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The Intelligence Community Bible.

--Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff

You may have a great new idea that would help many people, but the Intelligence Community might not want to hear it.

The powers that be, in the world, might not want to hear from you. Even as those in charge seem to be having problems, whether in your general location or globally, while you may have a beautiful solution, they often don't want to hear from you.

How does that make you feel?

Rejected, neglected, angry?

It shouldn't, unless you're human.

So it should upset you. It's alright if you have righteous indignation. Yet if you have victory over it properly.

God does not put authorities over you just to torture you.

It is up to you to learn to overcome victoriously.

Though sometimes the situation is not about the higher authorities and Intelligence Community. Sometimes it's about you.

Imagine that. If you are human, then surely at times you tried to get higher authorities to listen to what you thought was your solution for them and others, when actually it was a problem you created in your own mind, and tried to get them to do. They are not circus animals to perform for you at your demand.

If you were in charge, would you want strangers flooding you with strange untested ideas?

Even so, even though civilization may progress at a slower pace than you might like, that doesn't mean you have to feel rejected, neglected, nor angry.

Rather learn. Rather feel enlightened, be enlightened. Be free. Be Holy!

Be free? Yes.

You are free to offer them love that love enrich and multiply, and if they do not receive, then of the Holy Principles Of Jesus Christ the joy of love returns to you [though if you do not receive, then love returns to Jesus Christ].

To have a loving Biblical solution is goodly. To have a multitude of such solutions is better and the whole is greater than the sum of parts, for instance with learning from previous, and with practice, you become more competent. If to become top expert at Intelligence Community matters, then you would hardly have to chase after them do get something done; they would more likely follow your goodly advice. Your loving Biblical advice.

The Holy Bible is not merely about words, it is also of many proven facts.

ICCDBB Sermons Biblically show how applications are controlled by higher applications and higher reasoning. In the world, the higher is called more complex, it is not. The higher is only more complex to the unenlightened or sinners or similar. The complex burden is on sinners under laws. The light burden is with Love.

Teachers and employers and governments issue exams to people. The exams are complex and difficult. That's because you [we] haven't done our job sufficiently yet.

Many people lack much Holy Faith. Therefore many people hardly know how to ask the right questions. If the questions are not perfect, then such tends to influence many to stray from Holy Faith.

Here is some proof, if you are an expert at something and are able to pass high level exams, then if you read a primary grade book you may likely find things stated as if factual, but in expert opinion aspects are conditional. For instance a primary grade book might say water runs down hill. It might be helpful for a student to learn it. Yet the expert knows there are reasons that water might run up hill.

So we learn things such as found in the Old Testament, then have to unlearn things to learn higher intelligence things for greater good.

We have to repent not only from sin [to Baptism], also from intelligence [to higher intelligence].

Now there is an optimum way, One Holy Way.

It involves a leap of faith [or leaps of faith]. Or even leaps of faith together in sum for One Greatest Leap Of Faith as the whole greater than the sum of parts.

ICCDBB Sermons teach of GodMath, including ascending beyond circular logic intelligence, to helically ascend, even to leap vertically properly, optimizing values.

Primary grades in education cause many children to cry, so we should enable better, we should be perfecting first grade. If we do not do that, how can we be expected to improve the top Intelligence Community?, even so, let us continue for better on all fronts as Jesus Christ taught and exemplified.

If to be intelligent in all matters [yet be innocent], then to improve Hell, and also higher Heaven.

God created both good and evil. God created all, and for good purpose.

67.5 is shown above. Some people might use 22.5%, 45%, 50%, 70% [such as "to pass" as many have said], 80%, 1/3, or other. 67.5 was used here because that is the number that was the result, in this case during the formation of this illustration, and so it was used as is, hardly because of the number, rather because of the forming, then it was found fitting/enlightening. You are invited to build and/or grow lovingly intelligently, to bless better than this illustration has done.

God is good, God is great, God is perfect, God is perfecting.

God made you.

You are to perfect.

End time is coming, along with other stuff along until then, so ICCDBB recommends you get busy as never before.

A vacation in the Lord is as a thousand years of Intelligence Community leadership, for instance, you likely have more bright ideas than all of the B.C. civilizations put together, since your greater intelligence came in part from them, and in part from those who built on their works, so you have a greater whole of intelligence. You have the whole of their Intelligence Community, and more.

In the above illustration are "God" and "Lucifer". Intelligence Communities of the past began to understand increasingly about the old entities. So it is not you against Satan, rather it is your Intelligence Community(ies) against Satan: you're not alone.

It is not you against the world, it is us, and it is not necessarily against, rather for Jesus Christ.

The former ways of the world found some comfort often with the discussions of circles and arc degrees, depicted above. So we can improve on these, hence we can form better applications, hence advance for Jesus Christ as never before: a multitude of us advancing for Jesus Christ, not merely Jesus Christ alone [though Jesus Christ was with the great I AM, and with the great Us].

Loving faith, grace, and mercy over laws

is not only about over legislation,

it is also victory over physical laws.

Laws are not completely limited to relativity, some are absolute, such as US Constitution Article VII on the "Lord", therefore in part [hence compounding, such as perhaps 1%] in GodMath.

Laws were made for you, so when you or someone makes rules such as Velocity equals Wavelength times Frequency, V=WxF, it helps you gain victory over certain types of pertinent applications.

In other words, it gives you and the pertinent community of experts in the field control power over certain pertinent desired outcomes. Instead of being under law, as in the former ways, you become over, in control. Variables become things of the past as you learn to unravel the mysteries of the Kingdom Of Heaven. And you become better at improving for others.

V=WxF does not apply to everything. For instance, God can perform a miracle.

When [you, or rather when] God performs a miracle, it is according to God utilizing higher level laws. When higher community intelligence is used by you, then you get to see greater miracles, from the controlling side rather than from the controlled side. Consider how a student in first grade learns something, then can teach it to younger people the next year. The blessings can flow from the blessed to those in need of blessings.

A new teacher can bless others and so gains higher blessings. The Holy Way is a miracle, you can opt to choose.

The Intelligence Community needs people such as you. If not in this lifetime, then in the next, in the lifetimes of other future humans, as is done through generations [until End Time per se].

We can say first grade isn't hard, but children cry to our shame.

We can say the current Intelligence Community doesn't cry, but we have not yet provided them with every solution to their maximum glory; and for the immediate ultimate maximum glorification for the Christ.

We together as a whole are loaded with intelligence, and as the above chart alludes we can make even more rules, and even more user friendly, and even more useful. The search for universal tools is not a gimmick, it is rather for you to find, do, and accomplish properly. It is of God, it is a blessing, it is Jesus Christ, yet Jesus Christ also gives you an even more excellent Way Together, innocent, pure, diligent, reliable, and so on.

Have a blessed day in the Holy Intelligence Community of the Lord.


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