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JESUS Unification Theory Sermon.

No other name ( "Context").

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, specifies how ALL are to Go Through JESUS Christ as Sent with no exception hence including ALL the Senders, JESUS Christ shaking hands gif, and exposes the so called Grand ultra mistake, discussed are NEEDFUL CREATING SIGNS AND BROADCASTING, along with prime rate strong forces and subatomic particles Ultra Unification Theory

("JESUS all gif").

JESUS Christ Gave the Right Way for


to Go Through Himself as Sent: "ALL" including the Senders.

Now it may sound funny as if a joke, though rather in serious Joy in JESUS Spirit, seeing the above JESUS Christ gif, i lifted the monitor a little for a moment, in Devotional Respect, hence the ideas about JESUS Christ in the census 2,000 years ago having done signs but no such signs being performed anymore [as if merely 2 Testaments, the end] is rather JESUS Christ is Alive, and also as a Christian i lifted at least the symbol of JESUS Christ yet as much as Good: JESUS Christ is in the symbol [yet to rather Worship as He Specified about 2,000 years ago]

so this point is i performed a sign;


You too can PERFORM A SIGN and lift likewise (see above gif You can do), such as when a Preacher lifts the Bible even perhaps with an artwork portrait of JESUS Christ within the Bible.

In selfish worldly ways it has been said "Know Your Audience" [of values types and amounts] rather in JESUS Spirit be aware of His Audience, of Him within the Audience [and in secular terms: whether audience members are aware or not]. So what is the cliche audience?, consider the controllers highly respected as in government such as able to agree to peace treaties and able to print money and issue and build roads, and again values apply, so thank You including any pertinent support groups.

So per se consider that that group [government with groups] values, in secular worldly terms: what that group would pay good money for. That group [this group as much as pertinent] is interested in how they and others would fit into the comprehensive equation (see JESUS Christ ICCDBB: PCS Sermon). The comprehensive formula in involved in such as figuring the Prime Rate, and also such as including how to send rockets to the Moon, and how to split subatomic particles: all these are with good values as much as being applied [in the JESUS Christ Given Grand Design (reference an act of God)].

Applied knowledge progress is being made [not merely in the secular as quoted in this sentence], for instance "Grand Unified Theory (GUT) is a model in particle physics in which, at high energies, the three gauge interactions of the Standard Model comprising the electromagnetic, weak, and strong forces are merged into a single force." (wiki).

"In 2020, a proposed theory called 'ultra unification' includes multidimensional "noninvertible, or five dimensional invertible entangled gapped phase" (ibid.) vessels.

In other words with the the Heart Beats Of JESUS Christ Name Spirit Together "Unified" of the "gapped phase" though through JESUS Christ rather than about merely "a model" [JESUS Christ is rather than the UNKNOWN GOD "model"] and rather than about merely as if pieces [(Bible Book Of Job) yet pertinent with JESUS Unifying] "particle physics" and rather than about "or" (JESUS Christ UN Law 2020 AD is Victory Over fallen ways about separation of Church and state) and rather than about "entangled";

JESUS Christ Best Way is the Best Flow Gathering Flowing Together of the planted Word, Ascending as 1 Unified JESUS Christ Name Spirit as [fully repentant from "entangled" and] Baptized and With Eucharist and as 1 High Priest Leadership Broadcasting.

So what level is the Unified?, it works in the fallen, bottom [hence rather JESUS Christ Name Spirit First With Continuing, lest to be as "secular excuse to stray to be "Perp" does not apply" (previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon)].

So for the Glory Of JESUS Christ is first the straightening with Best Guiding the "entangled" Souls

then the "entangled" works.

so the "Grand" "ultra" [mistake in secular worldly lingo, and rather] the Better Way

Through JESUS Christ is to Ascend from being under the name of Adam.

Adam named things, "ultra unification" named things [forces,...],

Adam after the fact of seeing it, named a tree: a tree. So it is a tree according to Adam.

So a branch was named according to fitting a tree.

Did Adam look at the branch first or the tree first

(reference changes in thoughts about: since Darwin's Theory Of Evolution, and reference Translations).

