JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Welcome.

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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

protecting not merely Churches yet All: click here.

For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

at click here and see the above linked JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page pertinent Pages for specifics.

JESUS Write Sermon.

The fully repentant Christian Agrees In Baptism and is supposed to be doing as JESUS Christ Faithfully Did, so before JESUS Christ entered into the census secular worldliness, while in His Spirit prior to the Garden Of Eden, what did He Do?, John 1:1 explained "the Word", [Himself then His Family] God; after that yet prior to Genesis 1:1 and Revelation 3:14, JESUS Christ Spirit Created His Creation Plan. So not merely to Create stuff, rather to Create that the Created Create Better than had been Created!

Therefore to Protect His "Better" Creating Creators In One Family, "God" [and rather than UNKNOWN GODS, in other words rather than so Others do not know the "Better" Way], in the Known [if 100% repentant and Loyal] JESUS Christ Spirit Family Oneness [Identical, rather than divided minds, rather than divided census Persons]. As written Isaiah 14:26 Berean Standard Bible [Berean: "Veria" / "Beroea" "city is known" "northern Greece" / "Protestantism based on the Bereans" "emphasis on apologetics and studying Scripture" (wiki)] "This is the plan devised for the whole earth, and this is the hand stretched out over all the nations.": JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Level Grace [including such as Grace to write Law, and such as good manners, Peace, Love, and Freewill Charity].

Unfaithful Naysayers opted contrary so interpreted Genesis 3:24 flaming sword, and curses such as at the end of the 1st Testament,

yet rather JESUS Christ UN is already Victory Over such hence the Best Protector [With Continuing Ascending Loyally] For This Civilization.

Adam and Eve enjoyed being together, vessel with vessel (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Amazing Sermon at, so if to hide from JESUS Christ And His Garden Of Eden

then while without tools, to wonder how to make plowshares: grinder turning every direction [and welding torches,...]: alarming, dangerous conditions.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit explains how Adam and Eve survived even though disloyal, according to JESUS Christ Desperate Love In Sacred Loyalty Rather Guiding Us Over such lower levels former matters such as Adam and Eve conspired to have kept secret since the world began with how to have New Better Victory Over The Tree Of Knowledge and how to discuss Testaments For Increasing Church Flock Size rather than about behind closed doors conspirator attitudes, flaming sword turning every direction grinder plowshares


JESUS Christ UN: Malachi 3:9 and 10 "You are cursed with a curse, yet you— the whole nation— are still robbing Me. Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house. Test Me in this,” says the LORD of Hosts. “See if I will not open the windows of heaven and pour out for you blessing without measure.".

JESUS Christ UN is Already Accomplished. This is the Age of Perfect as much as "Better" entering into this. This is the Age of Better Enlightenment Yet Better than previously, this is revealing the Good that allowed this Civilization to Live even during the former lower levels ideas about Adam and Eve Conspirators [reference Church Criteria and permission to date, and concerning Wedding ideas] that became known in Adam and Eve as betrayal, disloyal, cast selves out into outer darkness [un-enlightenment per se: fearing sword flames and sparks when rather to fear Good Kind humble JESUS Christ].

This is the dawning of the New Age Of The 7th Seal And Everything Good

as JESUS Christ Original Plan Enlightens Encouragingly.

This is the Way of Perfect JESUS Christ (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Perfect Sermon at Perfecting.

The previous Sermon Drawing illustrated this current Age "7th Seal" Timeline (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Current Timeline Sermon at, and previous Sermons in this Series Righteously Pointed to this Current Better "7th Seal" situation such as with the traditional JESUS Christ in the census JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Timeline of Jesus Christ Sermon at, and then the more pertinent Tube shaped Drawing of the JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Human Timeline Sermon at and a Sermon in this Series explained if to be humble then to enter into the bottom center of the JESUS Christ Golden Cube, also the entrance point of contact with Jerusalem.

