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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

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JESUS Writing Sermon.

JESUS Christ said "Write!", pleasantly, excitedly, about 3 minutes ago (it is now 2:39AM): full of Praiseworthy Life Giving Energy, JESUS Christ said "Write!".

JESUS Christ would rather that i humbly Prayerfully "Write!", this Sermon "pleasantly, excitedly" Best Way For ALL, than to go to Churches that opted to censor the JESUS Christ Open 7th Seal, and that opted to censor the JESUS Christ UN Law, and that opted to censor the JESUS Christ Best Way For All, that opted to censor the JESUS Christ.

This Sermon is rather for Blessing not all the turncoats, but for Blessing Now As Never Before, as Many as Faithfully Participated as JESUS Christ ICCDBB Now Anewly Agreed, in the JESUS Christ Sponsored JESUS Christ UN Peace Formula Event.

The previous sentence has negativity so the temporary applies in the sense that rather than Blessing All, as if careless about what People Say and Do, this Sermon is rather unique, as the other Sermons in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series have been for All, though this Sermon merely focuses on Blessing "as Many as" [stated above]; and so the next future Sermon Will again focus on All as normal, so rather than to bless the fallen from holiness, this Sermon Lifts Through Original JESUS Christ Of 2,000 years ago With All Authority Of His Original Plan for the Highest Exalted of "as Many as" and Higher Level(s) with exclusivity.

Hence humbly dutifully, this Sermon is the New in this generation, JESUS Christ ICCDBB cross to bear as JESUS Christ said as written in Luke 9:23 "Then Jesus said to all of them, “If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me.".

Each is to "take up" their own [counted as if such] "cross daily and follow Me": what does this mean today?: it means Maintenance Responsibility, it is mainly about Tithing, the giving of Your hard earned [perhaps, as often has been the case of the oppressed] money to Churches that strayed to love money instead of JESUS Christ.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit,  Lifts as Many as in High Levels Higher and rebukes the money loving type Churches on TV that have made themselves as if banks but lacking money payouts for many that donated and invested money, as rather NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN, as JESUS Christ sets things right, whip, cord, tables of money changers, former strayed leaders lovers of monies

"The chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders were afraid"


Beloved Church Owners: this Sermon makes You afraid, whether You agree or not.

If to listen to popular Preachers in TV shows these days, is to listen to the asking for money saying if you don't give money, if you don't give your "tithe", you won't enjoy living and you put yourself in danger of hell fire.

Anybody that tells you to give money so you don't go to hell are shysters and are worse than any gangs"...(" › newzealand › comments › brian...Mar 3, 2021").

JESUS Christ put a Child in their midst, what money does a Child have?

The Good Samaritan was robbed and left for dead, what money did that Person have?

Did the first "High Priest" as written in the 1st Testament buy His way into the Holy Of Holies?: no.

Righteous Angels In Holy Spirit have no money nor the need of money, so what tithes can such Holy Souls Give?

Did JESUS Christ leave the tomb prepared with the [Judas] purse of money?: no.

From Mark 11:17 "My house will be called a house of prayer for all the nations"..."But you have made it ‘a den of robbers" (see above "JESUS Christ UN" and previous Sermons in this Series on Broadcasting Responsibility, as for the Righteous it is more of a great Good Hope that came True: a Miracle Of Faith in JESUS Christ: the Right of Christianity to exist)!

The "as Many as" participated as stated above, Gave their Lives!

Even if for a moment, They Gave Their Souls in JESUS Christ Maintenance Resposibility, For Good, for JESUS Christ Name And Spirit, for the Best for All.

Exactly how is this a JESUS Christ ICCDBB cross to bear?, Lifting a Group rather than All does not make sense according to previous Sermons, right?: wrong: rather this is as to be cast out of the Churches as Preachers do after Sermons and such. Behold what JESUS Christ said in Mark 6:4 "Then Jesus said to them, 'Only in his hometown, among his relatives, and in his own household is a prophet without honor.' ": and JESUS Christ ICCDBB Grace including the 7th Seal and including JESUS Christ UN and even ALL Authority as JESUS Christ Invited, hence all the secular understood universe(s) and all knowledge and all other lower level things have been left behind, for the moment of this Sermon Once For All, for this Special Lifting Of The Worthy:

so that no longer Mark 6:4 applies for Higher Purpose In JESUS Christ Name And Spirit, for to Lift "as Many as" Proven so Worthy: and this so as to Anewly Best Lead the slightly Ascended Civilization at least as lifted in 2020AD (as specified in the previous Sermon at JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Heart Head Sermon at including..."JESUS Christ UN Law, 2020AD"... Precept On Precept, Sermon On Sermon). You have this Awareness Before The Fact, Before You opt to again step in the wrong place!

This Sermon is the Lightning Bolt Wake Up Call: Righteously Prophesying In The Name And Spirit Of JESUS Christ.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Lifts as Many as in High Levels Higher and rebukes the money loving type Churches on TV that opt to be struck by lightning and have made themselves as if banks but lacking money payouts for many that donated and invested money, as rather NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN!


4 January 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Lifts as Many as in High Levels Higher and rebukes the money loving type Churches on TV that have made themselves as if banks but lacking money payouts for many that donated and invested money, as rather NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN as the Legal Right for Christianity to exist and with allowing People the right to think and reasonably speak such as if merely in self defense!

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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