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ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS:

How to be the Heavenly Father.

Ascending unto the Heavenly Father position for One Holy Spirit In Christ JESUS is of high Godhead value, hence a worthy endeavor, a worthwhile pursuit, yet a pursuit for their sakes, something to be done for the greater glory of the Holy Father and JESUS The Christ The Son Of God The Father.

It is accomplished in properly Holy Christian Baptism, yet many benefits of multitudes of higher values are hardly realized among so many (Revelation 7.9) as they (not as the highest part) in Heaven in heartfelt compassion exclaimed as it is written in Revelation 7.10:

There is a condition, in Heaven as already in Earth, the condition is "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want". The condition is that sin is not wanted, the condition is that separation from God is not wanted, the condition is that other than God is not wanted. So then therefore what happened to these in Heaven before the Throne Of God The Lamb, that "cried"?: Christian is already Oneness. So then the Chosen People (Matthew 27.52) and the completed already in Christ, Christians, as Christians are already Heavenly since One In Christ JESUS and so in Heaven [(1 Thessalonians 4.16) including if on Earth (Matthew 16.19)].

Therefore the people in Heaven that "cried" as described in the above verse, either strayed and sinned and somehow undid their Baptism(s) [as unable to do (see previous ICCDBB Sermons, and Holy Ghost Sermon to ascend through thresholds though some thresholds "cannot be overcome" save of above)] or there is a Heavenly reason to be unraveled (in this Sermon) better than sin(s), and of greater higher Covenant value than the Covenant Level of those who "cried" (save if They were on a lower mission) in the Heavens.

So to start to overcome from above as much as God Will(s), allows now, and so enables for these unraveling keys per se, lest to be counted as if separating selves from highest God Lamb Father One; then therefore let the light, easier, simple to understand even in former logic, yet for Heavenly purpose, therefore of the lower covenanting through Baptism Covenanting be agreed in clarity per se. So there is the Father Creator that unraveled physics unto people that sinned except Christ JESUS. So next of love in the Plan Of The Creator with risen Christ JESUS Of The Plan is that others ascend.

So Christ JESUS explained how to ascend properly, precept on precept; Covenant on Covenant; and Christ JESUS explained it was not to be according to wrongful interpretations, rather to be accomplished in accordance with how Christ JESUS explained.

So this is how to be One, equal unto Christ JESUS One In God The Father Of The Holy Spirit.

Therefore to be One In Spirit, One In The Holy Spirit, in the highest Spirit, is not to be in the position where the "cried" were, rather to be facing any remnant in the "cried" position; in highest Spirit is to be where Christ JESUS is, facing the "cried" entities (see above exception).

Otherwise if in the flesh purified in the Lord JESUS / proper Christian Holy Baptism, then to be facing any remnant in the "cried" position; in highest Holy Flesh And Spirit is to be where Christ JESUS is, facing the "cried" entities (see above exception) though due to flesh then therefore in thrones beside the Holy Body And Throne Of Christ JESUS, facing any remnant that "cried" (lest to cry praise for the self, lest to glorify the self which as a minimum ends toward sin so even so let there be not sin though as Christ JESUS expounded let there be knowledge of such knowledge).

So therefore is reason to rather be of Highest Spirit (One Throne), save lower mission for higher purpose [already accomplished (Hebrews 10.10) through End Time and eternity save the free choice of the Heavenly Father].

So given above are the keys for unraveling unto Your Flock the Heavenly Equality With The Position Of God The Father The Holy Spirit Lamb In The One Name Of Christ JESUS. But this is only part of it, as it is written in 1 Corinthians 12.31 World English Version:

And as it is written in 1 Corinthians 12.31 Holman Christian Standard Version:

So in this Sermon these above keys, with this "best" and "greater", are yielding not only of version interpretations "a most excellent way" yet also "an even better way."

And these "a most excellent way" yet also "an even better way" as an even higher or highest key are also included in this Sermon For You Beloved One In Christ JESUS, though first some ascending precept on precept discussion with a new Prophecy for these current times, even already happening now in this generation, even since circa 2,000 AD yet also in the years now and in the near future of the former logic timeline (3 Nephi 21.9).

Ascending is described in this Series Of ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS, as rising hardly on timeline of former logic, such as a child under parents, a worker under an employer, nor even of things such as a bank holding money not their own for others even inclusive of the bank pays fees and/or making gains; rather the ascending is rising up reasonably perpendicular in love, grace, mercy, truth, and many gifts, that the former logic world can often witness though not always.

