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JESUS Valentine Sermon.
("JESUS Valentine gif").
Valentines Day is celebrated worldwide February 14 (according to a search engine), and this may be a hard saying though Valentines Day is especially celebrated among the young, did You get that oldtimer Friends?, [i'm an oldtimer too, yet in JESUS Christ young at Heart (see somewhat older Sermons in this Series on JESUS Christ and i playing Together and yet when appropriate to be serious then very serious as with Daily Sermons typed and published and in secular words for to Edify: no nonsense)].
So this "no nonsense" has often been associated with Wisdom, yet also as stated above "especially celebrated among the young". Very young Children are told in classrooms to make and exchange Valentines Day Cards, and the Children typically appreciate it far more in the younger lower level grades; "lower level" hardly sounds Wise, yet the Giving is.
More seriously [more earnestly, even if not to continue to Marriage] the Teens, and the Newlyweds...that opt to Give Valentines Cards and Gifts do so often with much sincerity hence a Desperately Love Giving Wisdom [amount ("even if not to continue to Marriage" though such as a Valentine Card for such as a hospitalized Patient and such as for a Hospice Elderly and as for Others in desperate situations is Great Good Wise Value)].
A commitment in dating for instance has often been more important to Parents than to Daters, pertinent to such as the divorce rate, and such as the High School Pregnancy Blessing though rather to Better Way Solve through JESUS Christ Before The Fact. Grace be with "Daters", yet as written in Exodus 20:12 "Honor your father and mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you.", and not merely "land" JESUS Christ Gives though how to accept if strayed from Worthy.
"Honor your father and mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise),", (Ephesians 6:2 English Standard Version). Like unto Daters a Person [a Gal, typically] might be given a promissory ring as in a romantic relationship to signify their fidelity and commitment. The word "promise" is first mentioned in the Bible in 1 Kings 8:56 though behold how, as if mentioned prior in the Bible: "Blessed be the LORD, who has given rest to His people Israel, according to all that He promised. There has not failed one word of all His good promise, which He promised through His servant Moses." (1st mentioned according to various Christian Bible search sources).
What this means is God said Do something(s) and if the Person listening was Righteous then
that Person would Faithfully [unseen, unproven to that Person: the Person would] Do;
and after that Faithfulness the Great And Wonderful Miracle for the Faithful People would Happen.
This is what Promise and likewise what Be My Valentine means.
People have been committed such as to sanitariums, Gracefully in JESUS Spirit this is hardly [Edifyingly in secular lingo: this is not] what the above means; this is "not" about historic practice of confining People.
Defined: "sanitarium" "an institution for the promotion of health. The word was originally coined to designate the institution established by the Seventh Day Adventists at Battle Creek, Michigan, to distinguish it from institutions providing care for mental or tuberculous patients." (, similarly reference a secular Teacher advising Students in cliche to "calm down" and "settle down";
(reference the Peace Formula [hence Ascend to the Higher Level Children so calm Up in JESUS Spirit As Ambassadors in Patient {adjective} Kindness] in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Love Sermon at concerning "calm" per se, and "settle" concerns the above "land" and housing in the sense of Life Together of a Commitment hence the Promise per se).
So the First Commandment with a Promise, with a Godsling (see above "Main Page" Definitions) of Miracles at the start of the 1st Testament, is to "Ascend", Children, therewith the Entire Family Ascends like unto weighing the anchor. To Ascend in JESUS Christ UN Grace Levels, over which no laws exist, as the New Beginning that not yet exists, and as to Plan though construction has not yet commenced, is this Faithfulness of the Valentine Giving Pledge of One's Own [Belonging to JESUS Christ] Life. And look above: All Classmates to exchange with Each Other "Valentines Day Cards".
Sarcastically yet Edifyingly, toward the opposite of Ascend is such as how to have so called in secular worldly cliche "unwanted pregnancies":
Philippians 4:6 King James Bible "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.",
Philippians 4:6 New Living Translation "Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.",
Philippians 4:6 New American Standard Bible "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and pleading with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.",
so, Guys go ahead and "knock her up" in secular cliche, and Gals be careless and carefree in secular cliche(s), and People no worries, it ain't nothin' have fun;
rather than carelessly jump off a building so You can fly because "God loves You",
and rather than the the above sarcasm is the Better "fidelity": You made Promises,
such as when the Teacher said behave and You said You would: keep Your Promises.
