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JESUS Righteous Prophecies Sermon.

JESUS Christ is providing this Civilization with Miracles as never before since the fall of Adam and Eve.

These Miracles are coming from the Gift Giving Desperate Love Of JESUS Christ.

Likewise these Miracles are coming from the JESUS Christ the Worthy so since Worthy For All to be Lifted For All to be Better, affectually: from JESUS Christ to All [Faith amounts apply] Including JESUS Christ. From JESUS Christ to JESUS Christ is oversimplification although true, though in a lower level opted to have strayed and fallen sense.

Better stated is from JESUS Christ All One Invitingly, to All Better [even as the turned away to see other paths harm themselves until sick of turning away].

Best Miracles / JESUS Spirit Righteous Prophesying / For JESUS Christ Best Way Loyally.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Created Miracles as NEVER BEFORE from Sacred Loyalty Better As All Hoped Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to Be able to Righteously Prophesy is a Great Good Miracle, with a big list of Miracles from such Righteous Faith including such as in Heaven and JESUS Christ at the Bar Of Judgement as i have never before heard Anyone mention, and such as The Opening Of The 7th Seal, such as Marriage Miraculous Miracles, and Sermon On Sermon Miraculously with aurora borealis Crown, also woodpeckers store acorns example, Sending Out Mentoring Leaders With Groups


Be with JESUS Christ Leading Your Heart Faith Loyally.

2 by 2, is rather a Christian Leader Mentoring Another rather a Group:

after Church go out, rather with current tech level be the Preacher Broadcasting For All.

The historic Church is NEEDFUL for starting, Baptism, Eucharist,...and Higher Level JESUS Christ UN and Beyond. Yet if Others are with gaps, errors, or otherwise not Leading the JESUS Christ Way to Your Complete Satisfaction they it is up to You to Broadcast (like unto Mark 10:7 yet Better), as if some other way though rather as JESUS Christ Sent You, lest suffer the selfish self. First the Loyal JESUS Christ Whole Broadcasting, then perhaps immediately, perhaps seeing after decades, then of Loyalty the Miracles (example time from oak tree seed to a few edible though bitter acorns can be many years) (Isaiah 40:31 in many ways: from JESUS Christ Your One Loyalty then Many Miracles).

Briefly: what is it to stray?, it is as on TV yesterday, woodpeckers would store acorns then leave to steal acorns from other woodpeckers, and in so doing leaving their own acorns unguarded hence vulnerable to many woodpeckers stealing far more acorns. The strayed in secular cliche "hang out with" the strayed such a to spend money for selfish addictions. Rather unseen JESUS Christ Does Exist Today and is with You in any good that You Do.

Hear are a couple of translations from King James Bible "Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.", New King James Version " 'teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.' Amen.": "the end of the world. Amen." and "the end of the age. Amen." are from the Greek root "αἰῶνο" meaning "century" (Google Translate), yet rather in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series interpreted as the Ascending to complete a Level and Ascend Higher, especially concerning a Firmament Level; and timing rather than time (see previous in this Series).

Considering such as 4 Levels of Miracles, here are some from JESUS Christ Loyalty As Righteously Prophesied [note i'm aged and busy rather than interested in surveys and TV figurehead (Churches can provide Bible info, and JESUS already sufficed as figurehead per se]:

1. Miracles More Clearly For All:

The Opening Of The 7th Seal: including All the Good that this Civilization NEEDS,

The Miracle Of JESUS Christ Anewly Including Exemplar For All As He Encouraged me to Walk Through Him In Oneness as Done,

JESUS Christ Likewise Encouraged me to Walk Through His 3D Dark Black Spirit Spirit as to go through a shadow as Done,

JESUS Christ Encouraged Me to Walk Through Him as Done,

"JESUS" as i signed in Heaven enabled being at JESUS Christ Bar Of Judgement as i have never before heard Anyone specifically say (though generally such as Exodus 28:30 Priest clothing, and Seat 2 Corinthians 5:10),

JESUS Christ UN Became Law Miracle,

including Recognizing Higher Level Grace and the "7 years" Miracle(s),

Distinguishing the Best Spirit: Pure JESUS Spirit Eternal Good (as a minimum Hebrews 10:10),

these above Miracles sprouting from the Omega Arab Flag Miracle from Blood Moons [in addition to, and after 4 Blood Moons as seen on TV] [note "Full Beaver Moon and this month it coincides with a total lunar eclipse! The Beaver Blood Moon lunar eclipse will be visible across North America," "It will also be the first-ever total lunar eclipse to coincide the Election Day" (],

