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JESUS Transfiguring Sermon.

The Gift: JESUS Christ provided Himself including His secret password code: JESUS.


JESUS dined with sinners, shown at the bottom with critters.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Gives Specification on Creating the Divine with Your Account Number And Password Preceptingly as the Paten with first improving the Bible Translations Word yet NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN, also Marriage car keys and the rebellious drunk teen lower levels sinners

"Apotheosis" = "making divine"


JESUS Christ Apotheosis Work, is the making the strayed Worthy: the Way of Creating Divine.

If JESUS Christ 2,000 years ago taught sinners to go into Heaven before You, and to go Prepared, for to Use His Name And Spirit ANd His Account Number And Password, then do You continue to be interested in Ascending into Heaven?

Will You turn to those as described as "sinners" for answers?

Would You go as shown above to be amidst the lower level amidst the critters as shown above?

If You fail to make All Worthy, then to remain at a lower level [similar to not fully repentant except Firmament Levels apply over subset levels]. Firmament Levels are such as Baptism to be Saved Eternally, and such as Eucharist for the Worthy for JESUS Christ Saved Victory Over death. But life with sinners and critters in the former sense, to be as the strayed and fallen had opted was to opt to not be Heavenly Ascending.

So in the JESUS Christ Arranging of things is for Us to Best Way Ascend, making All Others [in the census counted as others, and in many lower Heavenly Levels similarly yet for making such] Worthy. To dig clay out of the ground and to make such as ceramic car engines out of that clay, has served a goodly purpose for this civilization.

To make Chosen a lump from the ground and to make it "a goodly purpose for this civilization"

indicates the JESUS Way. To promote a Worthy Child from 1st Grade to [Leap to] College Freshperson

is to surpass [similar to Transfigure] many levels simultaneously: more than 2 grades at once,

more than sitting in 2 classes at once.

Likewise a mandrel [sense 2], hard around material around which other material is shaped, is like unto a Paten, a plate, typically made of gold or silver, used for holding the bread during the Eucharist and sometimes as a cover for the chalice.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Gives Specification on Creating the Divine with Your Account Number And Password Preceptingly as the Paten with first improving the Bible Translations Word yet NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN, Paten, also Marriage car keys and the rebellious drunk teen


The possible is Righteous Of JESUS Christ Innocent Faithfulness as the Hoping Senders Hoped Together for the Best, as 1 such Hoped. Though the impossible has been in the lower levels without excuse, filled with fallen strayed options of failed attempts including former lower level translations as by as many Scribes as had been merely under the Law [including much of 1st Testament] when rather should have been Ascending With JESUS Christ Faithfulness.

Here are 4 Job 37:5 Translation problematic self defeatist attitudes examples:

A. English Standard Version "God thunders wondrously with his voice; he does great things that we cannot comprehend.",

B. New International Version "God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding.",

C. New Living Translation "God’s voice is glorious in the thunder. We can’t even imagine the greatness of his power.", and

D. Legacy Standard Bible "God thunders with His voice marvelously, Doing great things which we do not know.", and

these are from that strangely contradicts itself in the Lexicon as: "we cannot" hardly equals "Not, no";

also there is no Google Translate translation from Hebrew [nor Greek] though [of the Shepherds that came to see Newborn JESUS Christ] thread Uzbek Turkmen "wə·lō" translates to the English word "and".

JESUS Christ Save sinners, this means We can view the source of this Great Good Power And Authority precisely and fit Preceptingly into Church criteria Specifications (reference such as Pillars Of Faith). Through JESUS Christ Name Spirit [including as specified above "including His secret password code: JESUS"] We can rather than former lower levels as if uninvited "cannot", WE CAN "comprehend" understand imagine and "know" as JESUS Christ Invites Us to so have Accomplished even as written now already, even as You can Host as the Paten for His Unleavened Bread.

And as written in 1 John 5:8 New King James Version "And there are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree as one.", ["agree as one" thread: agree Google Translator Greek "ἕν" = in hence in in, hence agree as One (In JESUS Preceptingly Amount Agreeing Fittingly with previous Sermon gird amount)]. And this agrees Preceptingly fittingly with [2 in 1 as 1]: Word and Deed (Luke 24:19). Note the Word [ibid. Marriage Sermon] is first planted then the Deed Honeymoon. And this is said in JESUS Christ Grace rather than about as much as Law applies, and there have been many laws on such; yet for the Ascending the JESUS Christ Grace Guiding Way is virtually the same as Law: so for You to Give: Virtue.

Luke 8:46 New Living Translation [in the crowd there was a Person Virtuous] "But Jesus said, 'Someone deliberately touched me, for I felt healing power go out from me' " and King James Bible "And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me." (see older Sermons in this Series on selective filtering during transporting, hence Transfiguration pertinence) (also reference DNA modifying that has become automated: a great value: see in this Series on automating Maintenance).

So lest to fail, We are to be Transfiguring in JESUS Christ [counted in lower levels as if secrets] our so called private codes [though very widely distributed (Trust amounts apply: Thank You)] yet often Worthiness applies. This Worthiness less applies to Our holding back against the Giving Of Heavenly Gifts, as the resistance already does such [electrical resisters waste electricity transfiguring it into heat, save if for to heat a room for instance] hence an automated aspect from JESUS Christ Original Plan already exists and functions on Our Behalf: so We are at Liberty to Give, though with increasing Wisdom We Ascend To Be Better Aware to rather than give car keys to a rebellious drunk teen, and hardly to Give All Transfiguring Power And Unique Authority to a rebellious drunk teen; as written above "such as Eucharist for the Worthy".

So like as written above "first" the "planted" Word, "then the Deed".

From Creator JESUS Christ Faith Already:

Our Responsibility Over All The Created, for to "make All Worthy";

yet of JESUS Christ Precepting Way, to Best For All fit these Together:

humbly Prayerfully 1st is JESUS Christ Faith making All Aware of the Best Way, hence Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN with the 7th Seal including the Peace Formula Faithfully,

then for the so made Worthy thusly, is the 2nd: JESUS Christ Faithfully Finding Such Worthy For Lifting.

5 February 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Gives Specification on Creating the Divine with Your Account Number And Password Giving New Better Translations Preceptingly as the Paten with first improving the Bible Translations Word yet NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN, also Marriage car keys and the rebellious drunk teen, mandrel, Paten, Eucharist.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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