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JESUS Testing Broadcasting Sermon.

JESUS Christ Preached, Broadcast, Do Likewise.

If to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN in Church then like unto smooth driving,

though if to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN amidst Naysayers then be with the Right equipment,

perhaps charts, graphs, audience group pertinent projections,...(see text below on "armor").

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit explains You should Know your audience and Distinguish Loyal Leadership Over Maintenance levels that can be similar to muddy hills referencing Skinwalker Ranch Navaho Indians cursed US Military and Ute Indians, covid after cattle mutilations, Hinduism mud car racing


Shown in the above pic is mud, for Flying Over rather than for You to be crawling through (see many previous Sermons in this Series on "aloft", and on the JESUS Christ Second Coming Golden Cube, and some Sermons have been on City In The Sky).

Where are Your Preached Words?, they are up in the air, more than under the soil.

Righteously Prophesyingly Over the future in the Name And Spirit Of JESUS Christ where would Your Broadcast Words Be?, they would be up in the air and at satellites and beyond with Other Civilizations that have not yet heard much about JESUS Christ: We are Mightily Blessed with JESUS Christ having come to Bethlehem and Jerusalem on the Hill Exemplar for All to Hear and See [and Attest and Proclaim With Broadcasting] rather than under the mud.

The next verse covers 2 Translations, such as about slipping in the mud, and warning about falling (see text below "similar concern") and the original Hebrew " וְצִדְקָתָ֛ם" means "And they were right" (Google Translate). Also remember JESUS Christ is the Most Righteous Prophet [Most Holy, and much more than a Prophet].

JESUS Spirit provides His Righteous Distinguishing Over Yet With these 2 following Translations [for to Best Way Lead through JESUS Christ], in that this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series has simplified, such as with formulae, the meanings of Precepts found in the Christian Bible, so these 2 following Translations concerns exemplify this: concerning straying is in the first Translation [to be "without wavering"] and concerning falling [to "not slip"] is in the second Translation of Psalm 26:1 New American Standard Bible "A Psalm of David. Vindicate me, LORD, for I have walked in my integrity, And I have trusted in the LORD without wavering.", and New King James Version "A Psalm of David. Vindicate me, O LORD, For I have walked in my integrity. I have also trusted in the LORD; I shall not slip.", and these are both of value: "wavering" can be about unreliability and such as a drunk that staggers, while a "slip" can often be as in cliche to slip and fall such as on a patch of ice and such as on a muddy hill.

The previous Sermon discussed a "Knight in shining armor": works to climb a steep muddy hill are easier if without extra weight such as the "armor", though value is with cleats and claws: this point being to put the "armor" where pertinent for Your Mission and not carry the extra [selfish things such as the] "weight".

If to see a stranger then hardly to know if "friend of foe" in secular level cliche, similarly if to read of a battalion of tanks "then hardly to know if 'friend of foe' " though if to be enlightened and understand that in a situation the chemical "tanks" are for improving water quality then it's nice.

The secular said in cliche "Know your audience"

rather "Know" JESUS Christ with: see above word "pertinent".

The above pic symbolizes a Maintenance level often called works of the hands

while this next pic concerns what should be Your normal humble Prayerful Future Walking In Faith In JESUS Christ.

If to travel to the Garden Of Eden Entrance

would You be carrying armor to protect Yourself and Others With You?,

rather be Authorized In The Name Of JESUS Christ carrying the password: JESUS.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit explains You should Know your audience and Distinguish Loyal Leadership Over Maintenance levels that can be similar to muddy hills referencing Skinwalker Ranch Navaho Indians cursed US Military and Ute Indians, covid after cattle mutilations, and Hinduism, Daniel 2:35, Flaming Sword turning all directions Garden Of Eden Entrance


The previous Sermon explained the higher JESUS Christ Name Spirit Grace Value and Gave an example "Victory Over the cursed Skinwalker Ranch spirits of the Navaho Indians that cursed Themselves," and "the US [now JESUS Christ USA] Military and Ute Indians" hence explaining "how to revoke the curse" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Sincerity Sermon at And now in this Sermon explains about a similar concern.

Farm animals such as cattle have been surgically "mutilated" as stated in the news, and there is a group that many have joined, and the "group" per se has believed in destructions and such as the "group" explains, as in the news: gods of destructions (various secular news sources). Pertinent, and humbly [i have slipped and fallen in the past too], Friends, Hinduism has "worshiped cows" and since surgically "mutilated" applies, there is a Medical and Healthcare concern.

For instance leaving large carcasses on the lands invites the viruses (reference covid after such mutilations) and plagues such as prior to the Exodus: these are Biblical matters of Faith. So the Farmer and Hinduism tend to agree in the secular level for to protect cattle, though to be with "worshiped cows" is a cause and effect relationship (see above "the original Hebrew", and previous Sermons in this Series on Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN since Proven the Best Way to be with Best For All rather than leaving any Person left behind).

A Flaming Sword as Hinduism turns all directions: as far as humble Grace and types of faiths go, neither this Sermon orders Hinduism to cease nor JESUS Christ UN requires Hinduism to cease such as in the banned sense or be persecuted; rather the opposite applies for to Protect such People, and All People. This is for to Help Rights to opinions yet as much as Better Is Preferred, and as stated above "since Proven" applies.

21 November 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit explains You should Know your audience and Distinguish Loyal Leadership Over Maintenance levels that can be similar to muddy hills referencing Skinwalker Ranch Navaho Indians cursed US Military and Ute Indians, covid after cattle mutilations, and Hinduism turning all directions.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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