To better describe for You and Your Flock, it is from former logic covenants, to higher Covenanting, and highest Covenant. Acceptable to face Christ JESUS (see "cried" above, with Matthew 5.8), though rather to be Christ JESUS as expounded above.

So the keys above are given gifts unto You from the Godhead Of The Original Plan with more to come in this Sermon, though now in ascending from Baptism Level to Prophecy Level is given:

A Prophecy

Evangelism was greatly welcomed in the ancient days when the Chosen People revealed signs and wonders in becoming established in the Promised Land as many others witnessed Heavenly signs so rather than attempt to fight, made peace (Exodus 17.11, Numbers 13.33-14.11, 1 Chronicles 13.5, 1 Chronicles 19.14, 1 Chronicles 19.19, 1 Chronicles 23.1...). Prior to those times, at the start of the Exodus, people such as the Pharaoh of Egypt had sorcerers. Sorcery is the use of power gained from the assistance or control of evil spirits. As previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS detailed first have the full repentance with converting with proper Christian Baptism of people, and of things first have the consecrating with anointing; then give the benefits of the Holy Promise(s) unto Spirit [as proper accordingly (and/or spirits)] of such entity(ies) for mutual benefit properly aligned with "the use of power gained from the good or goodly (S)spirit(s) (as One and/or toward Oneness, for Christ JESUS).

So in those earlier days many people had been led astray in devious ways until God prepared them to take them out of bondage (Exodus 4.3). The many sinners followed lesser values, then God showed His Power, and the Chosen went from many tribes to One Israeli Nation at the start of their Exodus.

So the sinners too, seeing the signs and wonders, started (evolutionary rate) to eventually learn war no more, turning to peace. Herein is a key unto this Prophecy, that of former logic can be hope, with evidence, though often toward former ways of naysaying (concerning ascending), idleness, sluggishness, and similar. Christian Flocks too are with salvation, though some Members are toward following when such would benefit more as Christian Leaders (see previous ICCDBB Sermons & Drawing on slacker pattern) (related reference Luke 5.39 & see the previous Sermon on the Amish). A person for instance ascends a little, such as from slave to unpaid indentured servitude and so to a higher value covenant and they don't want to rock-the-boat, afraid of falling back to the slave covenant position. So in this instance the person has freely opted to have made the self anti-Evangelism (exceptions apply).

Then Christ JESUS came with healings and miracles, with certain Christian Leaders continuing such to present day, thank You One.

So concerning this Prophecy,

A. Christian Evangelism faced anti-Evangelism until the Exodus, then

B. Christian Evangelism started advancing as sinners (with exceptions) saw greater signs and wonders, then

C. Christian Evangelism drew great crowds, as with Christ JESUS and the Sermon-On-The-Mound, then

D. Christian Evangelism in the Holy Word was broadcast around the planet and beyond converting multitudes, then

E. Christian Evangelism with virtually the whole world having already heard and many converted, but the others grew dull of hearing.

F. Christian Evangelism to come therefore in ascending is with these added unto Christian Evangelists:

With the unraveling of the New Beginning New Logic New Evangelism keys unto higher Holy Covenants comes the adding of converts unto the Evangelists, and unto the Christian Leaders in general, as One For Christ JESUS.

In the past there was less discussion of the Chosen People prior to Abraham and Moses, then after, there was discussion with associated Evangelism;

in the past there was less discussion of the Israeli People prior to being given the Promised Land, then after, there was discussion with associated Evangelism;

in the past there was less discussion of the JESUS (the Christ) prior to His Birth, then after, there was discussion with associated Evangelism;

in the past there was less discussion of the broadcast Word prior to broadcasting, then after, there was discussion with associated Evangelism;

and so on precept on precept, first the initiation of the unraveling, then the unraveling with associated benefit: Evangelism (see previous ICCDBB Sermon: Christians Make Things Grow "Christians Make Things More Valuable" with Ether 4.7 and with Ether 12.27).

Each line above (A-F), such as line C for instance contains precept on precept (with results pertinent to Evangelism).

Each line above also is precept on precept in former logic historic timeline sequence according to the other listed lines.

The unraveling of the Bible is come forth more expediently (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on the purple curved line over the yellow) as increasing Grace / higher Covenants hardly unravels by measure (from the lower (C)covenants' perspectives).

Prophecy of the above A through F comes with details explained as in the GodMath Testament (see for instance pages 108 and 163 pertinent to Evangelism and Prophecy, affiliation applies). English is read left to right, top to bottom. Yet given Biblical materials precept on precept, with proper traceability for Christ / ICCDBB PCS, then A-F can also be read / analyzed for specific mission purposes (see previous ICCDBB pertinent 3D symbolic Drawings such as on time, and such as found in the "More Than 2 Places At Once" Sermon bottom Drawing).

