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God Math: Lightening.

--by Dr. Bob Benchoff December 28, 2005

Dr. Bob Benchoff is the Representative (involving Biblical traceability), works with the White House, has taught state safety inspectors, OSHA inspectors, Homeland Security personnel, Navy / DOD, and other high tech personnel, including NASA and Timken aerospace, Los Alamos and CEI nuclear, WES and Stork plasma, Microsoft and Mac core technologies, and state-of-the-art technologies in classified areas.

Dr. Bob Benchoff has consulted for many Fortune 500 companies, and has served in the leadership of many large Church associations; while presiding over many businesses involving standards, control of large amounts of energy, peacekeeping initiatives, and energy interfaces.


Lightening in simplified terms, is a very large spark of electricity. In slightly more complex terms, it is a discharge of static electricity, often from the top of a cloud to the Earth with positive charges moving up and negative charges moving to Earth. In slightly more complex terms, it is a bolt of energy in motion involving electrons essentially, relatively moving in waveform at a fraction of the speed of light (plus typically surrounded by nominal speed light it produces), hinged on electrons (since positrons are plentiful: as if grounded or of background normal speed), hence with the electrons said to be jumping and then in-situ causing destructive damage unless harnessed, therefore (artificially stored or usually) attenuated by such as able to absorb lightening without significant notice to it's functionality or otherwise asthetic values.

In 2006 and increasingly in the future technicians and people in general will come to understand that a key guide applies to cause from which applications and law stem and branch-out into disciplines, methodologies, and techniques, from which processes may be organized.

In the Bible is shown lightening with purpose, so in more properly defining lightening, it is not merely something to be grounded or stored, rather it is a useful product of Mother Nature, rather of God; and of humans as applicable.

In the useful perspective, consider that a moving electron is called negative. Yet actually the electron has positive and negative sides, relatively. This is not limited to the electron's path, although many aspects are thereof similar. As the electron moves, positrons are attracted. So aside from the electron running-into positrons, positrons are whirlpooled-into the path in a flow effect.

This flow is the coefficient of the magnetic principle: hence electromagnetism.

Given a theoretical baseline, when an electron moves along that line, there is a bump or wave. Other individual electrons can produce their own waves. Two electrons can form an electron group, relatively. Therefore the two can essentially form one wave, yet of properties that are largely doubled. When more properties are added, complexity of discussing can increase according to various fields of interest.

As shown here, just adding very few molecules to the study, with their own properties, opinions as to which properties are most important at the moment can range widely.


Therefore the Biblical standard is important, to bring technicians together as a unifying body of concensus, from which application possibilities can branch.

As shown in the math of God via the GodMath Testament standard, the triad (as in agreement in the world, such as of the DOD) serves as a very useful tool to gain value. Yet the GodMath Testament moves this line of reasoning farther on course, finding and disclosing unity at each point. In this lightening perspective, therefore, there is unity not only in DOD type triad reasoning, yet also according to priority value withing the same God math formula, that is, non-relative matter entities can also be identified as of having absolute value. In other words, as described here, the theoretical baseline is no longer theoretical, and it also contains motion with functional purpose.

In worldly terms, not every practical usage needs to understand this, and not every application needs to concern itself with this theory or actual given. Yet in standardization terms, the founding factors are very important. Just as a building without underpinning in all sections might tip-over, the figures calculated from standards can crumble if without sufficient traceability to unifying factors.

So standards need to consider cause and effect, yet moreso cause. The application purpose shows bias (eg. front and back), therefore the cause is more about standardizating (eg. front only). So if cause is found to be bias, then it is found to be (no longer cause, and is) application.


