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JESUS Straight Way Sermon.

Have a Happy Easter tomorrow and this Easter Holiday Anniversary Celebration Sabbath Day Today! JESUS Christ read aloud in the Temple the Scriptures for the Best as Each and All Hoped. In the 1st Testament Bible Scroll was written in Isaiah 28:13 New King James Version "But the word of the LORD was to them, 'Precept upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, Here a little, there a little,' That they might go and fall backward, and be broken And snared and caught.": that doesn't sound very friendly "That they go and fall backward, and be broken", though once for All is enough, and if "broken" then JESUS Healed such [as the broken open ear (Luke 22:51)]: so protection enforcement concerns Power of His Word so as JESUS invited All Be Likewise.

If unable to Heal the sick, repent, Ascend (see previous in this Series on Braodcasting for to Heal Before The Fact Righteously that Prophesyingly none ever become sick). Do quickly, as We have more important things to do, as for a moment consider the CEO and how the Healthy Employees are prioritized and so get things Done and Best since the CEO Over Many Christian Churches While Serving As The High Priest, like unto You as CEO Over All in the Grace Sense as the Glorious Servant of JESUS Christ. All Authority And Power hence if to Be Baptized and JESUS NAME SOUL SPIRIT then able to change any law yet rather the Best Way and such as not for to put Moses Soul to shame, for Moses Led The Chosen Righteously.

Lead Your Friends [often unseen] the CEOs the JESUS Straight Up Way as All Hoped For Best.

You can show the CEOs their future, the straight up pic above, or the pic below.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, from JESUS Praying so intense as Bleeding exposes Healed Power Over Your Broadcasting Yielding AUTOMATIC AGREEING in Naysayers, as in history Many waited lifespans for the Second Coming already Accomplished in the Broadcasters Of JESUS Christ UN though for this Generation also see pic Anewly Enlightening, JESUS Christ Self Healed, crucifier or JESUS option


Luke 22:44 "And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. Then His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground."

(previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Rocket Archer Sermon at explained His Blood Healing Himself Exemplar For All).

So the JESUS Christ Word is with Power including Yourself Protective Power, a Maintenance safety Responsiblity yet of Heart Desperate Love Giving Faithfulness to Believe JESUS Christ Already Suffered For You Completely, whether Christian or other as opted. You don't have to suffer, so rather than not guide and rather than not lead, is to Leap In Faith Best For All Safely; make All Safe, and then to Leap. Distinguish: Edifyingly the selfish are for their own safety, though original JESUS Christ Owns Safety.

Righteously Prophesyingly Leaping In Faith / Prioritizing The JESUS Christ Exemplar Way / JESUS Christ Faith Over Original Plan.

For instance if there is a car Driver asking for directions, the Baptized in the Name Of JESUS Christ can Give Good response [even if merely "I don't know" and yet also explaining as much as may be Helpful that is known if the Driver is interested, another Person to ask might not be soon found], so that Driver might go Help Often in Eternity, Many Others as You Exemplified as JESUS Christ Taught.

As written in 2 Corinthians 3:2 "You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men;" as was Preached and so everyone already is Preaching even if in a coma and even if in a tomb such as Lazarus able to Hear Good JESUS and so Able to Loose His Tongue, and so Be Best in the Heavenly Creating The New Better Host and increasingly in People and increasingly any under dominion such as to encounter future spirit anomalies.

Who drives a complex jumbo jet?, as shown on secular TV when the Crew dies a Passenger flips the autopilot switch [and as much as urgently for dramatization]. Who drives the above car?, Designers, Engineers, Factory Workers, and Sales Staff Instructing, and the Licensing Agency and so Government and so We, You; and the Driver too. Who is the trip planner, when asked, You. As Broadcast, You, for as many as Listen, yet to Broadcast the Way of JESUS Christ is AUTOMATIC AGREEING into Their Created Souls [and if Naysayers Hear You, then if to expect, then expect much of Your Faithfulness prior to Miraculous Results, Save the Hope For You With JESUS Christ.

A long wait, Faithfully, is in the previous sentence for You, so rather Ascend into JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting Power. Convincing Power is already known, JESUS Christ Creator Faithfulness You Give into Them for Them, They Like Selfishness, Give New Better Best Selfishness that the former lower level selfishness becomes no longer significant though safely caring for Them to not feel worse, hence with Faithfulness Grace yet Maintenance Responsibility as slow [waiting] Naysayers have been merely under the Law Firmament Level.

How long do We have to wait for the Second Coming? Shown here is a Golden Cube.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, from JESUS Praying so intense as Bleeding exposes Healed Power Over Your Broadcasting Yielding AUTOMATIC AGREEING in Naysayers, as in history Many waited lifespans for the Second Coming already Accomplished in the Broadcasters Of JESUS Christ UN though for this Generation also see pic Anewly Enlightening, Golden Cube, Second Coming, cross, symbol

[as JESUS Christ ICCDBB links Over Maintenance Miracles Responsibility secular website] (NASA/GSFC/ASU/LD showing pic of old Lunar subsurface living plan entrance).

What did JESUS Christ do? He solved Everything for Us, about 2,000 years ago including All the Law [physics too] and the Righteous Prophets, JESUS Christ Already solved His Second Coming for as Many as Faithfully Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN And The 7th Seal: His First Coming in the census was in Immaculate Conception, His Second Coming was on the cross, counted as if dead, though was merely resting for Our sakes hence at Work, and the Harder Part of what We historically would have considered about Work, and then He Awakened from the tomb for Our Sakes.

JESUS Healed Our Broadcasting Way Before The Fact, as much as Faithful. Go and Heal His, seconds, minutes, days,...and Righteously Prophesy His Precepts That Best Fit Weeks Before We Go There (Pertinent for All). His Wisdom Edifies Our Faithful Wise Leading For All.

Make Our Path Straight [Faithfulness (Luke 3:4)].

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, from JESUS Praying so intense as Bleeding exposes Healed Power Over Your Broadcasting Yielding AUTOMATIC AGREEING in Naysayers, as in history Many waited lifespans for the Second Coming already Accomplished in the Broadcasters Of JESUS Christ UN though for this Generation also see pic Anewly Enlightening, longest straight NASA UFO type outerspace rocket, space elevator


Easter Sabbath 8 April 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, from JESUS Praying so intense as Bleeding exposes Healed Power Over Your Broadcasting Yielding AUTOMATIC AGREEING in Naysayers, as in history Many waited lifespans for the Second Coming already Accomplished in the Broadcasters Of JESUS Christ UN though for this Generation also see pic Anewly Enlightening.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 32.

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