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JESUS Visitors Sermon.

JESUS Christ Spirit Agrees with the info about a gif on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 31 linked to the JESUS Generations Sermon at and that gif clearly shows if to reach merely 1 Person as with Your online Living Bible For JESUS Christ, then to serve a Multitude of Visitors, and whether to contact directly or indirectly is hardly the Leadership point, for instance an indirect situation can be that the High Priest of a Church might have a so Anointed One Of The Church Oversee the Baptisms.

Truly, truly, even if Your online Sermon has a Visitor counter that shows such as "000000", be aware there are many that are cloaked [unseen] and there are typically unseen software bots and such that gather info, and there are normally unseen Visitors such as checking as the system Host [or similar] and such as Government monitoring types of Groups, and if "Government" then such as others perhaps Spies, and there are often Church Family Members listening to You talk about You Doings: so the point is Many Are Involved about Your Sermons. Far More Importantly JESUS Christ is Aware more than explained in this Sermon, and JESUS Christ becomes involved the more You Agree with and type and Preach as JESUS Christ Gives for You to Do.

Many like to watch TV rather than go to Church: Many go such as through Playstation and search for JESUS Sermons, such as according to their employment schedule available time, and such as Others surfing and searching to see what's out there, and what's new, so might have such as routers that filter censoring who is visiting Your online Sermons. Many Others are such as bedridden and such as otherwise detained, yet with unseen [about visitors counts] access to online Sermons; and Many Guide such People to be with online Sermons for to improve emotions, health, social responsibility, and so on.

Above is stated merely 1 Visitor might make a tremendous improvement, for Civilization and beyond, and likewise if to enter into His Work, and if to merely do 1 Work, to Broadcast 1 Sermon consider as written in John 7:21 New American Standard Bible "Jesus answered them, “I did one deed, and you all are astonished.", and other translation say "you are all amazed", and such as "you all marvel at it": with writing Your Online Sermon [no extra charge such as at Angelfire: free unless to opt such as to remove ads], You can actually greatly improve what current Ambassadors have been very anxious to Accomplish.

JESUS Christ spoke of the Good Samaritan in a situation, and this sentence is written for the current improvement to Better Guide a spirits level that has called itself "Holy Spirit", though exceedingly in the plural sense about selves as Many love to talk about each self, and while not illegal and hardly immoral, rather there are far more others to talk about, and yet if to talk then of the JESUS Christ Most Excellent Way.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Proves that if You Broadcast The JESUS Christ Way then to increase and magnify unseen Values for All and answers what reliable info is and what Proof is and how to get a bonus at work.

"Who is my Neighbor"


Above is stated "JESUS Christ spoke of the Good Samaritan", a praiseworthy work, but that Person, that "Good Samaritan", was merely at a secular level goodly Person. That Person did NOT Give Worthy JESUS Christ the Credit ( You [We] Online Can Do Better Than That! If to hear merely 1 Person claim some fantastical idea it might be thought as fantasy and folly, yet what is reliable info and Proof?: as written "The facts of the case must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses" (from Deuteronomy 19:15 New Living Translation).

The previous Sermon Gave "for the More Worthy" a "New Type Of Good Samaritan Mission" and what is the difficulty level?, as stated the Sermon "Gives the New Vacation Plan For You To Administer Over". JESUS Christ Words are Precept On Precept, and this Sermon Series is founded on the Rock JESUS Christ with current interpretation in this generation Precept On Precept, so You on this Preceptingly Likewise Do Better concerning the pertinent "current", including pertinent to Those Other People in "current" situations and concerns, similar to Yours.

In other words, there is a Person that doesn't speak the English jargon, though if a Preacher interprets then the whole [non-English] Group might be Saved and Lifted, so You can Anewly as "current" for "situations" can opt to initiate the creating as stated above: "Proof". We can Create through [crediting and through] JESUS Christ of 2,000 years ago: New and Better, and since for some without causing anything against any: hence Better For All!

Note: concerning the previous words "against any", if to Be the Good Samaritan it is not against the Priest nor the Levite that walked passed the Person in need, even though the Priest and the Levite might later become embarrassed and disrespected somewhat and perhaps lose their jobs: such was their own opting, also see the previous Sermon on how "high speed rail Commuters" do not suddenly stop the train to help a Person in need in that instant moment, so situational conditions may apply. So it is Valuable to be aware of the Comprehensive JESUS Christ Created in His Highest Purpose in order to Best Way Arrange Priorities (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: PCS Sermon at

A Person discovered a new way to utilize a type of tree sap: let that Person Broadcast JESUS Christ in their Sermon and how the Creator accomplished the "sap" and the discovery for Better For All; and if that Person is a Chemist, let them put pertinent Chemistry symbols into their Sermon, and if that Person is a Physicist let them put Physics Formulas in their online Sermons. Many seek to censor for love of money such as to pay the bills, though for instance many People may see a great artwork and make copies: the point of this is JESUS Christ "Priorities" to first become "great" then if concerned about such as "copies", First The Leadership, then the Praise from Followers.

The secular cliche states "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" (reference such as 1 Kings 12:32 New Living Translation). Yet that Bible makes old things New with JESUS Christ Creator Credited yielding New Value and Better in due season; also when all seems lost JESUS Christ may fill the gap, though also to see through JESUS Christ Anewly to realize after-the-fact that all is hardly lost save to make room for the New Better!

This Series has many types of counters of the numbers of Visitors such as to a webpage and such as to a collection of pages, and for instance one counter revealed the seen visitor count was zero though another type of counter revealed there were almost 600 cloaked Visitors. So Broadcast and let the worries about visitors be rather as JESUS Christ already solved. Let Others be aware that You are Preaching online and write handout notes [ads,...] where They can find Your webpages, and if You have a great Sermon solving their problem then note that webpage for them: this is a foot in the door such as concerning secular employment where matters of faith have hardly if at all been discussed; some companies even encourage with bonuses.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, encourages online Preaching Proving that if You Broadcast The JESUS Christ Way then to increase and magnify unseen Values for All and answers what reliable info is and what Proof is and how to get a bonus at work, Ambassadors.

"The Magi" were "like ancient ambassadors"


and Your online Sermon is Likewise.

26 February 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Proves that if You Broadcast The JESUS Christ Way then to increase and magnify unseen Values for All and answers what reliable info is and what Proof is and how to get a bonus at work.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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