Because of this effect, because of fitting together the precepts of God in Holy Trend toward 3D and greater, increasing wisdom (reference above "purple curved") was at a rate and can now be realized / unraveling at a cubed rate and greater in Trend.

Christ JESUS often taught of Part 1 "when these things" become "known", Part 2 then "shall come to pass", Part 3 mighty works of God, Part 4 unto One Holy Work.

This Holy Prophecy establishes and holds that the Word and Will of God was true, is true, and is going to be true; and much has already come to pass with few delivered unto some levels of Covenant awareness.

For Your sakes such in detail is explained.

For Your Flocks and theirs, this Holy Work Value is increasing rapidly of leaps and bounds yet Holy Precept on Holy Precept. And now more toward former logic terms for ease of understanding higher Grace abounding from the Heavenly Father, is stated Evangelists used to labor with much difficulty in want to seek to save lost souls, yet now with all these precepts being unraveled increasingly quickly comes the increasing rate of God sending great wonders, some to benefit all, some to benefit Christians, and some to benefit as many Christians as Willing to be ascending. So according to such Covenanting included is that formerly was the want to save all, and now is as the multitudes of their own amazements from Christian Holy Work, Will they flock to Christian Ascending Leaders in masses and pouring into Your Heavenly Places, as it is written in Psalm 23.1:

So the above Prophecy from now goes into the years ahead, of great Heavenly signs and wonders to come soon, in One Holy Work Of God.

So who Will be pure enough, worthy enough, to Witness and attest to the High Holy Work Of God, since truly it would be akin to being as if to Judge God, and to do so properly?, would liars be entrusted to so see and properly attest [even so, there is hope (1 Timothy 1.15)], the naysayers?, the biased (claiming it is because God supports their war(s) and/or cause(s)?, the sinners?, the gambling addicts (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on casting lots and on flips of coin)?, would the drunks and/or drug addicts if behaving as little children properly testify (conditions apply)?, would the angry against meekness properly testify?, would the selfish properly witness and testify unto others for higher unselfish Christ JESUS The One Without Sin That Gave His Life Once For All?;

or would the people that chose to ascend in Holy Spirit Covenants to become Christian Leaders be able to better fathom, clearly witness, and truly testify for the record?, also, even so fear Beloved One not save fear God only, as God is with the unraveling precepts that as many as should understand, witness, and testify would be doing so that none be improperly excused as recorded in Romans 1.20 LDS:

Even so, for Christ JESUS, that for You to properly lead these signs and wonders for Christ JESUS and with Christ JESUS and guided of Christ JESUS and the Holy Spirit Of The Living Bible, according to the faith and amount empowered to so longsuffer and Work functioning as One, to witness the Work(s) Of God, to properly attest and record, then to consider the self so doing for Christ JESUS God and whether with Flock or Flock Members via Your specifying such task(s) unto such as You so anoint and order: that the greatness of God be fulfilled according to the Will Of God for their sakes. First the plan with grace of Your order(s), if any, rather Your Order, and then with the Working(s) of the signs and wonders for the greater glory of God.

So the above Prophecy is for future years, though it is also concerning the past, hindsight, already known; so does such statement of facts make the whole Prophecy less true?, rather sensibly greater is the value: applicable not only to the future, yet also to the past.

So why is this "past" aspect important?, verily it is important and valuable and a key, since if End Time is come unto a person then the person would be wise to know this Prophecy, upon entering the New Beginning.

Verily, verily, many have been naysayers have not believed true Prophecies: there are those who do not believe in Holy Prophecies. But rather of Holy Truth it is given in clear plain language unto Your benefit now that: everything is a Prophecy.

The Plan Of The Creator as much as so far Planned has already come to pass.

Likewise that to come is also to truly come to pass.

Christ JESUS fulfills all, and fulfilled, and in His Beloved One Will fulfill all, Holy Precept on Holy Precept.

Holy Precepts, and what are Holy Precepts?, to describe for instance there is One Heavenly Plan arrangement at least until the final End Time. This arranging in the world (Matthew 18.18) harbors contingencies similar to ships coming to port, some with talents of certain goods, some with talents of space amounts to be filled, and some with specialized complex criteria; some vessels are pleasure boats, some submarines, perhaps helicopters, and perhaps logs floating in with birds riding. Some values, some precepts are proper for some and hardly for others, save such as mission emergencies [New Beginning example value (Genesis 8.7)].

