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JESUS Search Until Found Sermon.

JESUS Christ Gave a sign last night at the end of dream sleep. At the Intensive Care Unit (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Linda Sermon at the Staff provided for Patient and Visitor a drawer and space, and likewise in the dream the search was for value(s) behind low level cabinets and with reaching for the last one a light shown there.

Search for Love until You Find It.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations,  explains Sacred Peace for Ascending In Victory Over such as monsters from outer space and from below, kept secret from Civilization all too much since the world began with Appreciating Lawmakers and how to Lift Bank Presidents and how life form codes have changed and are being changed, Lawmakers Bankers President log scroll laws


Give Love.

In cliche: if to find it, it will be in the last place you look. Looking through passed Wife things is with finding things i didn't know We had, nor even what they are, such as something like a makeup compact that had something like tiny fingers inside. Much of what was not found was private [not about keeping secrets from me] about some of how She interacted with many People. It was hidden such as two Church Officers and One had a task and the Other had another task.

As JESUS Christ and Others provided, many older Sermons is this Series discuss such as "the monsters are coming" and it is increasingly proven online and on TV such as in ancient Biblical artworks and such as how life form codes have changed and are being changed.

Love JESUS Christ [Love], and like unto the first Love [Neighbors] All Souls; so first Love JESUS Christ The Best Love Source Faithfully [Love Any Higher Level JESUS Christ Put Over You], then Love People and then Love levels under the Dominion Firmament. So as shown above a type of staff pertinent concerning an "under the Dominion Firmament" creature can be of value such as to domesticate if to opt such (though see in this Series on Best Prioritizing, such as whether to spend time and effort on lower level Maintenance if Given from Higher Level such responsibility though normally is rather to Ascend hence such as a "staff" as a lever to lift JESUS Christ).

There are unseen forces, for instance a flashlight beam might not be seen though what it lights can be seen. Look at the above gif, a force is shown from the monster blowing the Person's hair, yet the Person is not harmed: the monster is talking with the Person, very similar to having a "staff" in the hand [rather as stated above: a "Staff" hence of "Church Officers"]

Look what All asked Each Other and said about JESUS Christ as was written in Luke 4:36 Berean Literal Bible "And astonishment came upon all, and they were speaking to one another, saying, 'What word is this, that He commands the unclean spirits with authority and power, and they come out?' ".

Which does a Person fear, something seen with eyes, and handled and secured in a cage, or some unknown something that can such as push a Person?: the above gif symbolizes how some might be such as in First Encounter Peace Negotiations. A gentle Broadcast, a gentle Push out of danger, such are the makings of Peace. Such is the Search For Love rather for in JESUS Christ Broadcasting, You Giving Desperate Love.

A search as stated above involved cabinets: if to open the Heart of a cabinet is to shed light inside the cabinet, so for to take a a thief?, first Be The JESUS Christ Broadcasting High Priest, and then Victory Over Matthew 12:4 "how he entered into the house of God, and they ate the loaves of the presentation, which it was not lawful for him nor for those with him to eat, but only for the priests?".

To feed a wild critter often means it would come to You for to eat. For The High Priest To Feed Them JESUS Christ Is Anew Type Of Victory!, as stated above Over "unseen forces". With "You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me." (from Psalm 23:4 Berean Standard Bible) second, first be with "You are with me" (ibid.) in order to enable "staff" and rather "Staff" "comfort".

JESUS Christ [while this Civilization was innocent] Gave Us Victory Over Yet With The Dominion Firmament. So All Of This Civilization Law Is Over any [as stated above] "under the Dominion Firmament". If there is a property line, those [such as] sheep that trespass onto cattle territory are [typically] guilty [unless properly authorized (see above "Peace")]. If the "sheep" bring so to speak wolves that follow the sheep, then that condition applies [a condition may override the Grace Accord and other conditions may apply such as A. in part, and such as B. in whole].

A whole Person is Baptized, therefore let there be Whole repentance lest a lower level amount of authorization. For instanced sheep rushed through the lush pasture to the water and rushed back again to the sheep area can be with Peace Value. To share water rights can be with needful Peace Value so for All to Best Way Lead Together, though look at the "level amount of authorization".

Now You are Aware about who Will Be cut off, if You neglect Broadcasting JESUS Christ Properly (the 1st Testament the Old Testament prior to JESUS Christ has had a long list of who "will be cut off" no exceptions including JESUS Christ delimited to the BC sense ( Rather be merely in the "BC sense", rather than Be "cut off", Ascend as JESUS Christ Already passed For You.

A Banker Vice President might be found worthy to ascend to be the Bank President. Behold a Church in the name JESUS Christ already receives community funds and distributes, investing wisely: Victory Over Banking Principles, generally, yet the Bank complies with a multitude of regulations of which specifics the Church may be ignorant. Likewise the Bank President may be ignorant of some Church "specifics". JESUS Christ Victory [if the Church needs] is Over Matthew 6:3 "But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing," already as the Bank President is Invited (the "level amount of authorization" applies as stated above).

JESUS Christ Exemplar Gave the Better Way, the Best Way for All (including stated above concerning Higher Levels and lower levels).

"JESUS Christ", the Highest Lord, is for instance recognized in Law as on the original Declaration Of Independence, and such as Law Insider defined: "Christ means the anointed One to fulfill God's eternal purpose.". Behold the future in the legal definition in Law: "to fulfill", and Behold the "eternal": past, present, and future (also reference John The Baptist Baptized Anointed with water and "18 November 2022 AD JESUS Christ was Anointed Anewly Into The Baptism Of Fire The Holy Spirit" (see above "Main Page").

So the "eternal purpose" cannot be fulfilled even if the Bank President lives forever, Save if the Bank President Becomes JESUS Christ As Baptized (see above "life form codes have changed and are being changed" and "anointed One") though a High Priest for instance can be a Bank President [while rather than tempt is Awareness Given that Mercy Miracles can exist though if "Mercy" then hardly in the moment about entrusting the Far Greater Responsibility Burden].

Thanks be for Lawmakers for all the innocent to rest upon the Law for Best Way Peace and Improving.

A log has rings, like unto a Scroll.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit explains Sacred Peace for Ascending In Victory Over such as monsters from outer space and from below, kept secret from Civilization all too much since the world began with Appreciating Lawmakers and how to Lift Bank Presidents and how life form codes have changed and are being changed, Lawmakers Bankers President log scroll laws

Part of the caption was "the Holy Uncreated Light": for "the Jesus Prayer"


22 November 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit explains Sacred Peace for Ascending In Victory Over such as monsters from outer space and from below, kept secret from Civilization all too much since the world began with Appreciating Lawmakers and how to Lift Bank Presidents and how life form codes have changed and are being changed.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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