Magnetism Periodic Theory:

How Magnetism Works


Dr. Bob Benchoff

November 4, 2002

Updated 3/1/2004 and 1/19/2012.

Updated 4/13/2013.

Updated 4/20/2013.

Note that some linked sites have been changed or deleted such as for security.

About the author: Dr. Bob Benchoff teaches top technical specialists at the Doctors University of New York, College of Advanced Studies, A Check Exact College, National Banking & Brokering College, VGC Foundation, Winthrop University, and many other institutions. Dr. Benchoff has taught nuclear plant inspectors, state inspectors, and has overseen classified work.

As the highest ranking position holder known as Level III, Dr. Benchoff wrote the specifications on modern magnet complexities used to control aircraft carrier, nuclear submarine, and NASA work.

Early in his career, Dr. Benchoff engineered and x-rayed the ocean floor, created plasma formats for usage of magnetism by authorized laboratories, and controlled high power gamma radiation for NASA. Dr. Benchoff served on the first national team to use the new notebook computer technology for insitu analyses of matter / energy interfaces at power plants.

Dr. Benchoff also guided top Los Alamos officials for optimal processing of their nuclear bombs to reduce problems, and controlled pertinent magnetism related activities. Later Dr. Benchoff wrote mind control legislation for the protection of people, that received White House commendations.

In recent times, Dr. Benchoff converted the Bible into a logic format Code; and at the Stony Brook, Long Island University, Dr. Benchoff invented the working principle by which a transporter was built at their main New York electrical power main line connection used to power the University, resulting in successful optimization of desired results (proprietary information).


Magnetism Periodic Theory reveals the optimal mathematics of the Periodic Table of the Elements as related to MGE (Recurrance Theory), which serves as the basis of explanation of the Big Bang.

As a simplified introductory description, imagine a background of uniform magnetic mesh. Overlay grid lines with longitudinal vertical lines representing polar orientation, and horizontal lines representing charge at rest.

Replace charge at rest with charge at point in time to reveal the current natural model. Reduce the background to the smallest natural matter entity to quantify the quality.

Below is an illustration of this smallest matter / energy natural magnetism domain particle.

Illustration 1.

Clearly depicted by Illustration 1 is the fact that natural energy with a natural at relative rest pattern is matter correlated with natural magnetism resultant from the [charge and/or] electron flow producing a permanent magnet naturally by the matter at the given moment of event.

For descriptive terms purposes, essentially, the motion of the MGE object, the electron, travels through the background mesh. As the electron does this, a conforming disruption path is made. Compare how when a finger moves through water, ripples are created. The ripples of energy move, but the water at any point remains at the same location after the ripple has passed (plus some of the directly trailing water follows the finger).

Changing your perspective from two dimensions to three dimensions (from ripple pattern to helical or phase angle pattern), it is easy to see that circular concepts convert to spherical, the natural orbitals of elemental shells. Note that in Illustration 1, the helical pattern end view would be a spiral.

While magnetism is also naturally round in path, a more descriptive (see Illustration 2) idea comes from consideration of the cross sectional view and the understanding that the interior field is stronger than the exterior, as so depicted. Given these facts, the optimal descriptive term is linear magnetism, or bar magnet.

Illustration 2.

Having thusly delimited applicable MGE as referenced round or linear, we find that optimizing natural magnetic strength can result from proper stacking as shown in Illustrations 1 and 2.

Such elemental stacking mimics electron flow as via wires, however vast important differences exist, rendering such stacking of great value in maximizing strength in precise applications, and perhaps of greater importance is that the stacking involves no linear or helical flow of electrons pattern. And as depicted, phasing amplifies sub-bar results, giving exponential magnetism according to the inverse square law.

Illustration 3.

As described and as found in nature, interior magnetism being stronger than exterior magnetism results in linear magnetism being stronger than spherical (with regard to polar strengths). Although the arc shaped magnet is a special configuration exception it is not to the applicable point of being interior as meaning within the elemental material.

Since round is weak magnetism and straight is strong magnetism, as seen in Illustration 3, full shells offer weak magnetism.

Partial shells, particularly 1/2 full shell offers strong natural magnetism, when other MGE factors are in harmony. Among the most profound are the internal, such as elemental structure (metal, plasma, liquid, powder, gas, decay, and so on), and the external factors, such as heat meeting the curie point, neighboring magnetic field, and so on.

In summary, we find the Magnetism Periodic Theory has revealed the phase angles of magnetism, the isolated momental points of magnetism tangency, the perspective of optimal magnetism, and the periodic frequency of magnetism in nature.


