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JESUS Victories Over Kings Sermon.
JESUS Christ ICCDBB made the record in an older Sermon that if to Ascend to the Highest Level of JESUS Christ to be with Victory Over All Leaders such as Kings for to Best Lead All, then necessary was to know what Each King knows, and it is of "record" so rather than ignored, though this Sermon Series continued as written in Matthew 6:33 Berean Standard Bible "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.", so with the Preaching yesterday Preceptingly
with having and Giving For Each and rather in Grace Best For All Victory Over Genesis 3:22 "like one of Us" as with JESUS Christ Faithful already Surpassed in "JESUS Christ 1" "as much as Good" is this Over rather with Each King and each Leader and All "as much as Good" is also Accomplished as included, and this applies Over Each and All Everywhere, Save the New Creation Plan for the Better Must Need Come hence the JESUS Christ Second Coming for the Worthy Bride for JESUS Christ to enter into His due Worthy Glory (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Victory Over Like One Of Us Sermon at
"Jesus answered, 'If you knew the gift of God and who is asking you for a drink,
you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water" (John 4:10).
JESUS 7th Seal Words In You Faithfully, is to hint at Your unseen future, and Precept On Precept for Best For All is unto Righteously Prophesying. Yesterday's Sermon hinted more than merely symbolically as facts applied having stated "a Person at a pole can walk around all the time zones: this is very similar to JESUS Christ Transfiguring," and with Transfiguring there was such as Moses having gone into the future after Moses was buried, though to perish from the census is no longer required if to Ascend into a High Enough Level to be Creator Over such
and so a Firmament applies, to assume of knowledge to make things better such as to live forever in the census, or of knowledge to be with Faith rather than seeing the future: The Will Of JESUS Christ Be Done rather than lower levels of works calculating what is best from after-the-facts former ways [example in cliche "the process was proven" though was JESUS Christ Best Credited: partial credit has been as a chain with a mid missing link: separation].
Separation is as to think a Precept then another Precept. Yet in JESUS Best For All is the Perfect Fitting Together hence no longer merely about plural Precepts (see previous in this Series many a Sermon(s) on rather Best Way Flow) (see text below). Victory Over various Kings and what their next move is, is as to walk into a day in the future through a time zone yet rather Transfiguration [JESUS Ascending 1 Victory Over Many Transfigurations]. Be JESUS Christ Eternal Good 1 Transfiguration Save for Miracles as written in John 4:48 "Jesus said to him, 'Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will never believe.' "
so again for their sakes counted as though plural for their sake(s), yet Continue For JESUS Christ 1 singular.
For instance there may be many People and so plural, though a Preacher has 1 Mass in 1 Church. Behold JESUS Christ "was counted among the transgressors" ( yet was and is Innocent, hence about being allowed to be counted in knowledge (see top of this page Law link with right to think [with ideas, plural]) yet rather the Perfect Eternal Idea [singular] the Best Way For All.
Look at the Best Way Flow in John 12:28 "Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again" so to Live in Glory rather than perish that All as 1 may have life everlasting as being Fulfilled Already as JESUS Christ explained as written in John 3:16. And This Save The Miracles: if a Perfect Thought lasting Eternally, then no longer to think at all save to Love JESUS Christ 1 Perfect Thinking With Miracles to be Faithful yet Victories Over Handling Responsibilities about the Given Miracles.
Faithfully in JESUS Christ 1, in other words Edifyingly, Your census Life is very important to You, so if explained to Give Your life to Save a Villan's life it hardly makes any sense so far from a worldly Perfect idea; Save Best For All, so if to be "JESUS Christ 1" then with the Saved former Villan: all these things of JESUS Christ 1 Need Apply Together Best Fittingly; a mere verse or a mere Precept has little bearing on the case under the Law. 2 witnesses saw who shot the Person, it's the Law; though 100 witnesses saw another that alone makes neither innocent nor guilty.