In the Drawing below are shown some precept matters. Top center more than faith is effort to make it so [(see ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Sermon "Prophetic Directions" top Drawing on "doing" and bottom Drawing on advanced technologies within pertinent Biblical parameters for utilization) such as with the above text on this page converting "Dead Zone" into giving zone]. To the upper right is Church Leadership guiding, including Prophetically. Other popular valuable precepts are Church dancing for their sakes (Psalm 30.11) as with music (tongues) with Holy Singing (interpretation, Psalm 149.3). Also of precept toward covenant matters of some value, shown is a type of cross; and whether true or not per se, of value (see above text "knowledge of such knowledge).

Becoming The Heavenly Father

How to become the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost: The Heavenly Father as One. The Michelangelo, Raphael art. Sistine Chapel ceiling Vatican. The Holy painting of God reaching to touch the finger of man. Catholic Pope Francis. LDS Mormon Leader Thomas S. Monson. Blues Brothers movie cast Priest Preacher James Brown, Jake John Belushi, Elwood Dan Aykroyd. Sister Act 2 Mary Clarence Whoopi Goldberg. Television Pastor John Hagee. The key to fame and fortune and greater success: giving most joyfully, living in Christ JESUS. Genesis 3, Luke 21, 2 Corinthians 12.16, Ecclesiastes 2.14

The above Drawing text distinguishes the New Logic value above the former logic, similar as to how the text above this Drawing distinguishes the higher precepts, the higher values, the values Your Holy Flock would be wise to have as attackers, winds, Earth tremblings, floods, naysayers, and other things come [(Luke 21.9 per se) that is, for their sakes and the Kingdom Of Heaven]. Likewise of the Holy Eternal, things to come are things of the past. So be of good cheer, Christ JESUS has prepared Your One Way to bring to Heaven joy via Your gifts: Your Flock's One Holy Gift.

Eye hath not seen nor ear heard such splendor and wonder as found in Heaven, so make it so.

ICCDBB made a Prophecy: make it so, Beloved (2 Corinthians 12.16).

ICCDBB might be accused of having the easy part, even so there is a job to be done for Christ JESUS Your Lord. ICCDBB might even further help You, it has been said that luck and chance happen to them all. Be wise to see clearly, as it is written in Ecclesiastes 2.14:

Be Godly.

Ascend in higher Covenanting without being told, yet of precepts is Your One Word, then is Your One Will, and do in Heaven [as much as of Your One awareness] as in Earth [Known Universe]. Therefore if in the New One Holy Spirit Father, leave not the other left undone:

Highest [Your known, Your awareness] Covenanting Spirit(s) are to flesh [pure and/or other (see decisions topic toward bottom of page)], as leading the Father (see GodMath Testament on prioritizing) is to leaving not left undone the support and nurturing and guiding of Heaven [including with Heaven on Earth, and all other comprehensively], hence to be a little lower than the spirits, the Angels (see previous ICCDBB Sermons with time graph Drawings).

Covenanting : flesh :: You Father One Leading : Comprehensive.

Higher Covenanting is the priority, though if misinterpreters and/or sinners do not do their agreed assigned tasks then a higher Covenant person might have to do a higher (and these things shall be added unto You) or interpreted as lower possibly (see above "a little lower")].

Depicted in the above Drawing is Pastor John Hagee. He offers some televised Sermons with some principles of great value(s), though often with some pertinent humor such as to motivate and/or Evangelize. Also as He often states some have not done their jobs so people including Christians have been slaughtered. So the Pastor is making headway in higher Holy Covenanting, though often has done stop gap and other fixes: the sorts of things people normally term as according to noise and possibly toward distractions that need be overcome, and that is what comprehensive for the Lord has often been involving.

It hurts Christians to hear of such noise / chaos, such as about people being killed, for the sakes of others is the true hurt / risk with further harm potentially. Yet there is a Way to overcome best: in Christ JESUS.

The "stop gap and other fixes" is all too often toward lower missions (Proverbs 26.11). If it is a lower covenant as a concern of the flesh, it is hardly a Christian higher Covenanting concern as it is a secular government concern, unless as stated above: it is normally a matter toward flesh rather than toward higher Christian faith. The point being that if to lead God The Father, lead properly, so for instance consider the following sentences.

Currently a person can go out to many corporate Christian Church buildings to hear Sermons from various Flock Leaders (thank You each and All). But that visiting person might wait 5 minutes or 10 minutes or more before they hear anyone mention JESUS the Christ, God, the Father, the Holy Ghost, the Savior, the Creator, the Comforter, the Godhead, or anything remotely similar, and other than the building and bodies of public conversations the only clue the visitor might receive indicating that it is a Christian value is often a cross, associated with life though also certainly among the general public associated with death.