3/1/2004 Update:

New algebraics and geometrics have now been mathematically adduced, click here for God Math Code, and click here for Bible Physics applied to Relativity and Absolutivity, yielding the mathematical comprehension of the largest derivative magnet.

Also noteworthy are some advancements as predicted in Einsteinian Theory, with measurable gravitational waves produced from stars very near each other. The gravity bursts are produced about every few years.


1/19/2012 Update:

Many people find it very difficult to comprehend and deal with such things as speed and accuracy, math and physics, and chemistry and electromagnetism. A Check Exact offers training [reference A Check Exact / ICCDBB PCS (and see link below)], though much is not the fault of the student. Concerning the student, various students have various talents, so for instance for an instructor to try to make a student go far faster than they are physically able is often more the instructor's fault than that of the student. In other words the instructor is evidently not applying the proper instructing methodology. From the student point of view, the instructor can hardly be anything less than excellent if the instructor follows law, though from the instructor point of view if the student does not do excellently the instructor's methodology is likely wrong. An excellent instructing methodology is stated in 3 Nephi 23.13-14: the students knew the words and such of the topic but did not much understand as they did not put the pieces of the puzzle(s) together properly yet so were commanded to write and from those writings the instructor instructed properly unraveling unto their understanding: so write, then contact A Check Exact or write more concerning aspects you don't fathom to try to work it out.

Good news: here is some help concerning the above Electromagnetic Chemical Periodic Table Of The Elements illustration so you can better unravel, courtesy of A Check Exact (A C. E.) with some hints or tricks also coming from nonaffiliated Discover magazine January - February 2012 including cover story "love the periodic table" (D). The Periodic Table Of Magnetism or the Periodic Table Of The Elements is what you make it, if you properly obey proper pertinent methodology (A C. E.) for instance the Periodic Table Of The Elements had it's origins as a cheat sheet. In other words, the instructor(s) failed to best lead so the students led (D), and such opportunities for students and employees are frequently available though many or most people say the opposite and say don't rock the boat [as has often been reported to (A C. E.)].

Whether concerning magnetism, chemical elements, or other, you may (A C. E.) for example write each chemical on a playing card and put similar attributes into categories (D), or write on dice, balls, rubber bands, and so on (A C. E.).

Concerning reactivity, a simple trick is to fold the Periodic Table in half so that Na overlays Cl, which would form NaCl, Sodium Chloride, salt (D), the same is true of electromagnetism of the chemical elements so Hydrogen with Hydrogen is the smallest chemical compound magnet though such magnetic strength becomes more internally utilized as a compound and so less with magnetic externality effects per se (A C. E.) Many experts have disagreed on table arrangements (D), indicating students have many opportunities to clarify and lead in the field. In so forming a magnetic compound the Barkhausen effect applies. Many have thought of the Barkhausen effect as a set of minor details, for instance to graph a magnetic change the main plot line can be long while each permutation of that line is relatively small, yet in applications such as for instance in demagnetization the relatively small changes can often impact the entire line for instance when cooling a ferrous material that was 800 degrees F the magnetic domains become fixed, and in another example the domains can become in tune with harmonics such as configuration factors and/or electrical conditions for instance while often taught that applied electricity flows all over a piece of iron actually the electricity often follows per atomic numbers and grain structures which vary in electromagnetic properties such as when to compare / consider Iron, Fe, Carbon, C, patterns for instance the pattern Fe Fe C C Fe would hardly have the same magnetic flow as C Fe C Fe C.


4/13/2013 Update:

Some magnetism experts have thought in terms of higher universal reasoning in terms of magnetic flow [see A Check Exact & ICCDBB PCS (toward relatively less value selfishly Proverbs 25.27 or toward relatively greater value via causing respect and glory to vest in such as having authority over you John 7.18) rather than in finite item terms [examples (North Pole & South Pole, positive & negative, and good & evil)]. For instance for years Benchoff did magnetic work for magnetism products and services former provider Magnaflux, and Magnaflux means great flow. Another example with details is found at this unaffiliated site WHY MAGNETIC MONOPOLES CANNOT EXIST. While true in that sense per se, magnetic monopoles have been "already accomplished by ancient civilizations" per se PCS Calibration since for instance the fact of law is that the whole of the Known Universe has the largest magnetic pole, or monopole value, while the balance is of lesser values comprehensively among the swirls and eddies of the many other anomalies; hence it is important to comprehend on what absolute priority the magnetism topic is discussed so as to not cross contaminate ideas and minds of experts, children, and communications. This Largest Magnetic Force of the Known Universe therefore also serves as a great standard point (3 Nephi 11.39) and calibration point. Concerning the smallest natural magnet, there are smaller electromagnetic waves, positrons, and so on, though the atoms have been termed by experts as the building blocks, for instance a house for people (Genesis 1.27) can be built of bricks, but tiny parts of bricks known as sand and dust can hardly build a typical house independent of other ingredients such as the appropriate ingredients to turn the dust into useful bricks (ibid.).

