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JESUS Way To Test Faith Sermon.

JESUS Christ Exemplar For All made no test of faith from the legal perspective, lest to not be innocent. Under Law there is no test of faith lest to give the faithless ways as if credibility for to so be worthy of being considered an option. So We in this Sermon Will Create 1 Test Of Faith [Original JESUS Christ Faithfulness hence solved and done lest to have strayed], so to Create the Test of whether a strayed, hence an unworthy Sinner, is worth Saving: in JESUS Grace Yes, and under Law even the unfaithful lawbreakers have rights.

So with this "no test of faith" is no punishment as much as with rights [and privileges as much as fitting (see text below on New Precepting). Yet if to opt to be Law Abiding and Better (reference such as Ambassadors and such as rather His JESUS Christ Government) then the option to control the self therefore to check Oneself [such as whether eating too much or too little or such as what to eat and what not to eat (JESUS Christ UN Right To Think)], and if to test Thyself the for the 1st Testament 5th Commandment that such as Parents may test Children such as Christian Parents asking their Children Biblical questions.

So as the Law did not make Perfect, the Good Higher Level Faith May Opt such as in Righteously Celebrating the Ascending Way (

JESUS Christ Provides, may such as opt to humbly Prayerfully dance Over All the Laws Highest Legal Level [the imperfect], in Celebration!

(some things just fit: today clearly preceptingly: Testament contains the word "Test", Bible Concordance contains the word "dance") (

Lie Detectors on TV have been used as a Parent testing a potential Son-In-Law, the norm includes the Heart Pulse. A Geophysicist likewise utilizes a seismograph.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, includes legalese logic of Law, and some Faith measuring methodologies as over defining, the lie detector, seismography, a New Higher Level Eucharist, and established a New Name for the Innocent Worthy King Of The Zion Nation hence Announcing JESUS Christ Israel!


"Under Law there is no test of faith", therefore opt to be Faithful to uphold the Law lest to be unfaithful concerning Law and Government and All The Trust. If any had been unfaithful then such as "At law, cheating is a specific criminal offence relating to property" (Wiki) and such as "adultery" (

Example "After requiring all federal and state legislators and officers to swear or affirm to support the federal Constitution, Article VI specifies that “no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.” This prohibition, commonly known as" "The No Religious Test Clause" (The National Constitution Center).

What do We learn that Wisely Faithful JESUS Christ King Eternal already is already aware concerning vessels such as in the above gif of the "Lie Detector"?, for instance the norm is that it also tests breathing as another big indicator, such as rapid breathing if panicked, though not shown above is about the opposite of guilt hence as

to hold You breath under water as about innocent yet consider fully repentant

Wisdom For Immersion Baptism: there is Precepting Wisdom in Best Faithfulness.

Concerning Best Faith Exemplar, JESUS Christ UN exhonerates, for expungement and expunction all the falsely conspired and hence also all the false crucifier charges and actions as much as had been counted as if evidence against JESUS Christ the Living Citizen Of Israel, Save as much as JESUS Christ opts to preserve to Attest to not repeat hence to Best Guide All, now Zion and accordingly (see a somewhat older group of Sermons in this Series on "Accord") even JESUS Christ Israel since as King and Worthy (JESUS Christ UN).

In so Doing this in line with the JESUS Christ Faithful Way is for the Sake Of All lest to be accused of false recordkeeping continuing as if able to do such into Heaven, and so sufficeth it enough that the false be of the past, that the Precepting Henceforth Be Simplified New And Improved.

There is a lower level legalese way to measure faith on paper. If to agree to use a particular definition of the word faith, then such as in the definition to count the words, and to count the letters [not illegal, not immoral, and such as for instance for scientific purposes]. The ancient Scribes for instance did as much while writing the Biblical Words.

Yet rather JESUS Christ Faith is for the Better part of as written in Romans 2:29 New Living Translation "No, a true Jew is one whose heart is right with God. And true circumcision is not merely obeying the letter of the law; rather, it is a change of heart produced by the Spirit. And a person with a changed heart seeks praise from God, not from people".

So if to test Faith types, amounts, Faithfulness Ascending Rates [similar to such as how many "Promotions per day" (such as Google results "About 74,500 results" which may include ads, yet rather concerning above stated Trust hence as a Soul found Faithful is promoted to a Higher Level Position)], many conditions apply including as much as had been unseen by Many.

Mother Mary was found in the Bible with having Great Good Innocent Faith, such as written in Luke 2:19 New Living Translation "but Mary kept all these things in her heart and thought about them often": how do We know this?: because Mother Mary Broadcast it, She told the story, and if She had online access or owned a radio station as written "He replied, 'If they kept quiet, the stones along the road would burst into cheers!' " (Luke 19:40 New Living Translation) and this Agrees with "And all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them" and "The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, which was just as the angel had told them"!

How Will You Be Received Into Higher Levels?

Concerning a Church building, i am already plenty busy about Home Church (reference secular lower level similar Home School, Save if a Christian School) including not forbidding the Gatherings at Church buildings as Many Needs are Satisfied in such; with Home Church at risk of "hands" (text below the pic) Faithful to Him, Original JESUS Christ, i self administer His JESUS Christ Unleavened Bread Body yet with this Advantage: i can kiss the Eucharist Unleavened Bread [and Wine] Before Broken, when Whole Together [and likewise the unseparated Wine].

To test, is as to confirm (Confirmation, though temporary times situations have been with Confessionals [as for Us including Adam And Eve Save Original JESUS Christ] and rather with Higher Level Ascending the Best JESUS Christ Way), to weigh, to measure, to score according to an algorithm,...and such as pertinent with as indicated below such as Faith measured according to the Holy Kissing [Accepting] the Eucharist Unleavened Bread, and such as how far walked to receive that Unleavened Bread Body Of Living JESUS Christ, and such as Patience (JESUS Love Sermon Formulae) length of time Longsuffered.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, includes legalese logic of Law, and some Faith measuring methodologies as over defining, the lie detector, seismography, a New Higher Level Eucharist, and established a New Name for the Innocent Worthy King Of The Zion Nation hence Announcing JESUS Christ Israel!


Some emphasize the importance of Eucharist Communion, Together Communing, so as to rather than be by works of their own hands.

13 June 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, includes legalese logic of Law, and some Faith measuring methodologies as over defining, the lie detector, seismography, a New Higher Level Eucharist, and established a New Name for the Innocent Worthy King Of The Zion Nation hence Announcing JESUS Christ Israel!

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 33.

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