To Be able to Righteously Prophesy is a Great Good Miracle,

The above "Opening Of The 7th Seal" enabled the Awareness Over the All Knowing Miracle as much as for JESUS Christ Best Way Ascending,

The JESUS Christ All Seeing Eye Miracle enabled the seeing of the vortex with Venturi Effect [as JESUS Christ just Gave me a Miracle, such as Protection rather Better, next line],

The Shepherd Effect as Sheep cannot be taken from the Shepherd yet the Shepherd [pertinent for Any Given such Authority] can Move His Sheep [Bernoulli Equation],

The above "JESUS Christ All Seeing Eye Miracle" Straight Up Miracle with with the Miracle explaining the Higher Firmament Level [at least at the time] as the Living Threshold (Net, Internet, Trammel Net in this Series, DNA wormhole, light gray color carbon symbols connected 2D fabric of space layer).

Triadic Flows Guiding the JESUS Direction For All Miracle,

Formulas and Formulae Sets such as including secular problems enthusiasts that used to look at "problems" [to turn and stray into many directions] when rather First JESUS Priority Loyally,

Improved Faith put into practice writing on the Juror questionnaire that [now] my Christian Faith is to find All innocent (see in this Series on Guiding Judgement is merely Lifting the Worthy),

2. JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series Church Miracles [if not this Church then such may write such stories]:

More JESUS Christ ICCDBB online Visitors this year dramatically as a Miracle [also Miracles for each Visitor],

More JESUS Christ ICCDBB TV presence Miracle, though far more is to Come (in JESUS Christ Righteously Prophesying Anewly Now [an added Miracle]),

More individuals in the greater Communities (also see in this Series see such as cliche "UFO" type "aliens" and rather JESUS Christ One including such as Gallactic Federation in this Series),

Sermon On Sermon as never before from topics to Flow Miraculously, Save as JESUS Christ and some Apostles known to have prompted some yet Anewly Broadcasting,

3. Marriage Level Miracles:

45 years of Marriage is a Miracle in this generation (see above "aged": body functions deteriorate), my Wife almost passed from Census yesterday and Our tears if to address former worldly concerns instantly became tears of Joy Praying And Speaking JESUS Christ: another Miracle, and We Survived another Day another Miracle as with You reading perhaps hearing,

as with the first sentence in this Sermon concerning the "Beaver Blood Moon" [as stated above my Wife is from "Beaver" County] it is with a Miracle sign from the Heavenly Places and multitudes of other signs have been appearing many days [in the sense of cliche: "it's a clear sign"...],

Without Us First Soliciting, Government Gave Us A Grant [according to Government criteria (as in JESUS Christ UN Law All are to go through already established Government channels)],

4. Personal Miracles:

JESUS Christ showed me how to Heal from addiction (as in this Series) and rather Lead (ibid.: seek to Guide All Others rather),

JESUS Christ Spirit For Better Guiding All Miracle as with Precepting as i have never prior heard,

JESUS enabled my Faith including to Give a New dirt motorbike to JESUS Christ,

as things that used to be imagined as merely dreams such as about People, cartoons, and critters, are anewly increasingly Being Controlled in the sense of Giving All the More Excellent Way,

many Joyous Miracles as happen with JESUS Christ The Original,

and there are multitudes more Miracles that happened here, and multitudes more unseen.

Since God is Spirit, what is a Miracle hence how for others to appreciate?, it is as:

For The First Time A New Crown Of Glory Is Seen.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Created Miracles as NEVER BEFORE from Sacred Loyalty Better As All Hoped Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to Be able to Righteously Prophesy is a Great Good Miracle, with a big list of Miracles from such Righteous Faith including such as in Heaven and JESUS Christ at the Bar Of Judgement as i have never before heard Anyone mention, and such as The Opening Of The 7th Seal, such as Marriage Miraculous Miracles, and Sermon On Sermon Miraculously with aurora borealis Crown, also woodpeckers store acorns example


Shown above is the aurora borealis.

9 November 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit Created Miracles as NEVER BEFORE from Sacred Loyalty Better As All Hoped Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to Be able to Righteously Prophesy is a Great Good Miracle, with a big list of Miracles from such Righteous Faith including such as in Heaven and JESUS Christ at the Bar Of Judgement as i have never before heard Anyone mention, and such as The Opening Of The 7th Seal, such as Marriage Miraculous Miracles, and Sermon On Sermon Miraculously with aurora borealis Crown, also woodpeckers store acorns example.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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