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JESUS Savior Family Sermon.

JESUS Christ was appreciated as More Worthy than John The Baptist, for the Eternal reason that a Christian can Baptize [Any and All Christians can Baptize (] hence there are Many abounding currently about 2 1/2 Billion in the Christian Census as of 27 March 2023 AD (JESUS Christ ICCDBB estimate from Christian sources) SO THE TIMING OF THE PREPARED BRIDE FOR JESUS CHRIST SECOND COMING IS PERTINENT NOW, at hand, within reach and even Already In The Faithful Having Been in the Census Alive At The Bar Of Judgement yet rather FULL GLORY APPLIES [1 Christian texting merely 4 People can be Very Good though in the sense of this Sermon merely such is hardly excuse].

So a Christian can Baptize a Ruler in Authority Over Them, such as a Christian under a King to Baptize that same Higher Level King. likewise that King can Lift that Christian to a Position such as to Award a Church Grant for that Christian, and that Christian can likewise lift that King such as to more respectable Usher Level Over the Mass. And Worthiness applies such as to rather than tempt the less worthy, for instance let the Person be Worthy to be High Priest lest perhaps the High Priest run for an elected position but wrongly use that High Priest position to mislead the Mass from Holy Level to lower secular works for excesses such as merely for love of money for selfish excesses rather than for love of All.

The Christian Family Baptizes in the Holy Father, Son, and Spirit, Agreeingly.

Full repentance and Baptism Into The Christian Family apply: as shown here in

like unto artists for to describe with paint the Holy Aura this JESUS Savior

Family Sermon Prefers Full Immersion In Water Baptism, yet Edifyingly for All

shown here is a symbolic Spirit sense about entering into the JESUS Family Spirit.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, solves whether to be Worshiped and what happens after Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN as there were about 2 1/2 Billion Christians in the Census as of 27 March 2023 AD according to the JESUS Christ ICCDBB estimate, baptized in the spirit, JESUS Christ is Anewly Baptized with Holy Spirit in a Higher WHOLE Level, conveyor belt Baptizing

In other words, JESUS Christ for to show the Best Way To Be, hence less about the created and rather the for the Better even if unseen Way [like on a highway and not stopping merely because unable to see the destination over the next hill], so JESUS Christ went a little lower than the Angels as symbolized above.

Righteously Prophesying in JESUS Christ Family, i Now Baptize JESUS Christ into the New WHOLE Higher Level.

Also likewise in Grace i decree that as Many as were Baptized prior to Eucharist With Ascending,

i Anewly Baptize into this New WHOLE Higher Level, even the Right of the Groom With Bride To Wed With The New Beginning.

How precious is a Person that Baptizes?, such as Person is at least in the moment the Creator Of Everything Good!, and the Preacher Likewise, and rather the Preacher in this generation is rather Broadcasting, and so there are Preachers such as across the lands in those local Churches and if not "Broadcasting" for All [for the most the Best Way at least, interpretations such as word of mouth and such as texting and such as microphones may conditionally apply (reference the criteria of a Church)] then Ministering as Needful, as for Christening, Baptism, Eucharist, Lifting to Usher Level and so on.

So likewise how precious is a Person that Broadcasts such as JESUS Christ UN Law legally recognizing Higher Level Grace and such as the Right To Think?, consider the Many that have not yet Broadcast, and if "the Many" Broadcast Together then Each of They, are equals [and rather One], though if merely a million Broadcast "JESUS Christ UN" out of a Population of 8 billion merely counted on Earth (3 Nephi 15:17) then Each Broadcaster at least relatively as counted is VERY PRECIOUS!

So NOW is the timing for to be "VERY PRECIOUS!" hence Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizing Higher Level Grace! Yet Mercy also Give on the Stragglers, if the worst Straggler naysays to wrongly believe as if reason to not Broadcast as if since to not be "VERY PRECIOUS!", rather it is no excuse since if the last [and the latter amount] Broadcast then the SUM WHOLE IS FULFILLED: a great and glorious thing! "VERY PRECIOUS!". Though to resist the good is to receive not as hoped.

Who is JESUS Christ?, the Original Eternal Good Savior yet with Greater than mere census Family, since invited to be 1: see above Christians Baptizing: Saving: Saviors In JESUS Christ Holy Name Spirit Soul Baptizing. Also for Edifying, We Baptize yet JESUS Christ Saves, and this is true, yet We as Baptized are as in the previous sentence, though also continuing to Ascend applies and pertinent Now includes the above stated "Broadcasting".

The Naysayers NEED to Ascend and come out from their opted strayed ways. Rather Give as the Good Samaritan, having "eased their burdens, and had delivered them out of bondage; for they were in bondage, and none could deliver them except it were the Lord" (from Mosiah 24:21) as stated above in this Sermon.

Rather than hiding behind thin nearly transparent swords, it is time to be Brave

(JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Bravery Sermon at

First is Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law legally recognizing Higher Level Grace and the Right to Think. And immediately with Addendum 1 Charity. Out of order would be to stray in hope to fall from Grace hence to be a slave to selfish labors as Others are Given the fruits of such labors, though later if You repent and Ascend then Faithfully though perhaps not in the current census as much as "Good" then You rather We [with You] would receive the fruits of such labors

so this is a New Victory in JESUS Christ Family Way Over the above stated resistance:

opt to be with "VERY PRECIOUS!" and with the ALL "FULFILLED" Victory.

JESUS Christ Family Ascending Flow Is Eternal.

It is like having heavy carry on luggage and to see a slow moving conveyor belt for to be on with Your luggage and to opt to walk beside the conveyor belt for a long time in great efforts every yard traveled, yet rather to be on the conveyor and the conveyor carries the luggage rather than You: JESUS Christ Original Plan is with the Flow, the "conveyor belt" (see older Sermons in this Series). Next is likewise Bravely Broadcasting the JESUS Christ 7th Seal including the Peace Formula.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, solves whether to be Worshiped and what happens after Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN as there were about 2 1/2 Billion Christians in the Census as of 27 March 2023 AD according to the JESUS Christ ICCDBB estimate, ascending conveyor belt

The First Conveyor Belt was as stated: "It had two different divisions: one where passengers were seated, and one where riders could stand or walk" (wiki).

If to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law legally recognizing Higher Level Grace, We get to sit. The secular on TV made fun of Individuals innocently writing letters to Leaders though now We can Agree with Our Broadcasting even if to risk being Worshiped yet rather for JESUS Christ humble Prayerful Family Way Giving Desperate Love For Best For All as written in these 3 translations of Luke 14:10:

King James Bible

But when thou art bidden, go and sit down in the lowest room; that when he that bade thee cometh, he may say unto thee, Friend, go up higher: then shalt thou have worship in the presence of them that sit at meat with thee.

New King James Version

But when you are invited, go and sit down in the lowest place, so that when he who invited you comes he may say to you, ‘Friend, go up higher.’ Then you will have glory in the presence of those who sit at the table with you.

New American Standard Bible

But whenever you are invited, go and take the last place, so that when the one who has invited you comes, he will say to you, ‘Friend, move up higher’; then you will have honor in the sight of all who are dining at the table with you.

27 March 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, solves whether to be Worshiped and what happens after Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN as there were about 2 1/2 Billion Christians in the Census as of 27 March 2023 AD according to the JESUS Christ ICCDBB estimate as JESUS Christ is Anewly Baptized with Holy Spirit in a Higher WHOLE Level New Beginning.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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