JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Welcome.

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JESUS' Side Sermon.

JESUS Spirit Gives Prophetic Light as to the Higher Level Value Growing and Leaping from about 2,000 years ago concerning His Side, yet prior to start to Enlighten for JESUS Christ Preceptingly New Better Victory Over Matthew 25:32 and 33, yet with Precept record of as JESUS Christ said in Matthew 25:32 Berean Standard Bible "All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate the people one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats" as accomplished legally in JESUS Christ UN Law 2020 AD with Matthew 25:33 "He will place the sheep on His right and the goats on His left.".

The word "separate" appears in the previous verse though the Higher Level Purpose has nothing to do with "separate" nor separation [such as about separation of Church and state]

save for the Better Way with the Best Way Together (see below "fruitfulness"). If to be with any "separate" and if to be with any separation at all, then to minimize and automate

(see above "Main Page" Definitions about Maintenance Responsibility).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Anewly Proved JESUS Christ Fasting Purity With A Larger Leap Of Faith For All Rights are the Actual Factual Specifics including Anewly Applying For Women's Rights, New Best Eunuch Spirits, Freewill Sacrificial Tithing and Church criteria and conditional topics include Victory Over separation of Church and state, spear in side assumptions, castrations, FGM, mutilations, and destructions, blood and water, belly flowed living water


JESUS Christ Spirit also Gives New Better Awareness Victory Over the meaning of "eunuchs" as written in Matthew 19:12 "For there are eunuchs who were born that way; others were made that way by men; and still others live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.".

Translations of past confusions were as if to become "eunuchs" then it [wrongly] meant to self mutiliate.

"Jesus Christ is not a God of destruction" (!

"God is a God of 'RESTORATION,' not a God of destruction. In Acts 3:21 God promises that there shall be a 'RESTORATION' of ALL things!" (!

The previous verse with the word "eunuchs" therefore fits this Better Translation:

eunuch means "pleasant" (

hence now with this Better Awareness Anewly, this Better Applies for All People, and for all Human Souls, and Over All types of spirits.

Rather than about "castrated" separation mutilation destruction, is to be innocent as an appreciated delightful Child, "pleasant".

Lower Levels Of Christianity Grace concerns involve Baptism, Eucharist, and Marriage: things of the Baptized vessels.

Higher JESUS Christ Level Spirit is Good and "pleasant".

Love = Joy x Peace" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Love Sermon at Planning In JESUS Christ Name And Spirit applies rather than to follow after and for separations and destructions.

Psalm 107:20 New King James Version "He sent His word and healed them, And delivered them from their destructions.".

The separating idea is merely a small part [to be minimized (see above "Main Page")] as a small step of a specific type of a Methodology, like unto 1st Testament Sacrificial Tithing prior to completion of Church Service [as also typically happens at many Churches ( and reference criteria of Churches, also concerning Personal responsibilities such as in JESUS Christ UN Addendum 1)].

If to separate then for JESUS Christ Higher Level Purpose of Gathering Together for the Better: toward All becoming the Christ JESUS. This Agrees for instance with as written in Genesis 48:13 Berean Standard Bible "And Joseph took both of them—with Ephraim in his right hand toward Israel’s left hand, and Manasseh in his left hand toward Israel’s right hand—and brought them close to him.", in other words

if to separate at all then the separated as "in his right hand" are for facing "toward Israel’s left hand" and any "in his left hand" are for facing "toward Israel’s right hand" and so to Gather: "brought them" from both sides Together "close to him".

As written in Genesis 41:52 "And the second son he named Ephraim, saying, 'God has made me fruitful in the land of my affliction' " and since 2 as separated then

"Double fruitfulness ('for God had made him fruitful in the land of his affliction'). The second son of Joseph," (King James Bible Dictionary): hardly merely a step Higher therefore a Leap In Faith to a "Double" Higher Level yet also with JESUS Christ in the Middle, Triple steps, a larger Leap Of Faith, and the Higher Leap is with the More Christians Becoming Added to the equating.

JESUS Christ Righteous Separation is rather than about taking sides save the least and minimal temporary amount as JESUS Christ already set in motion. So with these specifics JESUS Christ about 2,000 years ago solved Matthew 20:23.

Many don't know where in the body of JESUS Christ the spear pierced Him, other than in a side. For Holy reasoning many indicated as in paintings that His Heart was pierced [true Spiritually], and many showed [perhaps subconsciously] in paintings that another higher part of the body was pierced: so such is of Holy Value having Respect for Holy JESUS Christ, yet the more perfect truth [the actual fact about 2,000 years ago] is toward the Better and even His Perfect Original Plan Wisdom For Being Exemplar For Us.

The Crucifiers anxious to show Themselves as if right by wrongly showing JESUS Christ as if bad, wanted to show feces from inside JESUS Christ so for wrongness a Crucifier pierced His lower left side toward where His large intestine ends (from Your perspective the lower right in this pic). This is important for any that is in cliche: a "doubting Thomas".

The Higher Level Growing and Leaping Value in JESUS Christ Original Plan Highest Purpose is the showing that

JESUS Christ Fasting (including Matthew 26:4,

proved His Purity, rather than outpouring waste was His Outpouring Of Blood And Water (John 19:34).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Anewly Proved JESUS Christ Fasting Purity With A Larger Leap Of Faith For All Rights are the Actual Factual Specifics including Anewly Applying For Women's Rights, New Best Eunuch Spirits, Freewill Sacrificial Tithing and Church criteria and conditional topics include Victory Over separation of Church and state, spear in side assumptions, castrations, FGM, mutilations, and destructions, where did the spear pierce JESUS


11 December 2020.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit Anewly Proved JESUS Christ Fasting Purity With A Larger Leap Of Faith For All Rights are the Actual Factual Specifics including Anewly Applying For Women's Rights, New Best Eunuch Spirits, Freewill Sacrificial Tithing and Church criteria and conditional topics include Victory Over separation of Church and state, spear in side assumptions, castrations, FGM, mutilations, and destructions.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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