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JESUS Victory For Family Sermon.

JESUS Christ Gives this New Victory With Recordkeeping Yet Anewly Over New Testament (the 2nd Testament see above "Main Page" Definitions) verse as written in Luke 12:52 Berean Standard Bible "From now on, five in one household will be divided, three against two and two against three.", and importantly the beginning of the verse "From now on" continues to apply. To start to explain this "New Victory" is in JESUS Christ Spirit For Best to understand the Levels. Pertinent there are levels such as a Christian Parent Higher Level than a Child (Matthew 19:19 hence Honorable with the Promise Of Hope) even though the Child may be innocent hence Over Law so this is a Faithful Grace Victory!

Though if other than "a Christian Parent" this "New Victory" continues to apply, as far as the Perfect Heavenly is Higher Level than the worldly. Worldly Oxford Dictionary defines "worldly" as "1. (of a person) experienced and sophisticated.". So this is exceedingly Higher Level New Victory in JESUS Christ Spirit than "(of a person) experienced and sophisticated"! The previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon from Tree Of Life mapped number "13", the Heart Of JESUS Christ, revealed His New Leyline ( to His Holy Grail: in cliche X marks the spot (see older Oak Island Sermons in this Series). So the JESUS Christ Spirit New Leyline Best For All is New Victory Over the above verse merely about a relatively lower level Family experiencing problems and often about selfish reasons.

Leylines Firmament Levels with sublevels like unto Fundamentals Frequency Pulses with Harmonics (reference cycles per...).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, New Leyline from JESUS Heart to His Holy Grail Proof with Magnetic Model Main Field Horizontal Intensity NOAA GOV Heart Better than pertinent mere brain, ley lines, x marks the spot, Holy Grail, JESUS Christ Heart 13 Tree Of Life, electromagnetic heart brain measure

(You can see how it fits with JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Christian Bible Code unites Oak Island Holy Grail...Sermon at

From the Source JESUS Christ, the Energy Surge Of The Heart, the Initial Pulse is normally so Powerful it tends to Overwhelm the First Harmonic Save Power (Gain Control) reduction for to be able to see the 1st Harmonic in the typical sense [similar to baseline with added harmonic pulses].

So Near JESUS Christ is Power as written "Jesus Begins His Ministry" "From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" ( English Standard Version) "ἤγγικεν" = "reached" (Google Translate).

Proximity to a JESUS Christ Name Spirit Leyline is as the above stated "sublevels" and subsublevels and subsubsublevels Growing More Powerful with Ascending with increasing closeness symbolically as Christian Hearts to Wed as 1 in JESUS Christ Name Spirit Baptism Best Way For All;

so to become More Powerful than the increasingly distant other Powerful Levels' Positions.

Pertinent is Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN is a Motivational Force Of Power, though in secular worldly levels so called resistance [also in JESUS Christ Righteously Distinguish Useful Ohms as of a Speaker and similarly such as of an Ultrasonic Transducer (Luke 19:40 rather than Mark 5:5)]; Speaker Ohms are also as a trampoline springing up anewly perhaps higher level than previous, and as leverage value. So to Motivate to leverage the Magnetic Domains of the electromagnetism of the "JESUS Christ Signal" (often can be seen Unique Sermon illustrated info in this Series)

is of the Source Giving The Flow [electrons moving of the electromagnetism] as You In Pertinent Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Amplify, Magnify, Bear Good News, Give Birth to Many Becoming Baptized Ascending Worthily Into Eucharist: JESUS Perfect Power Level Over Previous known as Perfect; Greater Gift Joy with former Longsuffering so to speak Edifyingly.

Accordingly what is the power of a thought relative to a "Heart"?, if to measure, it has been said for instance "The Heart is about 100,000 times stronger electrically & up to 5,000 times stronger magnetically than the brain." ("GLOBAL LEY LINE PROJECT Facebook").

Below, the far right side 2 vertical lines are nearly IDENTICAL in power overwhelmingly

relative to the other lines like unto how a VP and an Administrative Secretary are powerful

in a corporation relative to many Employees viewing them as higher level Corporate Staff.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, New Leyline from JESUS Heart to His Holy Grail Proof with Magnetic Model Main Field Horizontal Intensity NOAA GOV Heart Better than pertinent mere brain, leverage Magnetic Domains electromagnetism of JESUS Christ Signal Power proximity at hand reaching to Save leyline Holy Grail


In JESUS Christ Name Spirit Power, just as "the Child may be innocent hence Over Law"

so likewise a corporation and a Family can have assumed as if trapped by "relatively lower level" former ways "experiencing problems and often about selfish reasons" (as stated above), can rather be in the Lifting "Power" Flow With this Proven Faithful Grace Victory for JESUS Christ Best Ascending Family Highest Purpose! How to translate into a warm and fuzzy feeling Miracle?: it is as to Proudly Give car keys to a Teen after having passed the Drivers Test: yet this Sermon is Completed as much as Agreeing With JESUS Christ Best Way then Passing Already! Now consider Many that have wanted to resist [hence as stated above "selfish" often applies] such as to question a minor technicality?

Various things apply, though is JESUS Christ harmed by such strayed works?, JESUS Christ Ascended that no legal tecnicality apply over Him NOR HIS FAMILY (see previous on Protector and on His ship has sailed), so the harms are against the "selfish" amount(s), whether an Individual Person or a Person respresenting a Corporation hence risk amounts and beware of collateral damages against the Innocent such as against current subscription Clients; so rather Ascend and Give the Joy of a Happy Easter Season!

10 March 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, New Leyline from JESUS Heart to His Holy Grail Proof with Magnetic Model Main Field Horizontal Intensity NOAA GOV Heart Better than pertinent mere brain, this Sermon went from Family feuds to New Best JESUS Family!

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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