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JESUS Remember Sermon.
JESUS would that the Christian fully repent, and this is about the self, and rather about All: repent from all of their sins for their sakes! No burden is greater, to repent for All of as much as You imagine as if: Them. In other words as much a burden as if any other than Yourself sinned. Fellowship therefore is to be the Original JESUS Christ Soul Name Spirit currently [as English is found mostly in this Civilization, hence Predominantly hence Predominately; also the Higher Levels can be with English if important to so be] rather than fallen back to Legion records and 1st [Old] Testament battles records.
Though to bring this current through this step for to make Naysayers Worthy, is to say this brief symbolic statement in this sentence: it is as a Group Of People starving such as All the People at Hawaii because a month long solar flare caused electric to cease and even electrons to not light fire (Exodus 35:3 [even if kindled] reference "news" below]) in the Hawaii greater region, and a crook stole a prototype ship and with it fleeing to Hawaii couldn't sell it so left it and fled in a sailboat, and Christian Teens boarded the prototype spaceship finding full of food and provisions and with a manna machine (JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon on how to build a Manna Machine at [no excuse to steal nor trespass yet salvaging is legal]!
We don't have to repeat the battles of Joshua through Esther (Bible Books known as: History). We can write the Best Guiding Way so Should.
Rather than to march to war, this Civilized looking JESUS Christ 1 Golden Cube replaces the Sun and Moon for the Best!
Caravans of camels will cover your land (
Ascendingly Prayerfully humbly Righteously Prophesyingly Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal Of All Good Before The Fact, and "Nations will come to your light" (ibid.)!
The previous Sermon explained [conditionally: "Safety", (yet see previous sentence first)] Better dishwasher value for All [in cliche "no one left behind"], so We no longer have to incubate staff viruses (JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 34 Sermon JESUS As Sent / Likewise the above pic of JESUS Christ In His Golden Cube Coming In All His Glory indicates Best Technology though not shown in the above is the Living Aspect of All of the "Golden Cube" like unto the living shelter shown here, as some Families live inside boabab tree trunks including of natural [as the Sent Provides] holes.
And in world news "Scientists speculate that warming temperatures have either killed the trees directly or have made them weaker and more susceptible to drought, diseases, fire or wind. Old baobabs are not the only trees which are affected by climatic changes. Ponderosa pine and Pinyon forests in the American West are dying at an increasing rate as the summers get warmer in the region. In Hawaii the famous Ohi’a trees are also dying at faster rates than previously recorded." (
29 May 2023.
tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, declares Anewly the Increasing Desperate NEED for Each Person to be Prayerfully humbly Righteously Prophesyingly Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal Of All Good Before The Fact.
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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 33.
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