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JESUS Wilt Sermon.

JESUS Christ went a little lower than the angels for the sakes of all of us to become gathered together into 1 JESUS Christ. There is a soul of all people in the future, JESUS Christ. THere was a flower outside in the sun that began to wilt due to lack of rain, and we will be as that flower, so we will need to be faithful to continue to lead all the perfect way, and we will need to continue to operate the system. Flowers have been growing for generations.

To wilt is as to wave goodbye to a close friend that is moving away.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, speaks of ducks risking their lives to be friendly, excellent supply and demand system.


To wilt is to say goodbye to your fave addictions.

To wilt is to say goodbye as your child steps on the bus. To wilt is to lose an account, even if already with 50 other accounts.

Rather to wilt the JESUS Ascending Way is that All Faithfully find sun and rain and friends and family and

new Blessings counted as if addiction [but it isn't addiction,] the JESUS Way;

leading as JESUS Christ showed how to lead.

JESUS didn't have Internet, yet He Lives! Have Faith and Do, and when Your lack comes, JESUS Christ Will Reveal His Spirit.

Symbolized here, the secular moved water to the plants to the left and the ones to the left moved nutrients to the needful to the right, excellent.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, speaks of ducks risking their lives to be friendly, excellent supply and demand system


"And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt" (Matthew 26:39 King James Bible): willed, and also to wilt a little for thou.

Yesterday at the public lake shore area swimming, it was a beautiful day with people boating nearby with some being friendly and others keeping to themselves, and both the friendlies and the others being private were "excellent" such as not breaking the law, and being peaceful on the smooth water. The next sentence is a Higher Grace option, rather than the previous sentence that included "law" level thinking, and the next sentence concerns the Church Tithe rather than against the "excellent" "others keeping to themselves".

Many ducks came swimming near the shore as though to pass me on the water side, so i turned my back [to wilt] so as to be less of a threat so they could pass in peace, but after i turned my back they all came to me and stopped for a visit [perhaps for food] and i spoke softly and performed some small water activities with my hands entertaining them, and the critters were per se more friendly than the "others keeping to themselves".

The "others keeping to themselves" were "excellent", so what's my complaint?, rather the "excellent" is already "excellent". The people were already more excellent than the surprisingly excellent ducks. i confess i did not speak "softly and performed some small water activities with my hands entertaining" for the "others keeping to themselves" nor even for the people that were being "friendly". What critters found entertaining, might have been interpreted as though foolish childishness if i had performed such for the dignified people.

A Firmament Level applied over the critters that were risking their own lives to be friendly. We on this JESUS Christ Mission, like unto Tithing at Church, are already Above that critter Firmament Level, and some already worked hard and gave and continue even if unseen as interpreted: as i confess may apply as stated above about "keeping to themselves" if so interpreted toward the lower levels, rather We were respectful of Each Other from a distance.

So being respectful of the calm and the peace, applying for all the people [and for the critters too as much as in their power], for to do best for each and all, and given us there is a situation today, such as with the Internet available to so many, to opt to wilt a little for Each And All Their Sakes, and so to appropriately Broadcast the JESUS Words And The JESUS Works.

7 July 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, speaks of ducks risking their lives to be friendly, excellent supply and demand system.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 33.

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