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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

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For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

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JESUS Word Sermon.

JESUS Christ The Source Of Good Gives The Good Word. JESUS invites All to be with the Good Word and Give The Good Word to and for All. We are aware of other things, such as about the love of money though to be rather Giving the Good Word, Save in Maintenance level with Giving His Best Good Word, concerning "money" to Give money to and for All [such as printing "money"] though first for any in need (JESUS Christ UN Law With Addendum 1 Charity at, lest to not be Judged of JESUS Christ, lest not to be Lifted, lest to stagnate or worse.

As written at Berean Standard Translation "And over all these virtues put on love, which is the bond of perfect unity.", pertinent now is such as Christian President Biden campaigned for "unity", and Douay-Rheims Translation "But above all these things have charity, which is the bond of perfection:", as Charity is a high Maintenance level manifestation of Love: Love with a type of Word Power.

This Civilization has Ascended some with JESUS Christ UN Law and such as Bible Formulas, though lack of Broadcasting has continued too much, for instance Temple [name withheld] Representatives came to door yesterday [no visits please, no calls please] but [other than with my mentioning JESUS Christ] were not interested in talking about JESUS Christ. Their words were less than convincing.

JESUS Christ UN Law is Word With Power, though in the lower Maintenance levels.

Voice activated robots are word with power,

though has been in the lower Maintenance levels.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Motivates JESUS Christ UN Law Sacred Value Over matters kept secret since the world began, with New Formulas for how to Create Catalyzing Faithful Broadcasting Of JESUS Christ UN Law For Higher Level Grace Unity


Yet voice activated and artificial intelligence, can be with Higher Levels Of Values.

A Person might be athirst in the desert and an open small plane might be flying above unaware of the Person below, and by accident the Flyer might drop a bottle of water that lands on the sand unbroken beside the the thirsty Person, so is the Flyer Good?, an amount applies: yet rather as written in Mark 9:41 New King James Version "For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in My name, because you belong to Christ, assuredly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.": the Flyer accidentally helped the Person and perhaps saved a life in the census sense, though the Flyer lost "a bottle of water". To humbly Prayerfully Give in the Name And Spirit Of JESUS Christ is to plant the Word Seed with the planting of the Charity Seed.

For the Christian so Doing the Better as stated, is the Creating Of The Miracle(s): [such as] "the planting of the Charity Seed" (JESUS Christ UN Law Addendum 1): so this is the Word with immediate Convincing Power With Strength In The Word Of JESUS Christ.

If to merely Preach the Words, then some hardly control the outcomes, the resultant Miracles; also the recipient Souls may listen and be likewise or other. Convincing Power can be with the Word though many have relied on the tangible gifts (reference such as: accounts received). Pertinent systematically if "accounts received" then normally for to do business together again, and if Charity received then often anxious to do "business" again [to interact again, to be with such Flow].

Faith / Hearing / Word.

Faith = Hearing x Word.

Catalyzing Faith / Listening / Word With Convincing Power Addendum 1 Best For All.

Catalyzing Faith = Listening x Word With Convincing Power Addendum 1 Best For All.

Functioning In JESUS Christ Unity / Anxious To Function Together Eternally / Catalyzing Faith.

Functioning In JESUS Christ Unity = Anxious To Function Together Eternally x Catalyzing Faith.

JESUS Christ Family / JESUS Christ [Name With] Spirit / JESUS Christ UN Law With Grace Word With Addendum 1 Charity.

JESUS Christ Family = JESUS Christ [Name With] Spirit x JESUS Christ UN Law With Grace Word With Addendum 1 Charity.

JESUS Power is tangible such as eventually in the Word, yet JESUS Power is tangible instantly with Word And Charity if the recipient is actually in desperate need (hence see previous in this Series on Best Way Giving For All: "Desperate Love").

Preaching about JESUS Christ, such as of this typing of this Sermon is in Hope of Convincing Power. Preaching With Charity (such as Addendum 1 "Best Way Giving For All" including if the lower levels Ascend then the Whole more Blessedly Ascends Better) is to Magnify the Good Accomplishings. Also concerning Preaching and such as "typing", as a source of Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law With Addendum 1 Charity, then as much at any is Saying And Doing then this "typing" for instance enters into the Magnifying Grace Value in the Heart Of JESUS Christ. So this is a mere part of how "the Whole" of this Civilization is Lifted.

If "Anxious To Function Together Eternally" of "Catalyzing Faith" as in the above formula, then such Planning With Doing Work involves situations, and such as time. If such involves Their "time", then less "time" on other things such as on pastime addictions: an added reason from JESUS Christ Best Way Spirit that "the Whole" of this Civilization is Lifted.

At Good News Translation "Here he will suddenly remove the cloud of sorrow that has been hanging over all the nations.", [pains and death to be remembered no more] and English Standard Version "And he will swallow up on this mountain the covering that is cast over all peoples, the veil that is spread over all nations." [destructions of Jerusalem, until Zion 2020 AD] and Aramaic Bible in Plain English "And in this mountain, the face of the Ruler that was authorized over all the nations shall be wounded, and the sacrifice that was slain for the sake of all the nations", [JESUS Christ was crucified and rose] also with Ellicott's Commentary The final victory of God includes a triumph over ignorance and sorrow, as well as over sin and death.".

Concerning the illustration shown below We can wait for God to lift us from former lower levels

while hoping to not be struck by lightning nor avalanche,

yet rather in JESUS Christ Best Way Let Our Catalyzing Magnifying Growing Unity Give The Safe Victory.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Motivates JESUS Christ UN Law Sacred Value Over matters kept secret since the world began, with New Formulas for how to Create Catalyzing Faithful Broadcasting Of JESUS Christ UN Law For Higher Level Grace Unity


The Overwhelming Power Of Good The Word Source Victory Coming Quickly Anewly Is With Original JESUS Christ.

4 November 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit Motivates JESUS Christ UN Law Sacred Value Over matters kept secret since the world began, with New Formulas for how to Create Catalyzing Faithful Broadcasting Of JESUS Christ UN Law For Higher Level Grace Unity.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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