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JESUS Self Control Sermon.

The title of this Sermon seems to be saying control Yourself, such as with a little free time so to speak and in a moment You feel it is dull then rather than sit You might feel to stray a bit, then a bit more...; though the title of this Sermon is about and for "JESUS": for JESUS Christ to Self Control JESUS Christ The Eternal Good, and since Already Accomplished, for You to enter into JESUS Christ And His Original Plan that is Already Accomplished with Ascending Joy Giving. As written Preceptingly Flowingly Ascending right to left as JESUS Christ Gave left to right in the Formula:

Faithfulness = Gentleness x Self Control, (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Love Sermon at

The previous Sermon was on JESUS Gentleness, so this Sermon will Anewly explain JESUS Faithfulness Worthiness for You for All hence automatically of default in JESUS Christ Victory Over Self Control for the greater Better Glorifying Of His Original Plan. Being with the Christian Bible is far Better self control than prison bars. In other words in JESUS Spirit Edifyingly, the Reader agrees with JESUS Christ as JESUS Christ is Proven Good (see previous Proofs in this Series) lest the Reader would not be reading, though a Prisoner might not agree with prison bars especially if innocent of the charges. And "prison bars" come in many forms.

Christians have been persecuted for being Christian and doing Good Christian things,

while many others have been lauded for illegal works.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, proves loyalty to imprisoning Humans is lack of Self Control, and proves the unseen is real and tangible yet also JESUS Christ Creates The Unseen as though alternate New Better Way Above And Beyond formerly fitting Precepts, innocent Christian prisoner reading the Bible

Christians "feel persecuted"


JESUS "Faithfulness", is Better than "Loyalty" in the sense that Faith concerns the unseen [the unseen Good Better Way Through Eternal JESUS Christ] though "Loyalty" as often mentioned in this Series of Sermons is more about Your Proven Path, about past decisions that were proven Good, proven with Good Blessings of Miracles that Proved The Way. While Superb, Thank You, let JESUS Christ Faith Guide Your Loyalty. Let the JESUS Good unseen Guide You rather than relying on Miracles that Proved it.

JESUS Christ Gives You some Maintenance Responsibility, though greater is for to be with Faith; You don't have to run in secular works to try to keep up with the Proven Way for to gain "Blessings of Miracles" as JESUS Christ explained "For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.", (Matthew 6:32 New International Version).

If You have been Baptized In JESUS Christ Name And Spirit, You Already Have the "Blessings of Miracles" Proof(s), even once is Good enough. The initial Proof was sufficient yet as explained " 'Unless you people see signs and wonders,' Jesus told him, 'you will never believe.' " (John 4:48): JESUS Christ Will Add Miracles in "signs and wonders" as Your Faithfulness Continues in JESUS Christ and Better according to His Plan of Giving Gifts in key situations, rather than secular ideas about what was proven in the past.

As is pertinent, the previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Gentleness Sermon at explained what "no longer fits" means.

Where is the Faithfulness?, the Faithfulness Path [JESUS Loyalty likewise] is hardly on a road map; Faithfulness [and JESUS Loyalty] is rather than illegally conspiring, putting People into cages, then crucifying; Faithfulness is in the innocent word, the Self Controlled Living Word [not merely reading yet also Preaching and Writing The Living Bible]. Gentleness is Better than crucifying, though gentleness uncontrolled has been such as to invite crucifiers for to continue to be crucifiers and that path has led to being crucified.

These things mean JESUS Christ Innocence, hence JESUS Christ Self Control times JESUS Christ Gentleness Creates the Better Value: Good JESUS Christ Faithfulness. Hence loyalty to cages for enslaving Humans is lack of Self Control and lack of Gentleness.

Hence loyalty to imprisoning Humans shows lack of Self Control.

Rather than persecute (John 8:7) any in favor of prisons and imprisoning People, Broadcast what JESUS Christ said. The Christian Biblical Good Word Gives "many convincing proofs" (Acts 1:3).

Unseen Faithfulness is to be as innocent JESUS Christ [including to be Giving Gentleness]. 2,000 years ago JESUS Christ was seen in the flesh, therefore to Behold Faithfulness As He Gave Gentleness, hence the formerly unseen became Seen as: Self Control. And this Good "Self Control" is as a Person [not lost] walking on a path: the Person is unseen for the most part concerning that path Save the temporary moment at a specific location on that path. So the greater unseen is with that Person and that Person with that path though most is not seen even though real and tangible.

So Faithfulness "and JESUS Loyalty" apply.

In situations Your personal history showed Miracles proving You were on the Right Path Straight And Narrow,

yet JESUS Christ Faithfulness [as much as unseen] ahead Guides You to remember to also be the Good Samaritan.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, proves loyalty to imprisoning Humans is lack of Self Control, and proves the unseen is real and tangible yet also JESUS Christ Creates The Unseen as though alternate New Better Way Above And Beyond formerly fitting Precepts, Straight And Narrow, the Good Samaritan.


14 December 2020.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, proves loyalty to imprisoning Humans is lack of Self Control, and proves the unseen is real and tangible yet also JESUS Christ Creates The Unseen as though alternate New Better Way Above And Beyond formerly fitting Precepts.

Jesus Christ

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