Discoveries include Thales of Miletus producing static charge by rubbing amber, 600 BC. Otto Von Guericke built a static electricty machine in 1600 AD. Stephan Gray discovered electrical conductivity in 1729. Dangerously, Ben Franklin caught lightening (or electrical charge) with a kite attached to a key in a jar that glowed, in 1752. Around 1878 Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb and built an electric powerplant to light the streets, and initiate an electrical communications network. Around 1887 Nikola Tesla made large sparks jump far, and he patented alternating current. Around 2003 the principles governing lightening started becoming formalized by ICCDBB, leading to the publication of Bible Testament of Holy GodMath of Jesus Christ in 2005, with Unification Theory as specially acknowledged by government. In 2006 the general population is projected to begin examining these principles more thoroughly as values are increasingly realized.


Factors to consider when calculating the effects of lightening include building size including surface materials and internal materials coefficient including occupancy coefficient, location (such as lightening strikes regionally), environment coefficient (such as dry or raining), and the lightening application coefficient.


Weather control, hence amassing or reduction of lightening power coefficient (cause).

As standards are rewritten and improved, including to be more easily comprehended, designs will be less about the lightening rod and more about electromagnetic (and other) useful (in worldly terms) applications.

Tougher energy laws are expected to pass in 2006, so people will be motivated to increase progress, so to do so safely, is to do so more correctly more consistently, than in the past.

As standardization gains credibility, the more clearly understood standard will invite, so to speak, better designs that do not react to lightening, yet that rather interact as a unit. Such teamwork control is vital to civilization as energy demands spiral and as population booms.

The wholistic approach to energy, environment, usefulness, safety, and similar is needed in teamwork fashion, therefore clarity of standards with proper traceability is essential.


Lightening often strikes repeatedly in the same place. Even a lightening bolt itself is a harmonic style wave, repeating it's pattern(s) as modified (jagged appearance) according to externality effects. Also the bolt has what's known as a pulse repitition rate, as it strikes several times so quickly (although slower than the wave pulse pattern) as to often seem to be only one strike.

Staying in a car or metal container offers little protection and rather more significantly attracts lightening, though grounded lightening rods on high structures are hit most often.

Aircraft are often hit by lightening without damage.

Lightening does not always follow grounding wires.

Lightening can follow a small wire to some extent, although a small wire generally acts as a fuse, and disconnects, so the lightening generally goes some other direction.

Small wires can have large surges that ruin equipment, due to lightening. Many or most popular circuit breakers could not interrupt a lightening bolt, but many do help protect against spikes and surges.

NASA, utility companies, and others are hit very often by lightening. Many industrial lightening monitoring and control applications are in place.

Earth and cloud plasma such as just prior to a lightening strike, are of little danger until the strike, similar to an aircraft being struck by lightening. In other words, generally the slow building of a lot of energy does not mean danger compared to an energy potential or voltage, meaning the change from lack of electrons to the quick abundance often yields heat, back EMF (attempts), structural reconfigurations and transformations, and so on. Just as a dam can safely fill with water, but if the dam breaks, that's another story.

High resistance, such as a great distance from lightening and such as great insulation, can work to protect a person. So a person would then typically be hit by little if any amperage. Yet also a person can (don't try this at home) grab a high amperage wire if it has extremely low resistance, since R x A = Volt, and A x V = Watt, and wattage does the work in machines.

In conclusion, properly learning about lightening is important in saving lives. We have come a long way from rubbing amber, but that fact remains and continues to be applicable.

As we seek to know more, our standards should not be mired that people likely opt to take the danger as Ben Franklin did. Clear standards, comprehensive and properly traceable, save lives and entertain profitability.

Lightening is not just about electron flow opportunity and results. As with any subject, there are many applications, yet one best solution, one best guideline, and one best standard.

Of immediate concern electrically speaking, more shock warnings and disuse should be a matter of law, with regard to equipment that is found by anyone, as being electrically faulty. Similarly, as we increase control over lightening, warnings of dangers should be clearly understood by each pertinent person. Laws and standards should not be merely fine print, yet also large signage that is in the way of turning equipment-on.

As our control increases, our responsibilities increase, so we had better do it right from the start.


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