PCS is about useful information rather than bits of disjoined data [(James 4.2) contrary to united law and prophets]. In legal terms and in Biblical prophetic terms therefore to calibrate of the absolute standard is to calibrate with the mortal image Jesus the Christ in mind, which relatively translates (3 Nephi 12.47 & 48) into the relative standard of applicability parameters of a person and/or a people, conforming with applicability to human condition parameters, and of the human mortal body of concern to government of the world (3 Nephi 12.49 & 13.1).

Hence things too big, too small, or too unusual to comprehend might be hardly applicable typically [(Deuteronomy 28.20 & Esther 4.11) rather repent from confused ways and frustrations], hence invite proper reasoning [reference PCS patterns including checks-and-balances (law) and trumpet shape (3 Nephi 13.2)]. Reasonably the smallest known particles will be investigated and cut in half and into tinier and tinier pieces perhaps on a fractal scale, hence of PCS prioritization unless otherwise indicated of high purpose per se, such tinier endeavors relate less to families, people, nations, and government, with high exceptions for example being particle physics theories and for example neutron radiography applications, both of which are valuable as associated with physicists and radiographers though otherwise hardly of value unto typical people possibly including the President depending on the situation [within Security PCS parameters (3 Nephi 13.3) of temporary, intermittent, and other recovery from contamination from biased parties or from ill-advised stop gap measures of short term plans] that properly meaningful measurable values come unto oneness mightily and freely of liberty rewards (3 Nephi 13.4).

In other words concerning strong electromagnetism pertinence among humans regularly and as typical, being very closely correlated, people can travel as people throughout the Known Universe in many places where humans can live through generations according to current rocket technology reasonably and of measurable value properly PCS traceable, but people cannot reduce in size to travel through molecules [though such can hold useful values as tools] so too tiny is hardly applicable save people be converted in reference to Transporters and Digital Human Copies Technical Guide whereas people [copies] no longer [until further notice reasonably] would exist in body form as previous (ibid.). So some things the God Of Nature of the Declaration Of Independence are more directly applicable to humans than other things per situation: value per applicability, ultimately absolute intrinsic value per default (Zechariah 12.1).


4/13/2013 Update:

Sunspots occur due to various effects including internal, external, and the interface between the two. Internal causes may include explosions and anomaly coincidences [PCS: "covered" or shall "come from" depending on the version (Habakkuk 3.3)]. Surface and near surface effects may come from the interface, see "paper" illustrated above, and see the nice illustration at the following site By Retired U.S. Navy Physicist and Engineer James A. Marusek (no affiliation unless otherwise indicated) due to the Coriolis Effect, see The Cause of the Coriolis Effect (affiliated site). While Physicist Marusek reveals possibly an important part of how sunspots start to form, it might only be the tip of the iceberg of the solution.

Earth receives 50 to 500 meteorites per day (according to various sources, depending on definitions such as not counting dust...).

When rocks hit the sun, that is, what is left of them immediately prior to impact (reference comet tails), is that they are much more unusual than ice cubes striking a pot of boiling water making big splashes with steam and droplets that sometimes might fly many feet [PCS: splash & helix (2 Kings 16.15 & Jonah 2.3)]. To temporarily withstand melting in space and evaporating, and vaporizing closer to the sun, the rocks would generally need to be very massive to reach the surface of the sun. Massive enough to often make huge sunspot effects that may reach and/or pass Earth.

The mass of the sun is 1/3 million times the mass of Earth [( and the sun has 99.8% of all the mass in the entire Solar System (, also consider massive Jupiter with 2009 space rocks seen impacting].

So the sun is 1/3 million times more likely to be struck by space rocks than Earth [PCS: great power pattern (Daniel 4.3)].

Magnetic lines of flux do not break, rather there is a "magnetic flow" [with " electron flow" (see previous link), and above (see 4/13/2013 Update) on "great flow"]. Hence while Physicist Marusek illustrated a magnetic flow redistribution, a sharper fold [PCS: one fold per case or one transformation into another state of energy [PCS: in pattern of splashing and outpouring from the sun (1 John 5.6)] would predictably more readily produce right angle electromagnetic effects of solar flares and splash droplets of plasma units and fabric of space effects.

Many types of filters help physicists look at the sun, yet because of the background brightness relative to space rocks, it can be tricky to see the relatively very tiny space rocks, until at extreme velocity they impact and cool the surface of the sun locally resulting in the more easily seen much larger dark sunspots.


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