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JESUS Tomorrow Sermon.
JESUS Christ Will Bring You, in other words, from You JESUS Christ Will as if come out, in the sense that from within You and All, JESUS Christ Will Make Himself Known lest as passed away hair that falls away as dust. We are so VERY easily distracted. Let's look at the Love likewise, Evangelically, concerning what the census naysayers
("You are not your own" from 1 Corinthians 6:19 so protect those that can little protect themselves rather than about protecting yourselves so minimize self Maintenance, then minimize more: more room for Good JESUS Faith; and for the Ascended We are Saved as yesterday's Sermon Preceptingly Emphasized "WE ARE BAPTIZED INTO JESUS CHRIST" so Christians are His [Many have been unaware yet becoming Enlightened] Chosen from agreements to 1 In Agreement)
most hate and fear, worse than falling stocks tomorrow: and also simultaneously behold the innocence of Apostle Saint Paul as on trial He said concerning an older translation less technical and more JESUS Heart Felt: is because of having Touched the Ressurection of the dead that i am now on trial (Acts 24:21 jist (Urban Dictionary)): they hated and feared losing census vessels selfishly so headed thoughts toward for to suffer for to die: that was their tomorrow reasoning saying and doing the opposite of the good hope from which they started [with JESUS within], while Paul in brave humble Faithfulness Ascends In Living JESUS Christ.
"Jesus took with Him Peter, James, and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun,
and His clothes became as white as the light. Suddenly Moses and Elijah appeared before them, talking with Jesus" (
"Moses" was dead and buried (Deuteronomy 34:5-7), i spoke with Linda alive and healthy this morning in Good Spirit in a dream, but i confess [Save as much as for this Broadcasting]
i was distracted by flies as i became aware she passed away almost a year ago, though such distraction can be Overcome as has previously happened as She and i discussed with then discussing JESUS Christ.
Friends, for to Edify for Your sakes and for Best For All, this is now Anewly said: many wrongly believed about tomorrow
in worldly cliche as if "none could do good save God" so merely Pray. In other words let the starving die, but
rather than "faint from hunger" Give Yourself: They have been "Yearning for JESUS" Words as YOU fit Precept On Precept.
Be the Baptized Righteous Prophet, Be Their Tomorrow Better Hope than so far today. Can You type online "JESUS is Good"?:
with the quotation marks Google found "About 6,310,000 results". Hence many thought it absurd to repeat it, though rather
than about "repeat" is the 1st step, the "walk" (see text below) in JESUS Faith [past present and TOMORROW as You Fit Precepts:
the verses that fit together that You find interesting, important, pertinent and rather that JESUS Spirit Moves You To Broadcast.
For a moment consider the opposite, over "6,310,000" have ears, so let them hear the Best while i snooze (i confess i blame my vessel body).
Shall You not broadcast "JESUS is Good" because over "6,310,000" already did, shall You not walk because over "6,310,000" already did, shall You be stupid because already over "6,310,000" are smart? Be Faithfully Ascending for Them, rather than for You. Be Wise for Them, rather than for You.
JESUS is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, continuously improving, and so with New Better Designs, hence New Best, JESUS Christ is also never the same; like unto not riding an ox cart rather qualified and licensed and driving a Church Bus, so no longer unqualified, yet all ways improving gathering in 1 Best For All Way.
"So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh" (Galatians 5:16), with "Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit" (Galatians 5:25) (
"God Himself buried Moses" [see following translation(s)]", with no grave and no monument that the Israelites could use to create another idol for worship" ( interpreted as the Successfully Ascending from slavery rule(s) to the mountain overlooking The Promised Land, the Chosen Souls within Census People hence God [unaware of name BC] in part, yet JESUS is innocent Victory Over Head Knowledge, so the Chosen cannot lead Save In JESUS Christ, also the Chosen did not build the mountain on which They stood
(also pertinent is 2 Kings 2:1 as Census People can be Ascending Up Directly Into Heaven) "buried" "Moses" in original Hebrew "וַיִּקְבֹּ֨ר" means "And He buried", and part of it "וַיִּקְב" means "and wine", "יִּקְב" means "winery", "קְב" is "crutch", "וַיִּב" means "and he said", and "יִּב" is "12" (
So We The Ascending fit things together such as starting with typing online "JESUS is Good", yet the next higher layer even if to start another New Sermon starting again with "JESUS is Good" can be New Victory just as yesterday is hardly aware of today as much as You are aware of yesterday, as with the above original Hebrew word "וַיִּקְבֹּ֨ר" meant "buried" in 2D text, with fitting Precepts in 3D Layering it in this Sermon is for Your tomorrow New Wine.
JESUS Guides Your level of complexity, according to Your Faithful Broadcasting Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN With JESUS Christ ICCDBB Peace Formula With 7th Seal Goodness
and let over "6,310,000" People do it with Us: Be The Trendsetter that JESUS find You so Doing.
While funny, how pertinent is this gif of Charlie Chaplin? One of my customers Griffin Gear the maker of the then world's biggest gear used on Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence, SETI, sent me a tape with this gif. Friends, JESUS First, provides innocent Wisdom for adding these complexities under Your Maintenance Responsibility, yet as Joy Giving even silly to the naysayers as shown here yet walk in JESUS Spirit Faithfully through the low and the High, through the silly and through the Righteous According to the JESUS Mission for You as stated above, yet "discerning" ( for Best For All.
10 September 2023 AD.
tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, seriously Enlightens Ascending from 2D counted in secular as if dead text written in stone, rather from precepts to 3D Righteous Prophesying Layering.
Recommended Sites:
JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 35.
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