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JESUS Time Of Second Coming Sermon.

JESUS Christ Soul is for the as He Planned: His Second Coming for the Prepared Bride rather 1. This Sermon Righteously Prophesyingly in JESUS Christ, Will explain key specifications Over the time of His Second Coming In His Full Glory [Ascending Mass, The Bridal Wedding (with the ensuing Immaculate]. "BEHOLD, THE VIRGIN WILL CONCEIVE AND GIVE BIRTH TO A SON, AND THEY SHALL NAME HIM IMMANUEL,” which translated means, 'GOD WITH US' " ( (

"It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints"

from plural to Together singular 1, with Lexicon "statute or decision" (*.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Proves the JESUS Christ Second Coming In All His Glory Is Very Near!


*Note: in Faithfulness Ascendingly, a "statute or decision" is that a "statute" is a lower level relative to a Higher Level "decision".

Righteous Christian Preachers [Ascending / Broadcasting / Preaching, in Higher Level Through Baptism Oneness, yet a1so to Edify hence as though separate in census styles] independently say Good things Anewly to be Best Way fitted Together [other than chance, impossible if not Broadcasting as Pertinent Currently].

The above Bridal Gown is made of the Christians so Ascending being Gathered Together for JESUS Christ In New Victory Eternally Over census hence Fulfilling Census Marriage Reproduction aspirations once for all prior to entering Heaven: hence this is a Higher Level than Baptism and Eucharist (reference some especially some Priests and Nuns have made Themselves Eunichs [without mutilation] for the Kingdom Of Heaven's sake).

The previous Sermon explained "A New Better Tree Of Life Cumulative Good Superseding the previous amount" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Momentum Sermon at

JESUS Christ The Healer Exemplar often said while for to be Healing, such as "Then he touched their eyes and said, “According to your faith let it be done to you" (Matthew 9:29 New International Version): so this is key pertinence with about stated Revelation/19:8 from other Christian Broadcasters. So for the Faithful, yet also for All as written in Luke 22:51 "But Jesus answered, 'No more of this!' And he touched the man’s ear and healed him" and this was not merely for the Faithful yet also including the worst, the as if secret Conspirators Perps and the Baby killers Crucifiers [even for the Legion Souls after the first death, even for All to Ascend from early retirement graves yet Anewly (who is at least in the High Priest Level?: the Elderly typically)].

So the above Bridal Gown artwork is hardly merely about People [Souls] entering Heaven through JESUS Christ,

Baptism with Eucharist already Accomplished as much. This Sermon concerns JESUS Christ And His Faith Amount!

Strayed and fallen has been TEMPORARY in the census [including in graves asleep];

Faithfulness amount in Each Is Eternal (previous Sermon), so in Grace, if to Add

Together the Faith amounts of a Person, then the Sum of that Person's Faith.

Likewise if to Sum the total Faith of We The Souls, then as the Bride with Gown

Amount and when this "Amount" Equals the JESUS Christ Faith Amount: Second Coming.

What is a secular faith amount?, such as to Give a thirsty toddler a cup of water.

What is JESUS Ascending Faith amount?, as to Give Yourself Ascendingly Continuously.

A condition: how is this possible, now making All Aware, this is that JESUS Christ

Giving Self "Ascendingly Continuously" about 2,023 years, equal this nominal Faith Amount, and if to consider

Each sinner's amount of water cup Giving, and the growing Population 8 Billion magnifying quickly, and the

Godsling (Main Page) to Ascending High Priest(s) Faith amounts (Maintenance / Main Page), then when the Sum

Of This Civilization Becomes equal [commensurate + Tithe Work] to JESUS Christ Faith Amount: Second Coming.

Do the Prisoners Help Each Other Escape?: Moses set at liberty the enslaved.

Do the Guards Give the Prisoners water?: Moses opened the rock.

Even small faith amounts are included, did the Legion commit suicide, sort of, the pigs did; and the Legion was too self deluded to overcome such.

So JESUS Christ Second Coming is according to Our Faith, hence an Amount Of Faith [not measured according to under former laws, yet of Grace] exists in All For JESUS Christ Oneness hence Eternally Best For All The Best Way Eternally is VERY SOON as the Population Increases, and Key as Bible Formulas, JESUS Christ UN, Peace Formula, Law recognizing Grace, and 7th Seal Faithful Awareness Increases In stuck-in-a-rut as if alone You [a typical Person] Rather Broadcasting.

23 April 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Proves the JESUS Christ Second Coming In All His Glory Is Very Near!

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 32.

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