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JESUS Rather Than Purgatory Sermon.

In the Garden Of Eden, They ignored Friendship with JESUS Christ. In order to taste forbidden fruit of census knowledge of any type Save Marriage conditionally, as They were aware of JESUS Grace, and Grace is about Good rather than about secrecy toward punishments, They opted to stray from that Friendship in Grace hence to stray from JESUS Christ.

It means that today a Preacher might be Righteous in JESUS Christ Name And Spirit As Baptized And Ascending, though concerning as many and as much as aware about some or all census strayed worldly [and the same concerning Purgatory] generational family, friends, coworkers, and strangers might be in Purgatory or similar in the census, though supposed to be in JESUS Christ Name Spirit Heavenly Joy Leading Best Way For All Together.

To reverse engineer according to secular worldliness is merely as above stated "Purgatory" selfish unfriendliness, such as to hide money.

The Word of JESUS Christ Best Guiding All is as Pure Light though consider photons in the right place or if changed from "Pure" then as particles of dust.

So if a Purgatory Level anomaly thinks a stray thought and a photon is bumped: dust.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, aware light can conditionally be snuffed and values can be as barriers and dust hindering memories, reveals through JESUS Christ The Name Of The Holy Spirit as written, the New Victory Over patience and delays and resistance in the New Formula Proof since Desperate Ascending Grace = Love x Joy

Symbolized above is light that can "float" over [or change computer hardware, software, and redirect flows]


In Purgatory the mind can be like unto underwater or somewhat under sand, so dampered and so situations conditions apply.

It changes for worse any that is/are not of Straight And Narrow Ascending Faithfulness In JESUS Christ Best Way For All.

Example: a Person might all day be teaching safety, but then on the drive home the car gets a flat and while frustrated and anxiously changing the tire, the Person might injure knuckles: They strayed from their own safety lesson. Writing the Bible Helps toward (see above "Together") Helping All in JESUS Christ Name And Spirit, though the Bible is the Good Book Of Remembrance for Good Wisdom In JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Reason. It is Your cross to bear, hence not to blame any other.

Purgatory is similar to census People that opt to argue, though such as remaining in Peace Level is hardly enough to Ascend above Purgatory Level. A Person with knuckles injured did it to the self [less likely exceptions apply] so hardly any reason to blame the "car" nor the manufacturer nor any other: whether good or bad comes into You is about You (see above "Straight And Narrow").

Straight And Narrow is not bad, it's Best!

Do You imagine i like Straight And Narrow more than You?: We are made from the same dust that the Creator JESUS Christ Lifted.

Do You imagine JESUS Christ liked being lied about and liked being lifted on the cross?: no.

There is a bird that eats seeds, the bird is evolved Higher Level than the at rest seeds. Purgatory bickerings hardly ascend: at rest.

Yet the Better Ascending of the Purgatory Level is toward Best Hope becoming Fulfilled. If You have a Child You Greatly Love and that Child disappears then Your Divine Patience Caring Daily For That Child Becomes Frantic: Desperate; so this formula no longer applies: Joy = Peace x Patience. "Desperate" NEEDFULLY Becomes The New [Victory Over] "Patience".

Desperate = Love x Joy.

Love = Joy x Peace, (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Love Sermon at

So to become Straight And Narrow Ascending above the secular Purgatory level, requires the JESUS Christ Leaping Faithfully Way of Grace. Though below the Law the workers do works to obey the Law, and as the secular Purgatory has called it in cliche: to "avoid the law" meaning to avoid being caught and to avoid similarly at risk of becoming embarrassed.

So if not to be punished, then in Straight Best Grace to Work Diligently such as symbolically to dig hard to unearth the treasure: rather the Joy to find the lost Soul! It is like unto frantically searching and a Good Samaritan notices and asks and You say the Child is missing, and the Good Samaritan explains symbolically "I saw some commotion over there" as the Best Hope You Have so far and so rush "there" even perhaps to leap up over several stairs at a time.

3 Nephi 11:25 through 27 explains the Name of the "Holy Ghost" is "Jesus Christ" and the Name of the "Father" is "Jesus Christ": so the "Holy Ghost" is Spirit and the "Father" is Spirit and these as One are Jesus Christ Spirit And Jesus Christ Name rather than secular names that many unrighteous called each other.

As written:

"25 Having authority given me of Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

26 And then shall ye immerse them in the water, and come forth again out of the water.

27 And after this manner shall ye baptize in my name; for behold, verily I say unto you, that the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost are bone; and I am in the Father, and the Father in me, and the Father and I are one.".

This is the New Beginning in Each.

This is the Way to Ascend Above defeatism. This is the Way to Ascend Above worldly secular. This is the Way to Ascend Above Purgatory [that is able to be spirit types or flesh: hence caused confusions]. A Person is for instance in charge of traffic in the Church Parking Lot, and so the Drivers generally comply, even though the Person might not wear a Shield nor have had training other than a few words: so hardly about legal authorization, the "Person" tends to Help of the Person's awareness of the situation already, though the coming traffic wonders what to do; so the "Person" tends to be of a Higher Level Grace. Your Presence on the Internet Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN symbolizes Your Level Of Authority [Of JESUS Christ Name Spirit Grace In You So Boldly Working].

The "Person" directing traffic tends to be aware about little Children between cars, that oncoming drivers cannot see (see above Desperate Love Formula). When searching for a lost Soul, We don't need rushing traffic in the way, We don't need Giant Mansions With 50 Rooms in the way, although such things conditionally have great values, such as a Capital building housing many Employees Over many systems. JESUS Spirit to Create Best For All Precept to Fit with Best Appropriate Precept Eternally Good is the Way [and above state "so far" types, amounts, and rates may apply].

So the above mainly covers Grace, yet the Law exists; and the above mainly covers of the 5 Main Testaments the 5th Testament of the Living Bible currently being written. So what is the lower level of the Bible toward merely lower levels and Law, the 1st Old Testament, the Pentateuch, the first 5 Books of the Bible, Genesis through Deuteronomy. And with the Pentateuch are the Commandments, mainly [10] in the Old former lower levels (other than such as when Innocent in the Garden Of Eden with Eternally Innocent One Of Us JESUS Christ Name Spirit Together In One): merely under the Law is as to be hiding from the Law (reference when there are Police searches how few witnesses speak up: so few Good Samaritans and rather than for any lower level excuses [though many types of situations apply and some are Higher Level]).

So as the above mainly covers Grace [without "excuses", with the "Innocent" JESUS Family Ascending Way],

the below mainly covers Purgatory and census secular worldly strayed matters under Law

and of the Commandments Leading the Better Law Way [toward JESUS Christ UN and Likewise] does not allow any type of repeat of any Crucifixions nor similar.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, aware light can conditionally be snuffed and values can be as barriers and dust and the crucifixion, reveals through JESUS Christ The Name Of The Holy Spirit as written, the New Victory Over patience and delays and resistance in the New Formula Proof since Desperate Ascending Grace = Love x Joy

"Rabbula Gospels (Syria, 6th c.)"

(Relics of Jesus).

1 February 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, aware light can conditionally be snuffed and values can be as barriers and dust photons hindering memories, reveals through JESUS Christ The Name Of The Holy Spirit as written, the New Victory Over patience and delays and resistance in the New Formula Proof since Desperate Ascending Grace = Love x Joy.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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