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JESUS Victory Over Like One Of Us Sermon.

JESUS Christ Name Spirit Anewly Gives for the Public in this Generation today to know and understand and to Broadcast for All as Many have not yet been Aware of these Holy Specifics, that JESUS Christ Is The New Higher Level Authority With All Power Over the former lower level "like one of Us" as written in Genesis 3:22 Berean Standard Bible "Then the LORD God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil. And now, lest he reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever..." "plural" (, as to become JESUS Christ according to His Eternal Best Plan is for the Better for Each and All and rather All Agreeing lest to be of less than this Value.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, as had been counted They Feared that We would become as They said like one of Us as We the Faithful have already become and Surpassed so if They have not Ascended They Fear Us In JESUS Christ 1 with Our Scrolling Earth Already Accomplished for Second Coming As Anointed for Your Miracles Online.


For to Edify, JESUS Christ and i were at the Bar Of Judgement in Heaven and We Agreed: Success! A New Victory! Better for All: if Any is Faithful as Each and as All Hoped, then Such Ascends it is Good, even Better For All. And to Edify to be clear, if to turn against Any is to turn against as much as Good, for God Created Good that is in Any Amount, hence concerning Anything able to be known contains reason to Agree with JESUS Christ Name Spirit.

This Morning JESUS through a Spirit Gave me a great compliment explaining He could Teach me "nothing" so All Knowing thus far, though also showing Grace cause for me to Ascend including as You see now with this Sermon. So the Spirit message and this Sermon in 1 JESUS Christ contains both a Blessing and a Victory Over a New Higher Level Firmament, with thirdly Giving this For All and without price as the JESUS Spirit Continues for You to Give.

The upper part of the above illustration was with innocent Adam and Eve, though the above verse "Genesis 3:22" was after Adam and Eve opted to be unfaithful and stray and fall from grace though as JESUS Christ [With The Other Heavenly] made awareness known to the understandings of Adam and Eve then Adam and Eve admitted and confessed hence to start Anewly having Learned the Lesson Of Desperate Love Giving Faithfulness for Good Innocent JESUS Christ.

So after confession for the New Better Beginning [as much as pertinent to and for [Adam and Eve], JESUS Christ Sent the confessed hence the Worthy Level amount: Adam and Eve as Sheep amidst wolves, out from the Garden Of Eden to Broadcast The New Better Lovingly Joyful Way Of Faithful Peace Agreeing With Eternally Good JESUS Christ. Thank You JESUS Christ [and if You think there are any Miracles in this Sermon Series then as Now Anely Anointed, as You Broadcast You Increasingly Prepare Your Ascending Faithfulness in JESUS Christ to Yield from including Your Work: Miracles Online!

Whether Adam and Even understood this JESUS Christ Kindness may be another matter, like unto what Highest Level JESUS Christ Does in Any today.

Like unto how JESUS Christ Brought You with the Other Sermon readers to become with His New Victory Over such as the Archangel Michael of the previous Sermon, likewise the above in this Sermon is Your and Our New Given Victory Awareness Over yet with Record of "Us", the former plural former ways.

So Now Anewly We can Better Translate [We Can Agree Anewly Over] the subsequent hence ancillary next verse accordingly

as to Send, including as to Send a Living Bible Precept Verse to go Do a Mission;

likewise as to Send Us [with You] from a relatively lower level position to a

Newly Discovered in JESUS Christ Name Spirit Us Higher Level Position commensurate

to and for Our Ascending Leadership for Us to Lead Anewly Better With The Holy

JESUS Christ Family as One [singular]: for Their sakes, for the sakes of the

thus far [under time, timing, and situations] yet to so Ascend so High.

Likewise even if the greater part of this Civilization is unaware, this Civilization is Lifted any amount You become more Worthy in JESUS Christ 1 Highest Purpose For All. So to be Sent as JESUS Christ explained such as in the 2nd Testament, as to be on a Mission whether nebulous (including as to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law recognizing the Good 7th Seal with the right to think) or specific and brief

(such as to find a colt tied Luke 19:30 through 36 [not merely to accomplish Your part,

as if merely about You and Your Given Mission yet in verse "36" the value for JESUS Christ

and therefore [continuing in subsequent verses] for All People)

and if to Accomplish any Good amount [hence any Perfect amount in JESUS Christ], is You Lifting All Civilization [for You to be now Edified per se] And Rather JESUS Christ The Innocent Worthy Lifting All Civilization.

