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JESUS Saint Valentine's Day Miracle Sermon (updated 3.3.2023AD).

Yesterday JESUS Christ performed a Saint Valentine's Day Miracle! Rather than say in the secular cliches "Unbelieveable", "It can't be!", nor such, even though of partial good values since applied for the Better For All in a JESUS Christ Sermon, rather in JESUS Christ Ascending Faithful And Righteous is as said yesterday upon seeing the Miracle: "Amazing".

Biblically it reminded me of JESUS Christ shouting from shore for to cast their nets on the other side [from higher land in some situations, where the fish are can be seen, yet Creator JESUS Christ is the point], and the Apostles did so [JESUS Christ Faithful Ascending Family] filled the nets with great fishes and the nets did not break even as They dragged them up upon the shore, then to find a little way off JESUS Christ The Host invitingly already frying fish.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit,  Proves the Way Lifting the Holy Spirit up through JESUS Christ innocent humble mushy yet Brave And Righteous Victory Creating Heart Blood, absent from the body is with JESUS Christ, dragging nets full of great fish up onto shore where JESUS Christ is already inviting Hosting frying fish

("JESUS ""shore" "frying").

Similar to having to repent of an addiction [and multitudes of secular strayed types of addictions exist, yet for instance a Priest addicted to Church is hardly addiction if at all], i as a normal guy so to speak, am not so anxious to read a Sermon about mushy stuff, though some amount is important. Just as JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Love Sermon at gives many formulas, likewise this so called "mushy stuff" fits many of the words in those formulas, and importantly in the Higher Levels, and also important are the other words in that Sermons such as the word "True", as "True" for instance is often associated with Courts Of Law where "mushy stuff" had often been left undone [though now JESUS Christ UN Grace also applies].

[Note: in recent days some that called Themselves Holy Spirit showed me what appeared to be a statue of JESUS Christ hence a lack of "mushy", in other words a heart devoid of blood, so this Sermon and similar Sermons of Other Preacher(s) In JESUS Christ Name Spirit As One are Good and NEEDFUL for These too to Ascend].

In recent days with Saint Valentine's Day approaching i had been [alone in the census, though with census People otherwise, and with Souls and other various levels of Spirits otherwise,] calling JESUS Christ my Valentine. My Wife from the census had passed away so i was about leaving the dead to bury the dead Save to see Her in the Spirit for instance, as much as in JESUS Christ Goodness then She was Very Good Healthy And Alive [for to be with]. So in the normal census sense, buried away, i left Her, no longer married.

Then yesterday while thinking about Valentine JESUS Christ alive having walked after the tomb, it occurred to me that "She" was alive too (2 Corinthians 5:8) because of the Lord JESUS Christ, so while no longer [counted as] my: Spouse status legally, She Lives! So i no longer can refer to Her as dead save concerning the census count as much as not present, as She no longer needs to prove any presence, Save as much as JESUS Christ Highest Purpose applies [no longer as much as Law applied]. I called Her "Valentine" too [not pertinent is whether or not able to distinguish Her from JESUS Christ].

So the Miracle [to be told] situation continued. She had left behind many things, such as displayed artworks on high shelves, and such as clothes. There have been an overwhelming amount of legalese things so as to wonder how Civilization could go so far out of whack [even though this Civilization also Gives so many Good and Excellent ideas and stuff such as clothing both free and also for prices].

During so many meetings, paperwork, online forms, process schedules, and such about Her having passed, causing me to feel so sorry for Everyone going through such rigors, i was also going through Her stuff reorganizing, finding out some amounts of my secular works of hands cliche "So that's where the money went" as She had bought many things untold and/or forgotten, such as investing in many socks [likely on sale], and such as in Collectibles. Other than Collectibles on display on shelves, most Collectibles were in a couple rooms other than such as the kitchen where food and cooking related things were: as the previous Sermon stated "rather be as the Blessed in JESUS Christ both temporal and spiritual".

So of works of hands to redd up such as to put things into Godslings, such as to sell Collections on eBay, and make room, and less things to dust, i had been working in those "couple rooms" where the things were stored and hidden away.

Faithfully diligent in duties, and relaxing too as responsibilities are exhausting and "take their toll" [lessened as much as Best Ascending the JESUS Christ Way], late yesterday when darkening, the JESUS Christ [With Beloved Friend former Spouse] Miracle started.

In a kitchen cubbyhole corner cupboard where platters were kept for Hosting Guests, wondering what She [what the Soul] had put back there, and having to go down on the floor to crawl to see and reach, there very strangely was behind the stuff a shoebox, and for some reason She had taped it shut. When opened it revealed this Halo of fragrant artificial roses as Mother Mary had been shown wearing, and a ribbon, a clear vase, a large candle in a clear container, artwork with a triangle of beveled glass with likewise a larger mirror with a round glass candle holder in between reminding to the Temple Spirit,

and on a long plastic stem was stated "Happy Valentine's Day".

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit,  Proves the Way Lifting the Holy Spirit up through JESUS Christ innocent humble mushy yet Brave And Righteous Victory Creating Heart Blood, JESUS Valentine, Happy Valentines Day Linda!

Thanks and Praise be for JESUS Christ as Sent as Hoped, for the Faithfulness Way with wonders, signs, and Awesome Miracles; yet rather how We are to fit these Best into the future.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit,  Proves the Way Lifting the Holy Spirit up through JESUS Christ innocent humble mushy yet Brave And Righteous Victory Creating Heart Blood as also in, Mother Mary, with a, crown, of, red roses, halo.

("Mother Mary" "roses").

15 February 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Proves the Way Lifting the Holy Spirit up through JESUS Christ innocent humble mushy yet Brave And Righteous Victory Creating Heart Blood.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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