JESUS Christ is Over witnesses and mobs and gangs and such, even Over All. So if a Person is with JESUS Christ 1 but the Person devolves to be under former ways then: unfaithful [better stated: then less faithful: type of faith, amount of faith, situations such as sensor problems,...]. JESUS is the 1 Good Eternal Value, the center of the Universe. Which Planet is most Valuable?, the planet discovered as made of a diamond?, rather at least about year zero and for 30 some years Earth and All existed because of JESUS Christ and His Second Coming Likewise as Chosen Before The Fact. Church Leaders used to say Earth is the center of the Universe [there is a Universe and a Known Universe(s)] and is flat, also behold the above and previous Sermon about the flat being rolled up as a Scroll already.
Continue Faithfully and the Father "will glorify it again" hence Live Eternally, so be with Eternal Longevity now for as Many as Faithfully Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law With The Good Grace of the 7th Seal so Be Like unto the above verse, Matthew 6:33, is as written in Proverbs 9:11 "For through wisdom your days will be multiplied, and years will be added to your life.". I say Give Hope though my hope vanishes as vapor: if to Give Your All and Our All from JESUS Christ 1 then JESUS Christ [is the Father] 1 Will Resupply and Better than merely restock the shelves (knowledge repository), as the Tree Of Knowledge Grows according to 1st the Needful Tree Of Life JESUS Christ as Sent to Solve Once For All.
Faith in JESUS Christ is Good. The Good of Knowledge is for Faith including Faithful Responsible handling Maintenance Over Given Miracles [so Automation applies] so a value about Knowledge is the lower level under former ways about Your Living Bible Rrecordkeeping so with record that You Believe [for to Surpass though Perfect Fitting Precepts 1st through JESUS Christ Eternally], so the symbolic Knowledge Value applies in the symbolic sense that as if counted: You can Love or need but not both; and rather JESUS 1 Faith Victory Over the types of Miracles Before The Fact: so the Joy is already Full.
Like unto seeing a Baby starting to talk, walk, and ride a bike, the New Joy comes within JESUS Christ All 1 Successes in Them.
To state Anewly Preceptingly For Greater Glorifying of JESUS Christ 1 [even if the risk of selfishness be interpreted in others]
If needful make Yourself weak that They All Be Strong in JESUS Christ 1 [Labor for Them without price that Ye become faint],
make Yourself a fool if need be that They All Become Wise Within JESUS Christ 1 and Your Wisdom Will Be Restored and much more
than restored: JESUS Christ 1 Faithfully Righteously Prophesying. Because for Pure JESUS Christ 1 as written "With all watchfulness
keep thy heart, because life issueth out from it." (Proverbs 4:23 Douay-Rheims Bible) ["keep thy heart" Pure Best Faithful For All].
If a Person had Faithfulness in JESUS Christ though see no Miracles and nothing good come from it and so turned astray, it is because the Person didn't have Faithfulness in JESUS Christ, the Person had Faithfulness in [with the hope of] Miracles. A Person tries out a car before buying, though a Person might try out many types of false faiths and untruths, as to selfishly see which one would result in the most selfish powers and gifts for their mansion with many types of [faiths symbolically] cars.
A hard saying is now Given Save in JESUS Spirit as stated above: what good is it to be Saved and with Eucharist if not for Others [it would have been counted as if merely about the temporary (see above JESUS Christ "was counted among the transgressors" and We are supposed to be as JESUS Christ {in secular cliche "whatever it takes" rather Give All yet Brave Faith in the Protector JESUS})], hence let there be full repentance and Worthiness.
Faithfulness is like unto a train Engineer that drives the train on schedule
lest such as grocery store not have things needful for a community.
15 March 2023.
tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, counts such as if Others for the importance of Victories in Others for the Whole Value, Giving New Victory Over Precepts, Prophecies, Eucharists, and Transfigurations, Save for Miracles, King of the road at the ready Good Samaritan Maintenance Responsibility.
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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .
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