Yet rather Giving JESUS Christ The Credit Give Good Promises to and For ALL and
"Ascend" hence Be Trustworthy Before The Fact, prior to any resultant incident.
Concerning the above pertinent sarcasm, Ascend to Better Translate the Will Of
Creator JESUS Christ as All the Good, the 7th Seal is in the Bible including the
Living Bible, Valentine.
If You are not careful, if to not "worry about anything" [if to now be concerned for the Precious Gems and the Pure and Innocent, hence JESUS Christ Creator in all the Good the Creator Created as much as pertinent (see previous in this Series about "opt")], then as written in Luke 16:11 New American Standard Bible "Therefore if you have not been faithful in the use of unrighteous wealth, who will entrust the true wealth to you?". To be with Someone as a Friend, [in secular Edifying] is NOT to lie for Them [that doesn't make good sense], a Friend does not steal for a Friend, a Friend does not hide a murder case for a perp Friend murderer.
A recent Sermon explained "girding" concerning Churches (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS New Marriage Sermon at for the Good in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose as Given for this Civilization rather than for former lower levels fraught with problems including above stated worries about anxiety and stress. Rather Translate and Promise as much as is "Precious" and "Pure" "and Innocent" as stated above hence in Higher Ascending Grace according JESUS Christ Original Plan for this Civilization.
Of Grace a Person might consider to fly so to consider jumping off a skyscraper as stated above though JESUS Christ Original Plan normally has no provision for such selfish foolheartedness other than to allow worse Save if a Miracle Reason Better For All, so rather than make Thyself a bad example for "Innocent" per se Others, be Good, Ascend the Best For All. So this is how to Better Translate, and How To Responsibly Love Faithfully hence much about How to be Faithful yet Ascend and JESUS Christ Will Guide unto Better Unimagined.
Philippians 4:6 Weymouth New Testament for instance has a Better Translation that stated above about "Philippians 4:6": "Do not be over-anxious about anything, but by prayer and earnest pleading, together with thanksgiving, let your request be unreservedly made known in the presence of God.": hence rather than excess is the Better Way For All (from the "Greek": Lexicon).
This Better Translation fits with the previous Sermon on "What PEOPLE OF THE FUTURE Will Be Doing" including "the New JESUS Christ UN Initiative Holy Grail" and Valentine with You [and Our] online Market Penetration Broadcasting Value: this is a JESUS Christ Good Faith Promise.
Again consider the above sarcasm due to Many not yet properly Translating, nor "Broadcasting" per se, Eve was Guilty per se. No need to repeat such. To broadcast other, is what Eve did [and rather than a so called shiny vessel about knowledge (] as stated above over anxious excessively was knowledge lacking an amount Love hence an amount of Wisdom (see older Sermons on the Formula).
Pertinent therefore in JESUS Christ Ascending as NEEDFUL as evidenced (so many Translations that should be improved: continuous improvement), is to consider the lower level such as to accidently cuss on Church property and have to pay a fine to the Church, so if a $5 fine (see particular Church criteria) a Person might have had to work a minute to have earned it or such as a couple hours to have earned it; if to have impregnated then the time commitment is a lifetime [normally, such as perhaps about adoption (ibid. Before The Fact) (Parental Guidance applies, Laws apply)] [and concerning the ages of Each, of JESUS Grace let the ages be similar such as hardly merely about a Person too young, yet also for the latter days about less yearning too old to raise Children so let Both Grow Together (lest Matthew 13:30 and rather though lest 2 Corinthians 6:14 Levels Of Having Ascended Each may apply)].
The lengthy previous sentence has much about a short amount of time relative to the Eternal JESUS Christ Gives For All. So short temporary amounts have applied, yet rather consider the Good Samaritan: and JESUS Christ Will Reward That Good Samaritan [the pertinent amount of Reward Value, yet] Eternally! If to Be A Valentine and in JESUS Name Give a cup of water to a thirsty Child then as JESUS Christ finds Worthy immediately, yet also the amount of Good: Eternally!
A Perp goes to prison 20 years for symbolic example, yet how many times while in prison can the Perp In The Name And Spirit Of JESUS Christ Give the Thirsty Ones cups of water(s): Good through Eternity Manifold Value Applies though secular excuse to stray to be "Perp" does not apply.
Make Your Website, Valentine,
Prepare The Way Of The Lord.
(JESUS jerusalem gif).
February 2023.
tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, is as a Love Letter Giving a JESUS Christ Good Faith Promise with how to Prepare the Way of the Lord with the Valentine Pledge, gifs.
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