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JESUS Value Sermon.

It was written to either do it JESUS' Way or the stray ways. JESUS Christ invited All to Be as JESUS Christ Completely. So in His Name In His Spirit In His Best Good Spirit Way Of Working so to Do such as to Best Evangelize. JESUS Christ Gave Himself, His Innocent Honorable Self for any and all to be as He Save Completely Painlessly, now what is this "Completely Painlessly" Factor?, does a Person need to Longsuffer?: here is a great NEW Gift from JESUS Christ for Many, and "NEW" because of the Level Of Love this Civilization has Achieved, Thank You! For this "NEW" amount of Civilization Worthiness is with JESUS Christ Lifting as with Giving now in this Sermon this "NEW" [to this Civilization] greater Good Higher Level Gift, about the former lower levels of Longsuffering ideas.

The Chosen People strayed, so the Chosen People did not always have the Ark Of The Covenant

so the Chosen People longsuffered when it was stolen, and that amount of longsuffering was

missing during Faithulness With The Holy Ark Of The Covenant.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, like unto John The Baptist this Sermon reveals the Advocate in Sacred Faith Over matters that had been secret since the world began with the JESUS Christ New Gift Way that We no longer have to Longsuffer and this Sermon Newly Reveals how to according to the JESUS Christ Plan proportional relationship, Ark Of The Covenant, Chosen People


This "NEW" Gift from JESUS Christ is starting with "NEW" Joy for some to behold that lost their Family Members immediately after conception, such as a Good Child in the womb that was lost due to a bomb. That Child went to Heaven. So this "NEW" Gift from JESUS Christ has to do with that innocence that that Child had [with Our New Awareness of the Pertinence Now].

The previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS New Prophesies Sermon at "provides Miracle Bonus Giving". so the JESUS Christ Way thus far has already been provided, such as to be with a trailblazer Leadership Family having already cut through the thorny bushes and formed a pathway, awaiting You with Yours.

So this "NEW" Gift from JESUS Christ is that the innocent Child went to Heaven prior to any thought of turning astray. If to not turn astray, if to Be Faithful In JESUS Christ Name Spirit Way Best For All Invitingly, then that amount like unto the amount [duration, Level Of Faith, Giving All Victories from JESUS Christ in the Name And Spirit Of JESUS Christ as JESUS Christ Exemplar Did And Does And Will Do], correlates to: Longuffering(s).

The amount any strays is the amount of Holy Longsuffering(s) that such shall endure. And Rather The Amount Of Faithfulness is with that "Amount" of lack of Longsuffering(s).

Just as the Good [not opted to stray disloyally] Innocent Child was removed from

the census unawares (,

without a moment to think, so too "unawares" applies in the Person about longsuffering.

So if a Person had a Good Ascending Christian innocent life then to not longsuffer since JESUS Christ The Innocent already did the Longsuffering Once For All.

John The Baptist was Baptizing and when JESUS Christ visited [in the census sense, when JESUS made Himself known to John per se, publicly], JESUS Christ Found John The Baptist so Doing Worthily, Faithfully, and so Faithful that JESUS Christ publicly Rewarded John The Baptist: with the Reward of JESUS Christ Personal Presence Himself, the Presence Of The Creator of the Good in John The Baptist, the amount of Faithful Work in John The Baptist worthy of Eternal Glory!


The former lower level "Kinmen minefield" has become a modern "tourist attraction"

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, like unto John The Baptist this Sermon reveals the Advocate in Sacred Faith Over matters that had been secret since the world began with the JESUS Christ New Gift Way that We no longer have to Longsuffer and this Sermon Newly Reveals how to according to the JESUS Christ Plan proportional relationship, Ark Of The Covenant, Chosen People Ascending JESUS Family, minefield, mines, black powder, traps since the dawn of time, start of this civilization, trapping


1,000 Generations x 25 years [each, approximate] = 25,000 years.

The JESUS Christ Triadic Ascending Flow Way is right to left accomplished as We Faithfully Give [in Marriage per se] left to right:

25,000 years / 1,000 Generations / 25 years.

How are We going to Give "1,000 Generations" toward coming into innocent JESUS Christ success Eternaly? (see above).

As written in a type of warning: "maintaining loving devotion to a thousand generations, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin. Yet He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished; He will visit the iniquity of the fathers on their children and grandchildren to the third and fourth generations" (Exodus 34:7 Berean Standard Bible); also the first mines were from many generations ago, black power [9th century] for instance may have been used to make mines to gather food previous to the invention of the iron pistol, though the first traps have been around since the dawn of this civilization.

We carry not merely our individual personal sins, yet also though of our forebearers and not merely about our personal lineage(s). Consider such as the concept of national debt, and a Family lineage that had been debt free shared that "national debt".

The more We are each and rather All innocent [as JESUS Christ] then the quickening of the Spirit of Victory Over such problems as We Longsuffer In JESUS Christ Desperate Love Giving Spirit to Give JESUS Christ the Credit, and not merely to say in the Name of JESUS Christ (James 2:20: typing online in JESUS Christ Name) yet also in JESUS Christ Family Ascending Spirit Better On Better, is proportional over the problems. Faithfulness means without interruptions. Each separation, each gap, is a pithole a pothole, a pit trap; with need to start Faith in JESUS Christ again.

JESUS Christ said "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled; do not be afraid." (John 14:27).

Because of JESUS Christ, this Sermon exists including as JESUS Christ said "But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have told you." (John 14:26). This reminder reminds Us of the JESUS Christ Righteous Plan For The Future, merely 1 Best Plan exists for this.

JESUS Value comes in You, rather Better stated in You Giving into and for and with Us in JESUS Christ Ascending Family as JESUS Christ Taught And Did yet also for each and All for each and All to be Better though rather than being as the works of any stray amounts, as We continue Best Ascending Faithfully, and in so doing is the Broadcasting into at least the census immediately the JESUS Christ UN Law Legally Recognizing His Higher Level Grace Way Better For All as NEEDFUL NOW with the Peace Formula.


24 February 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, like unto John The Baptist this Sermon reveals the Advocate in Sacred Faith Over matters that had been secret since the world began with the JESUS Christ New Gift Way that We no longer have to Longsuffer and this Sermon Newly Reveals how to according to the JESUS Christ Plan proportional relationship.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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