You are invited to Ascend humbly Prayerfully Faithfully for JESUS Christ Glory

and Best Way For All, [although because You need such as having longsuffered,

yet rather For His Perfect Best Way], and for to Become Empowered [with what

mere amount(s) You have to Conquer His Given Mission.

So You are Invited then Empowered then Sent to Love hence to Give Good.

So then from confusions toward greater Best Enlightenment hence Giving.

To Send away as JESUS Christ Does is His [rather Our] Way of Promoting. For instance a Boss asked some Employees for a Volunteer such as to organize some records, and a Volunteer Agreed and realized a Better Way to organize those records and to automate that system so that Boss promoted that Employee Over All Employees as Many as pertinent, Over All as had been yet to be Aware of how to Better Accomplish their stuck-in-a-rut jobs and such as Each to then Gain More Customers Over Cities

(reference Luke 19:11 through 26 then Behold "Jesus Comes to Jerusalem as King" at

JESUS Christ Invites, Be Good, Be Pure As Mother Mary, Lead As Father Joseph

and as Father Abraham and as an Archangel Yet Anewly Better for Mary and for

Joseph and for All including JESUS Christ: Invite JESUS Christ. JESUS Christ

is Higher Level than the less faithful so the less faithful under Firmament

Levels cannot go be JESUS Christ, yet the less faithful under Firmament Levels

can invite JESUS Christ into their innocent pure hearts in such as moment of

Righteous Faith and whether seen or unseen, for His often unnoticed Guidance.

The previous Sermon explained that even the innocent may "grow weary of beholding" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Maintenance Sermon at Save JESUS Christ Empowering. Why can't i [You] self empower?: see many Bible verses especially in the 4th Testament, and Bible stories, and see many previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on "selfishness" and rather on Faithfulness and as Innocent humble JESUS Christ of 2,000 years ago wrongly persecuted and crucified is Worthy as with the Easter Season Glorifying.

Now to mention this "Season" and "time" and "timing" as stated above, Earth's rotation speed is "roughly 1,000 miles per hour" (Scientific American) at the equator though in a few seconds a Person at a pole can walk around all the time zones: this is very similar to JESUS Christ Transfiguring, though in an overly simplistic secular worldly level of the former ways; yet Earth as a scroll already prepared of Higher Level JESUS Christ Awareness in Us rather 1.

So You [We] rather "1" have this New Scroll Victory Awareness for His Second Coming, and with this New Victory Awareness Over whether to Invite [Do so] or "To send away, for, out" ( Do so Likewise. Similar to the previous translation is: "וַֽיְשַׁלְּחֵ֛הוּ" "And he sent him" (Google Translate).

So for You to be Invited of the Creator to come visit in Heaven is Victory for You and then to be Sent is a Compliment from the Creator with Recognition Of Your New Better Worthiness For to be Sent on a Mission! Thank You! And so You and We Agreeingly thus far are with New Victory Over the word "banished" as rather: as Sent is Better Higher Level; so We have New Victory Over the former translation about Genesis 3:23 Berean Standard Bible "Therefore the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken." [Thank You "Berean Standard Bible" for Likewise Guiding Us through these matters as All are to Ascend line upon line, Precept on Precept, Writing New Sermon Broadcasting Over Writing former Sermon Broadcasting].

In this generation Many have not yet agreed about ancient Noah,

yet Behold We as 1 are already Victory Over the Earth rolled up as a Scroll!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, as had been counted They Feared that We would become as They said like one of Us as We the Faithful have already become and Surpassed so if They have not Ascended They Fear Us In JESUS Christ 1 with Our Scrolling Earth Already Accomplished for Second Coming As Anointed for Your Miracles Online, second coming in all his glory


14 March 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, as had been counted They Feared that We would become as They said like one of Us as We the Faithful have already become and Surpassed so if They have not Ascended They Fear Us In JESUS Christ 1 with Our Scrolling Earth Already Accomplished for Second Coming As Anointed for Your Miracles Online.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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