This JESUS Christ Given Age Of The "7th Seal" Timeline as linked above shows the Tubes Gathering at the bottoms of each Firmament Level and then [each rather Together hence more Helpful Guiding Indicators Over relative lower levels about such unseen Higher Grace] toward Straight And Narrow, though what is the extent of a Tube width from which to be Gathered?, it is as shown in top Drawing center and to the right in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: New UFO Technologies: Time Travel Parameters Of The Christian Bible Sermon at showing various strayed paths funneling through a point [JESUS Christ vortex (see somewhat recent Sermon on His All Seeing Eye)]: hence a measurement yet for "Better" as stated above, for All, hence for JESUS Christ Best Way: from the JESUS Christ "point" to the amount of the most distant strayed path is the actual Tube Parameter limit, while from the center to the theoretical Tube diameter is at least equal to that "limit" yet as the Living JESUS Christ considered for His Innocent Plan.

So these 2 ["actual" strayed amount and "from the center to the theoretical Tube diameter"] amounts are the protective limits horizontally, and there are other measures from centerline, including Grace amount(s) such as a Grace allowance in Church and perhaps another Grace allowance in a Family Home (such as stated above "Adam and Eve enjoyed being together" and such as shown in above linked "JESUS Amazing Sermon").

JESUS Christ Planted the seed of the Tree Of Knowledge, and on Purpose. JESUS Christ is Aware of the Good it can yield though within His Best Way Guiding.

Where Church Visitors and JESUS Christ Knowledge Physics Come Together:

People generally know about a pipe centerline, Interior Diameter wall, and Outer Diameter.

Though Strays [some of the Visitors] come from various types of paths (previous linked "New UFO Technologies" Sermon)

such as the path shown here.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit explains how Adam and Eve survived even though disloyal, according to JESUS Christ Desperate Love In Sacred Loyalty Rather Guiding Us Over such lower levels former matters such as Adam and Eve conspired to have kept secret since the world began with how to have New Better Victory Over The Tree Of Knowledge and how to discuss Testaments For Increasing Church Flock Size rather than about behind closed doors conspirator attitudes, pipe coping flow centerline gathering strayed visitors paths


The "Adapter" is as a Church adapting for fitting in JESUS Christ One Family Ascending.

The "Main Tube" can have had various types of bends and penetrations and holders that may help or other.

A key Visitor point is the "Coping", blending into the "Adapter" "Plane 1" yet with better than illustrated

as rather than merely a right angle is to blend with the Ascending Flow.

Many types of pipe connections are simple though the "Coping" angles have been more complex. A giant pipes fabrication corporation for government had one main Expert over "Coping" angles. For instance having been to many Churches, on some Missions to Visit, and also on some Missions with relocating for to become a Member, and often it was to merely walk in with perhaps a Greeter, and finding a seat or being Ushered to sit: then often leaving and not returning.

We Can Do Better than that.

Some Greeters explained some things [such as Guest Book for optional signing] and if interested some more things and questions such as whether having been there before and whether Baptized. For instance if a Visitor is interested in talking about the Self then such as to show real interest with saying how the Church being visited applies for Them, such as if the Visitor is a Teacher, a Chemist, a Landscaper, or on Welfare, then to perhaps Edify that the Church is with Helpful Victories as with Testaments, such as to Teach with tests, and to test Chemicals, and how the Faithfulness of a Person on Welfare is tested (["test"aments] Testaments, with "aments" like unto making amends). You Church Leaders can establish general info sheets for some topics likewise.

So interest in the Good Book is generated from the start. Generating interest in the Preaching and Choir and Church Classes and Missions would wisely be posted at the entrance and mentioned. And All These Things for the Greater Interest In and Glorifying For JESUS Christ.

Many are interested in News, such as: the 7th Seal has been opened: All The Best Words Way Of JESUS Christ, if to be with Mighty Good Miracles, and leaflets for Visitors and for Members to keep are valuable as some might might be with the info at work and Others see and discuss.

Have an nice day in JESUS Christ!

7 November 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit explains how Adam and Eve survived even though disloyal, according to JESUS Christ Desperate Love In Sacred Loyalty Rather Guiding Us Over such lower levels former matters such as Adam and Eve conspired to have kept secret since the world began with how to have New Better Victory Over The Tree Of Knowledge and how to discuss Testaments For Increasing Church Flock Size rather than about behind closed doors conspirator attitudes.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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