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JESUS The Ascending Miracle Sermon.

JESUS Christ Is The Ascending Miracle so We NEED enter into JESUS Christ (see previous in this Series on: while alive in the census having been at the Bar Of Judgement With JESUS Christ with Victory Together: passed the Bar, Success for JESUS Christ The Worthy and for the Eternal Better Loyalty including Desperate Love Giving the Inviting with humble Joy Giving).

JESUS Christ Spirit Gave Agreeingly for this Sermon Series to be written, so as the previous Sermon explained "Perfect", how then can this Sermon be More Perfect, Better, New Best?, if You Gave through JESUS Christ Spirit the Righteous Prophesying through first Loyally humbly Prayerfully Broadcasting for JESUS Christ The Worthy with the 7th Seal and with JESUS Christ UN into the census, they You Righteous Prophet may be aware of what the answer is already: the future answer to this question is as stated in the previous Sermon though hardly specific to the above question so Some may have not yet become aware of the answer to the above question so it is the "future answer" to Them and as if not yet known by this civilization as much as Given to Them.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, in current Prophesying Pertinence reveals the JESUS Christ Momentum Miracle Anewly in the midst of many curvilinear Miracle forces and in the midst of askew straight force line trajectory force paths, as afforded of Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret in Many so opted, since the world began, Stairway to Heaven, on clouds


So this of JESUS Christ Name Spirit Righteously Prophesyingly Now Will Answer the above question, and in cliche People such as in businesses wanted answers fast the Righteous answer to the above question through JESUS Christ Loyalty With Righteously Prophesying, Will be answered prior to the end of this sentence: as a Person's foot, foot A, relies on the body vessel balance [relies on the census Person Whole

including a Christian Soul as Baptized relying on JESUS Christ Name Spirit] and on the other foot, foot B, rather than it's self foot, "foot A" so this of JESUS Christ Name Spirit Righteously Prophesyingly Now answers the question "Thus Far" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Rating Sermon at "with Ascending More Perfect Applies yet with each Accomplished step landing is the Perfection Victory Thus Far").

The above "answer" is correct in the sense of under the Law Firmament, yet in Higher Level JESUS Christ Given Grace the "answer" in cliche is hardly "the tip of the iceberg". Yet it is a Miracle Given from JESUS Christ [even though i type / yet JESUS Christ Name Spirit / Faithful amount]. Toward the whole answer is as into continuous improvement and rather Better Stated With Loyally Ascending. A car going up a hill does not: go then stop [at each step, every foot length] then go then stop and repeat all the way up the hill.

JESUS Christ Name Spirit Righteously Prophesyingly With Momentum For Better Ascending Applies hence is Better, More Perfect, the greater Miracle from JESUS Christ, the Momentum Miracle.

So each relying on Loyal Faith, relying on "foot B" counted as temporarily at rest [like a census vessel Person With A Soul, and perhaps with many other spirits rather JESUS Spirit The Christ Spirit One, the Momentum Spirit is also a Miracle with this point being the lifting momentum even if in the secular worldly levels is a temporary miracle Save if JESUS Christ With His find such the Eternal Best Way For All One. So this "point" is from "foot B" on a [Miracle] step landing, to resting [on a "temporary" curvilinear line of Momentum] Higher Level [Godsling amount applies (see above "Main Page" Definitions)] on the unseen Principles Of Faith.

For instance although a greatly interesting movie, in the secular worldly sense in movie Apollo 13 "Sir Isaac Newton" was Given Credit as "put" "in the driver's seat" and goodly giving credit though hardly Giving Creator JESUS Christ the credit as NEEDFUL and at least for Your sakes this is said as pertinent concerning JESUS Christ Exemplar born about 2,000 years ago [this is stated for Respect For JESUS Christ rather than about disrespect otherwise (see above Baptized)]. So Apollo 13 was standing [riding] on a trajectory course, standing with momentum. At one Godsling rate of velocity the Crew could sit and at a rate They could stand and walk and at a rate They could Ascend and fly inside the rocket. Like You and so many Others, Apollo 13 and the movie too taught many People many very good values such as better functioning together Peacefully (see previous Sermons such as on Law on "redeeming social value").

So if flying inside the rocket then standing [so to speak] on the JESUS Christ Creator Given Momentum Miracle, so then the Grace of standing can become a Miracle relatively since with flying the Crew might make contact with a rocket floor as They might seek for to gain footing.

Likewise a Person caught under a flood of dirty water might seek a reference point Miracle such as to touch the bottom to know the direction to swim up, and such as to see sunlight and swim up. To "gain footing" is JESUS Christ daily, Praying in the Heart constantly save Maintenance and such as Living in the sense that many situations are with many more responsibilities than many other situations: unseeing Loyalty applies, and make the Miracles automated, Giving applies with Giving JESUS Christ the Credit.

Note if teach and if to give good advice, it is often initially rejected as People often do not like to learn nor otherwise change, so see recent Sermons on "Patience" as with "Peace = Patience x Kindness", so be Loyally Best Bravely (see above "JESUS Christ Name Spirit" "Credit").

Is this advising You to learn everything an astronaut knows?, hardly, Ascend and JESUS Christ Will Add as much as Best, even so pertinent Responsibilities apply until the end and only "JESUS" as stated above applies, as written "the elements should melt with fervent heat, and the earth should be wrapt together as a scroll, and the heavens and the earth should pass away; And even unto the great and last day, when all people, and all kindreds, and all nations and tongues shall stand before God, to be judged of their works, whether they be good or whether they be evil" (

The JESUS Ascending Miracle Was includes to prepare for to weather in the Living Census that "the elements should melt with fervent heat"...(reference "Baptized JESUS Christ With Water, on 18 November 2022 AD JESUS Christ was Anointed Anewly Into The Baptism Of Fire The Holy Spirit" on the "Main Page"). Fire in the census was hot and burning and harming People, yet JESUS Christ The Original revealed Victory Over such "Fire" and secular worldly "elements" with having left His Tomb [as a minimum, in proof]. So this enabled the Anointing With Fire: He Anointed [such as Abraham and Moses prior to His own birth, and] His Apostles, and likewise We are able to so Glorify For His sake as with Anointing Him (Likewise Matthew 26:7).

So Giving JESUS Christ The Original The Credit, All Faith and All Miracles, NEED be properly organized with fitting in Best Alignment For All, such as even on the Best Path Now (see above link concerning "Perfect") the current situation might be Civilization resting on many curvilinear forces [Miracles] and on many askew straight force line paths. The Best Perfect Way is of a certainty [amount] as a Person becomes Ascendingly More Loyal through JESUS Christ Name Spirit.

One Level said "READ ME", it is a GOOD saying.


jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, in current Prophesying Pertinence reveals the JESUS Christ Momentum Miracle Anewly in the midst of many curvilinear Miracle forces and in the midst of askew straight force line trajectory force paths, as afforded of Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret in Many so opted, since the world began read the Bible.


9 December 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, in current Prophesying Pertinence reveals the JESUS Christ Momentum Miracle Anewly in the midst of many curvilinear Miracle forces and in the midst of askew straight force line trajectory force paths, as afforded of Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret in Many so opted, since the world began.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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