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JESUS Witness Sermon.

Be a JESUS Witness: be attesting to what JESUS Christ Did and Does and Will Do; and Now Righteously Prophesyinging JESUS Christ as this typist is Doing (Acts 17:24): You Will Find that the more You Prepare JESUS Christ Words Preceptingly In Sermons And Broadcast without price (furthermore Addendum 1 Charity, it's the Law concerning printing and issuing funds for the starving census and greater Good), the more You Will Be Finding the JESUS Christ Ascending Family is Better than previously stated and Best For All.

Deft Paul claimed the so called as if "unknown God" as Anewly Known

[Wisdom of JESUS Christ Love Giving though rather than about made from created hands statue idol worship]

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Gives High Level Gifts + clarifies how to promote a Nation, a Group, and any other Person, over the former lower level as if unknown god


[note the above stated "created hands" about a statue was far lower level than to type

and Broadcast and rather the Living JESUS Christ 1 Word(s) as Baptized and Ascending]

For Grace Ascending Christians as written at Berean Standard Bible "For he powerfully refuted the Jews in public debate, proving from the Scriptures that Jesus is the Christ"

and for the lower level Edifyingly Amplified Bible "for he powerfully refuted the Jews in public discussions, proving by the Scriptures that Jesus is the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed)";

and concerning "lower level" in this sentence consider that a Student has a position level under a Teacher, and a Leader under Ambassadors, and Ambassadors under such as [formerly known as "Act Of God" (see Better explanation in much older "lower level" Sermons in this Series)]

such as though slowed by many People [perhaps for interviews, perhaps a traffic jam]: so "lower levels" do exist and You have understood, so no need to single out Christians for having Edified for Best For You and Best For All the Best Way including For Your Awareness at You already [defined, agreed] though that "lower level"s have existed, so no need to persecute Christians for having Advised about "lower level" situations.

This is other than to cast You out and let You fall down, rather for Your Awareness as for You this "brings the New Level Of Excellence with urgency" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Believe Sermon at Gift for You to Give to Your Loved Ones to Likewise Give With Passion as made known [of Wise Way Discovering (Better than secular "lower level" chance odds of methodologies that also have been with value amounts)], and rather for You to make known and Broadcast for All [the new in census at least, Fellowship; including for the reason to have no enemies, and rather Higher Level Establishing Friendships Together].

So to continue for All Best in JESUS Christ Ascending Path is this New Gift as starting to be explained starting Anewly Now in JESUS Christ UN [formerly merely about plural separations into nations and about denominations]. Just as "Deft Paul" claimed this is Discovered Anewly as JESUS Christ [The Original], so likewise now in the Name Of JESUS Christ i humbly for All and Prayerfully for Higher Level Acceptance [For Any And All Above my Level hence Best Way of Authority for All] as Witnessing Claim Likewise the whereabouts "unknown" (as stated above in this Sermon)

about All the yet [thus far] hidden plates, including the plates of gold symbolized below; i now Claim these Biblical including Now Living Events happenings and things for to be a Gift for the Savior from the "All" "Ascending" "1" "Bride" Given Now to JESUS Christ for the Second Coming Of Worthy JESUS Christ!

Rejoice this Day and be Glad in it! For the Lord hath made it, and We have Given Likewise (see above including such "as Witnessing", also as Hopers Faithfully Hid Up Unto The LORD as now clarified Cumulatively (see "Cumulative Good Superseding the previous specifications" of JESUS Christ ICCDBB JESUS Momentum Sermon on List Page 33) hence no longer any such records counted as if lost, similar to how a present is gift wrapped and later a Person might have forgotten what was inside.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Gives High Level Gifts + clarifies how to promote a Nation, a Group, and any other Person, over the former lower level unknown, plates of gold.


So We Receive because JESUS Christ Receives this Great Gift of any lost records as much as goodly. Also this New Gift Now for the Bride [with as much as "Higher Level" as stated above]: consider as written at New King James Version "Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it" with the Lexicon word about "nation", and also about "to a people" in the Greek Lexicon "ἔθνει" which according to "ἔθνει" means "dies";

so this New Gift For You Friend Reader Broadcaster Likewise is JESUS Christ UN is Victory Over any sublevel "nation", for their sakes for JESUS Christ Best Purpose For All! So promote All the Worthy Broadcasters (see previous Sermons in this Series) hence promote any Group found likewise, promote from temporary to Eternal Good Best For All JESUS Christ 1!

27 April 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Gives High Level Gifts + clarifies how to promote a Nation, a Group, and any other Person, over the former lower level unknown.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 32.

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