We don't have to walk, We can ride a boat, also We can plan for road construction and other systems: the Legion spirits needed and We needed yet Overcame (full repentance, Baptism, Oath On Bible, Priesthood, JESUS Leadership). Words stated above is another Map Gift from JESUS Leadership for All, hence "No one left behind" (popular Government saying of recent years, with Many Agreeing), along with this Given Map Gift For Our Future:

Love / Joy / Peace.

Love = Joy x Peace.

Joy / Peace / Patience.

Joy = Peace x Patience.

Peace / Patience / Kindness.

Peace = Patience x Kindness.

(JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Love Sermon at

So this Sermon Lifts Congress and Government and likewise including the Value Level Of Ambassadors. Who Guides TV, the writers of the Redeeming Social Value, the Christian Missionaries, like unto this Sermon Series with JESUS Christ UN. This previous sentence was hardly if at all for to insult such as "Congress" "Government" and "Ambassadors", rather as written for All: "Redeeming Social Value" For All.

Redeeming Social Value applies for All though against the disloyal as the disloyal opted, this is about the reason the disloyal opted. In yesterday's Life After Census Doorway Sermon the Truth came rather than

as seen "often" (stated above) on TV.

Yesterday's Sermon was rather than about the worst as seen "often" on TV. Yesterday's Sermon was of the Christian Way Anewly, including these words as i said "Wait a minute, You're passed away.", and the Christian that had passed from the census, rather Ascended: Agreed and said "Yes.". This is Profound, relative to TV worldly tech headed down for worst when rather to Ascend: TV daily shows census People going into haunted places at night such as cemeteries and dilapidated buildings [perhaps as evidenced illegally trespassing and such as reference OSHA],

and rather than censorship there is educational value for instance i watch and when such talk against God i change the channel or normally audibly say such as rather JESUS Christ Good Creating Way Best For All.

So TV yesterday taught the worst, extremely similar to the Old Testament struggles in wars and 2nd Testament Legion (rather see above Peace Formula). Grandparents hoped Children would do Better than Grandparents had it, and yesterday's Sermon Discovered It! It is Proven Many Ways, including 2,000 years ago and as in the Bible including as stated above.

This is how the Good Way Of Grandparents, as much as Good such as stated above unselfishly "hoped Children would do Better"

can Meet with Ascended "Children" "as much as Good" as Equals.

And "as much as Good" is the Source, hence to be inside the Census Person And One Creator Omnipresent JESUS Christ

(Proverbs 15:3 yet innocent JESUS Christ hence beyond temptation, so be Innocent)! So the old passed away Christians Will Be with Family Christian Children then Ascend into JESUS Christ increasingly often as the Faith Way continues and Above and Beyond Through the asymptote worldly secular self imposed limit, like unto a typical ladder made for 1 census erson to ascend, yet into All [Equals] 1.

All 1 in Original JESUS Christ All Power And Authority to plan for the Best Solution Before The Fact, Discovering the greater value of as written in Luke 15:7 New International Version "I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent".

This is as JESUS Christ Proved: the Young And Old Together: in Love Joy And Peace.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Grandparents equal to Children in JESUS so departed no longer needs apply, travels, Lake of Galilee map, old and young, all ages, baby, magi.


What good is it for You Personally to Broadcast Sermons?

The woeful former secular worldly strayed ways were as to say in cliche "I don't know about you, but"..., and if to apply here, JESUS Christ Gave Me A Great New Lesson Discovery as Never Before realized in my life [as much as remembered now] about this Victory Over the secular "departed" ideas from the former secular strayed ways. My Christian Wife is available Alive Friendly As Normal as She was, though having passed from the census. JESUS Continues with this Mission Broadcasting as being Accomplished for All. So if in the Spirit and [rather than or,] if in the Census Count Flesh, i do the same thing: His Original Plan Mission. And in so Preaching His Word and in so Doing His Work As We Agreed In Person (see previous in this Series: at His Bar Of Judgement), the Good is no longer "departed": this is a New Discovery Rejoicing!

The solemn humble Prayerful Eucharist also Brings New Spirit Joy Together, even a Joy in the Voice for to invite the Worthy to Participate! So hardly could the Legion suffer the Eucharist, Save it repent and Ascend. And not to stop the Legion from Ascending (see older Sermons in this Series), yet as Many Christians As passed from the census as would prefer to be with Eucharist again are invitingly allowed (see such as LDS discussions on this topic concerning Baptism).

26 June 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Grandparents equal to Children in JESUS so departed no longer needs apply, travels, Lake of Galilee map, old and young, all ages, baby, magi, formulas, formulae.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 33.

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