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JESUS Test Sermon.

The JESUS Test at the Beginning of Eternal Ascending, currently, and after a Soul is fully repentant, is in the form of Christian Immersion Baptism. In Grace it is a Test Of Faith. In Grace it is a Test Of Religion and Religious Belief.

Under Law it has been that in a Court [and similar can apply such as in a Meeting such as 2 census counted individuals discussing ideas] the Whole Truth and all the facts be considered as much as able and rather All The Facts be considered as a Whole (e.g. often referenced is the JESUS Christ ICCDBB: PCS Sermon at, a Grace Guideline).

"Jesus invited a little child to stand among them" (Matthew 18:2 Berean Standard Bible),

and so with the Good Samaritan Precept, this is for Us to view the People as a People, rather than to divide.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, showed for Us to view the People as a People, rather than such as male or female, rich or poor, weak or powerful, yet the condition the JESUS Best Way applies, set a child, placed a child, invited a child, in their midst, among them

"Biarkan anak-anak itu datang kepada-Ku, jangan halang-halangi mereka, sebab orang-orang seperti inilah yang memiliki Kerajaan Allah"


Malay language translated "Let the children come to Me, do not hinder them, because such people possess the Kingdom of God" (from Mark 10:14).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, showed for Us to view the People as a People, rather than such as male or female, rich or poor, weak or powerful, yet the condition the JESUS Best Way applies, innocent child in the midst, amoung, naysayers


Yesterday's Sermon was that Our Problem was not about lack of the latest newest high tech automated ways to help [such as at no cost to build garnished with pleasantly supplied mansions for Everyone], but about the "lack of Faithfulness" as shown in The Pharisees accusing Jesus illustration.

If a Person doesn't have a job nor useful purpose, then to feel inadequate, such as oppressed older Children often have felt; but that has been because the oppressors opted to other than Best Ascend, hence "lack of Faithfulness" as of a Person in Authority Over another Person that if unable to teach ("lack of Faithfulness") then to enforce and punish or see to the punishing of such as Children, the punishment of the Innocent. And about the guilty ibid. applies!

So i become accused if Others opt to not Broadcast (history discussed Many Christians that were innocent but persecuted, and Many Christian Martyrs). Yet My Faith is in JESUS Christ rather than too much about the secular, so rather Lord Willing.

So I Bravely Believe that humbly Prayerfully Innocently i Will Be Protected From Harms, Of JESUS Christ,

lest i could hardly Preach lest to cause my Mass of Listeners to be harmed.

So the JESUS Christ 7th Seal of All Good, and Broadcast Best For All, is the Power Of The Grace Above. So under Highest Level Grace and Likewise as many as High Levels Of Grace, the Perfect Way Of Ascending is Safe, even these things as written, like unto the innocent Child that the Accusers have no reason to harm, for the Child hardly is a threat to their Accuser Positions and if any Accuser considers a Child a threat then typically the other Accusers would consider that "Accuser" a [laughing stock, and] unfit for that Position Of Authority; so consider the Crucifiers the illegal Baby murderers and the Pertinent Position Holder Over such, the Roman Empire opted to Promote JESUS Christ Over Themselves.

So while it has been possible for the Innocent to become harmed, even the Newborns are invited to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal Of All Good so the Parents and Teachers are Legally Responsible to so Guide and Help (above stated "Good Samaritan") lest Innocent blood be on Their hands. If on "Their hands" then on mine Save this "JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal Of All Good" is "Broadcast" mornings daily.

As written "Stay with me; do not be afraid, for he who seeks your life is seeking mine as well. You will be safe with me" and with

"Because you have kept My command to persevere, I will also keep you from the hour of testing that is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth"

(1 Samuel 22:23 with Revelation 3:10), though if i say JESUS said it then to risk making myself vulnerable and therefore the Mass per se, so Let Us Agree Together We Say!

WE TEACH the Conspirators and the Crucifiers TO NOT FAIL!, therefore WE TEACH the Conspirators and the Crucifiers TO fully Repent and Ascend lest other than Best for Them and for Theirs [to Agree With JESUS Christ as We so the JESUS Christ With His Mass formerly under Himself is rather "WE", so Us as 1 Are Best, Perfect as the Perfect Ascends Best from Perfect to reveal the New Discovery the New Better Perfect Higher Level.

And so We have the Protection Victory Together as We Invitingly Give for the Worthy, the Ascending Righteously, from former full repentance and required lest to break the Law to be an embarrassment worse than fallen into the gutter to the side of the road as there have been many critters for instance anxious to tear and eat.

And so We Ascend Alert as even a small Child as shown above is Aware to Be, Obediently Best For All, Faithfully.

Verily, verily, many Others were Martyrs, though We are not required to be, yet of Grace We can opt (as in somewhat older Sermons: for instance redeeming social value often showed on TV that the Innocent would be rescued and to make it dramatic, it was often just in the nick of time) if to be so Faithful. Yet JESUS Christ Already Suffered Once For All as written:

"Nor did He enter heaven to offer Himself again and again, as the high priest enters the Most Holy Place every year with blood that is not his own. Otherwise, Christ would have had to suffer repeatedly since the foundation of the world. But now He has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of Himself" (

Give Them Better Than They Had Hoped.

Be Their Source Of Best, yet humbly Faithful in Original JESUS Christ Oneness.

"Oneness" therefore, be much more than a Family with Strong Family Ties, and much more than about the self.

If a Naysayer and/or a Straggler is rather about the self, as if the self is better and more important,

then [Advise and rather Be through] Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal Of All Good with

preparing Them that Many Agreed with Them and found Themselves "better and more important"

and were in the pattern, if for selfishness then failures, though if actually Better then Ascending

hence delightful without malice and never angry, so rather as Heaven With All The Heavenly Ascending

as 1 JESUS Christ Exemplified and Accomplished.

So of this Sermon, there is that if to exist then to exist Best as Invited beginning humbly and continuing, and with a position to accomplish as the Good Samaritan, and yet as Good JESUS Christ.

Likewise if a Test Of Faith or Religion, then to humbly Help, for Them rather than for a lesson plan that the Child did not read in advance and agree to it and sign: so it can appear complexly needlessly absurdly difficult to any used to straying.

Yet be Faithful for JESUS Christ came from Heaven with the purpose of Best Helping Each to be All 1.

15 June 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, showed for Us to view the People as a People, rather than such as male or female, rich or poor, weak or powerful, yet the condition the JESUS Best Way applies.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 33.

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