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For JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page at click here.

For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

protecting not merely Churches yet All: click here.

For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

at click here and see the above linked JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page pertinent Pages for specifics.

JESUS Christ Name Spirit Creates New PCS Sermon.

JESUS Christ provided in the 1st Testament for the allowing Good Work as explained as written in the 2nd Testament in the lower sense as was pertinent concerning JESUS Christ PCS, James 2:26 Douay-Rheims Bible "For even as the body without the spirit is dead; so also faith without works is dead" yet Ascending rather than about possible confusions about former lower level "works" of hands, is the Better translation toward Holy Scrolls and the Living Bible as written in Berean Standard Bible "As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead" in the sense of People thinking about such as a deed to a property for Family and rather a Christian Ascending Family Church deed(s) [expanding with many Church property deeds].

Likewise the former JESUS Christ ICCDBB: PCS Sermon at under Law in the sense of prior to JESUS Christ UN Law, served Righteously accordingly per se, innocently yet Broadcasting the JESUS Christ Way, yet anewly with this Sermon the "New PCS" is necessary as under the Law is inverted, see JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ Precedent Sermon (updated) at showing "the Throne Of JESUS Christ in the center of the Earth".

Since the Law did not make perfect things under Law headed the wrong direction in as many as selfishly in works to interpret laws for selfishness(es). Rather with JESUS Christ USA Law Leading Likewise JESUS Christ UN Law completing the Law Of Moses per se [this does not stop Lawmakers, rather Thanks like unto former "PCS" Preaching in at least the symbolic stepping stone value sense of Recordkeeping].

Many illustrations are of JESUS Christ with lifting hand(s) symbolizing for to be Ascending,

in other words, from the center of the Earth to go on Missions for to Helpfully Guide Them that are Everywhere.

Ascend to be as JESUS Christ Faith is and all Goodness Will Be Added To You,

and rather than merely about "You" (see Main Page Maintenance) the Prioritizing For Their Sakes.

"How her heart must have broken as she watched her daughter die before her husband and Jesus arrived"

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, since JESUS Christ UN Law was passed Acknowledging Higher Level Grace the New Better Prioritizing over former PCS Sermon Applies, Over Prioritized Comprehensive Prioritization, as this Sermon explains first the needful Worthy Personnel, then the Higher Level Position Over Power Authorization, JESUS is Worthy Most Faithfully for to Head the Family

"The little girl was healed completely!"


The former JESUS Christ ICCDBB PCS Sermon placed the comprehensive first under Law that no Person as much as Good

[hence Whole less if any amount of ideas opted other also such as self opted mutilation may apply and other similarly, rather]

Created From Good Continuing Purely be left behind and that nothing Good be lost;

yet this JESUS Christ ICCDBB New PCS Sermon since JESUS Christ UN Law Acknowledges Higher Level Grace [such as with Lawmakers

for Better] with this Newly Recognized Ascending Flow Value Anewly Properly Aligned as shown (above linked "Throne Of JESUS Christ")!

First JESUS Christ is the Best Way for All to Be, Pillar Of Faith Parameters Apply such as full repentance then humbly Prayerfully Christian Baptism and Ascendingly Precept On Precept, so this New PCS Flow Applies With Formula [note Faithfulness is needful for the Heart to Guide lest faint concerning Leading the Head so the most Faithful and Continuously is "JESUS Christ" the Head]:

JESUS Christ Whole Unity Ascending Family As JESUS Christ One [singular] / JESUS Christ Comprehensively for All Their Sakes / JESUS Christ Agreeing is the First Priority (previous sentence).

JESUS Christ Family With Original JESUS Christ Head Leading = JESUS Christ Comprehensively for All x JESUS Christ Agreeing is First Priority Full Of Grace.

This "Agreeing" with JESUS Christ is with as stated above doing Good "deeds", and so Higher Level Leadership Flow Ascending Good "deeds" including lower level Legal as much as Law is Perfect [many illegal laws have been passed such as wrongfully for the Ancient Egyptian enslavements]. In the above right Triadic Flow and Formula rather than a Person against a Person, since a Person in history was mean [without just cause, if any (see above on Prioritizing {and Mercifully on} "stepping stone value")] to another Person hence opted other than "Kindness", therefore rather than a mean Person is a Kind Person hence key [as explained above] is as stated above "full repentance then" "Christian Baptism and Ascendingly",

and this Agrees with the JESUS Christ UN Grace with the Peace Formula "Peace = Patience x Kindness" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Love Sermon at So in brief, of Grace the Flow with as Formulated is JESUS Christ Leadership Worthiness then for Best For All then as the Most Faithful Head Leading Priority.

JESUS Christ Faithful Family Head Leading Priority / JESUS Christ Best Ascending Way For the Comprehensive / JESUS Christ Brave yet humble Leadership Worthiness.

And the Formula though simplified in the JESUS Love Sermon tradition for simple understanding though not excuse to stray from JESUS Christ, is:

Prioritizing Best For All / For the Comprehensive Best Way / Christian Worthiness.

So as a recent Sermon advised: invite JESUS, and this Agrees with as stated above "the Most Faithful Head Leading Priority" so if to think then to [of Grace] to opt this Faithfulness as Good Faith is with Miracles that follow the "Good Faith" hence the Miracles Prove The Faith [whether the lower levels agree or not, whether the Law agrees or not though the "not" merely applies according to any stray amounts of the Law (see above "many illegal laws have been passed")].

As written in a previous Sermon there are already too many laws, and now to Better explain there is in a lower level and mild applies if needing the rod though not needed after solving the problem through JESUS Christ Name Spirit Way Best For All Before The Fact, though it was written for that former Generation level, spare the rod and hate the child, yet rather if a Child is running to be hit by a fast truck then perhaps to tackle the Child, rather than "hate", and to tackle does not mean to hurt, if to use the "rod" then as safe for all as possible and rather raise the Child to Care rather than be careless [understanding Longsuffering as All People have Longsuffered in the flesh yet JESUS Way is Best [least longsuffering], likewise to

rather consider the Higher Ascended Way as "hate" has been a negative thing and as written at the same type of idea is a double negative for to be Better Anewly Translated through JESUS Christ Ascending Family as about proving a Righteous Law against being "mean" already includes such as do not be "mean" such as if to commit murder, terrorism, nor similar.

Consider whether to let the Innocent hold the discipline rod.

Also who is more guilty, the Elderly with many regrets or the newborn?

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, since JESUS Christ UN Law was passed Acknowledging Higher Level Grace the New Better Prioritizing over former PCS Sermon Applies, Over Prioritized Comprehensive Prioritization, as this Sermon explains first the needful Worthy Personnel, then the Higher Level Position Over Power Authorization, JESUS is Worthy Most Faithfully for to Head the Family


16 March 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, since JESUS Christ UN Law was passed Acknowledging Higher Level Grace the New Better Prioritizing over former PCS Sermon Applies, Over Prioritized Comprehensive Prioritization, as this Sermon explains first the needful Worthy Personnel, then the Higher Level Position Over Power Authorization with JESUS being Worthy Most Faithfully for to Head the Family.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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