A secular book of a famous movie is about "Translation"s: one person wrote some scribbles and another person Translated the pseudo English into English [note perhaps hundreds of millions of bucks hinged on a person that can't write legibly since about a deadline, as translation deviations were also seen in the book, with large sections tossed out].

The Lord JESUS Christ functions another Better Way: First The "tree" then the "branch" [then later the more complex yet Precept On Precept such as grafting DNA].

The Lord JESUS Christ Improves: Will Improve for Your sake, as You improve:

this is as a teacher of a grade, and then without need of a new teacher, the same teacher improves according to each student amount of improving.

Adam [Bless His Beloved Soul] didn't do that back then.

The previous Sermon explained "ultra unification" already and before some get offended, the previous Sermon did not explain all the details, yet importantly the key JESUS Christ Name Spirit Creator Inviter Hosting. The previous Sermon said as written "how to Prepare the Way of the Lord with the" "Good through Eternity Manifold Value Applies": "Manifold" is "ultra unification" already, also more importantly "through Eternity"! So of JESUS Spirit Grace hardly merely as Adam helter skelter named the "the branch first or the tree first".

There is a starting point [Adam failed], JESUS Christ.

There is a so called ending point [Second Coming In All His Glory ("including the Senders" as stated above)], JESUS Christ.

In high tech such as nuclear calibration as many of us have done in the secular, if given two points at low end of the range [rather JESUS Christ Godsling] and at high end of the range, then able to draw a line, and if to measure midpoint between those 2 points hopefully the third point is on that line [about excellence in calibrating]. Many more points can be nicely calibrated though there are many types of variables. So there is a secular Adam type progress amount seeing after-the-fact [energy that happened and was noted for to calibrate] value, as Adam grouped types, branch types into the word branch and tree types into the word tree, though such as one "tree" appeared as if a tree but was a branch.

Fix the mistaken "tree" in Your Soul First.

This does not say toss out the many Census names and as many of the Census works, as much as for good: these too are of great Value(s).

To work too much in formulas without Broadcasting Credit for JESUS Christ is to be addicted, Friends.

To stray into secular complexities and powers historically has been as to contaminate Earth with radioactive particles the air and water and food, and it continues into outer space (reference space debris so of JESUS Christ Original Plan counteracting outer space travel, example movie Gravity). So if to try to go into such complexities as if without need of JESUS Christ counteracts many hard works. As often written in this Series, the strayed ways are with risks, secular complex formulas complicate the risks: bigger and bigger disasters are hardly the Best Way.

Here is Given You how this JESUS Unification Theory Sermon Faithfully typed is New Better Grace Victory Over former strayed ways of knowledge as much as not giving JESUS Christ the Credit. Lest they eat of the bread, of the broken Bread of the Eucharist and Crucifixion, lest they see signs they will not believe as written in John 4:48.

As stated above "You" are to "PERFORM A SIGN": Behoold this New Victory Value Made Public:

rather than the secular ways is as stated above first fix the "entangled" Souls;

so the "SIGN" You are to "PERFORM" is this New [from You as stated above] Miracle:

the secular used the flip-of-a-coin as has been considered about 50% wrong

[though Broadcast This JESUS Christ Miracle:] yet if to "flip" in the situation moment

then the Perceiver to agree with a JESUS Christ Miracle.

What this means is that a person doesn't believe until in a certain situation.

If We Broadcast JESUS Christ Way Faithfully then Victory Over All situations and "entangled" gaps.

For instance, though often secular and worldly is this historic type example model shown here.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, specifies how ALL are to Go Through JESUS Christ as Sent with no exception hence including ALL the Senders, and exposes the so called Grand ultra mistake, discussed are NEEDFUL CREATING SIGNS AND BROADCASTING, along with prime rate strong forces and subatomic particles Ultra Unification Theory


(thread: 5 possible dates, of the Crucifixion of JESUS Christ

11 February 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, specifies how ALL are to Go Through JESUS Christ as Sent with no exception hence including ALL the Senders, and exposes the so called Grand ultra mistake, discussed are NEEDFUL CREATING SIGNS AND BROADCASTING, along with prime rate strong forces and subatomic particles.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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