If there is a secular government (other than a Christian government), then it is toward the flesh, it is concerned with things of the flesh, relative to the One Christian Church Leadership far more toward being hardly concerned with things of the flesh and rather concerning higher Covenants and the high Spiritual Way of the Holy Ghost and Godhead; so if to come in a name, if to begin a Sermon, and if to lead the Father, come in the name of the Christ: JESUS.

Secular is toward tactics, relative to Godhead Leadership toward strategy [(One Living Holy Perfection Strategizing, Planning, and Perfecting ( (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on Perfection Perfecting) hence toward the minimum of what You would be doing to lead the Father during these times].

As illustrated, the child in the Drawing below is looking at dinosaurs. He is not behaving as dinosaurs behave, yet has that knowledge, and may playfully mimic and such, and may do related things toward learning, toward higher knowledge value, even to produce dinosaurs perhaps. Though if to know and do toward sin is not proper. To do toward former logic is toward not proper more than to do toward higher New Logic.

To be God, the Holy Father In Heaven, is to do within New Logic [(with free choice option to do {no comment}) concerning "no comment" or former logic other: (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on living God having free choice)].

Christians know precept on precept according to the Bible and One of the most prolific of Bible writers was Paul who called Himself the "worst" (see 1 Timothy 1.15 above) so called Himself worse than Jesus (see previous ICCDBB Sermons) or Judas..., yet Apostle Paul wrote 23% of the New Testament, 32,407 words including Corinthians ( which contains many of the best interpretations concerning many matters of Holy Spiritual Precepts Of Jesus The Christ. So at least in part, Disciple Of Christ JESUS One Paul, is viewed among Christians and Christianity as the Word Of God: God; if You properly speak the words Christ JESUS spoke and so properly do as Christ JESUS does, then God (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on pertinent parameters).

The proper Christian Baptism is already Oneness in God (some heirs grow / wait / followers, others properly manage their inheritance(s) already / higher Covenanting / becoming worthy): some are already the Father (Genesis 3.22).

Love Your Son.

And the Son Will show You an even more excellent Way!

Mary (and the other Mary) worked at the feet of Christ JESUS and washed His feet. It is a great Holy and mighty position / accomplishment / victory for JESUS The Christ.

Even so the Son showed an even more excellent Way: above the Hand Of God, Christ JESUS sits on the Right Hand Of God.

Some versions of this, Colossians 3.1, say Christ JESUS is "at" the right hand of God instead of "on", and this is true in Oneness as at the end of End Time; though until them there are sinners to be saved and so the "on" interpretation is normally more applicable, as both: A. precept "on" precept applies, and with B. "an even more excellent Way" applies. Also in other words, this Creation Of God is for One Higher Purpose.

Truly all things have been done before, that is: perfecting has been done before, and continues.

To be "at" God in Oneness is good, no less, save in Christ JESUS to improve on perfection: the living God the Father did things and can do better and more and greater, beyond bounds is the great and marvelous loving Father You.

To be "at" a given point in time, "at" a given crossroads, "at" a Holy Spiritual value, is valuable, and to be with these and improving these and so to be on these is greater value lest to be idle and counted as if no longer One: as One is the doer of good deeds, the maker of good times and things, the Creator almighty.

Toddler looking at dinosaurs

Dinosaurs and humans living together at the same time. People and dinosaurs dwelt the Earth together peacefully in the Garden Of Eden, and then humans gained greater dominion over dinosaurs, until now with genetic code and transplants cloning dinosaurs and creating (not evolving) new dinosaur species. Keys over life and more advanced living technologies. Keys to fame, fortune, and the proper Way to live and love Jesus Christ. Adam and Eve entering into the Holy Covenant of marriage via receiving the knowledge of marriage as One. The key to happiness in everlastingly doing the Will Of God as an example unto others, with greater benefits and more abundant family joy through living in Christ JESUS. Mark 14.33-36, Matthew 8.20, Acts 14, Holy Spirit

If a person such as baby Abram or baby Moses could rise to transform generations and even future nations, and therefore to Spiritually Prophetically guide the future unseen, so much easier it must be to be able to Spiritually guide unto all proper understanding(s) of the past, especially when given aids such as facts. Many sinners have been biased, they immorally and illegally altered the facts of cases and of written books and purposes of contracts. Members in higher Covenants can help restore the higher value of the Chosen Remnant. Backward and lower missions are of lower values, save if for higher purpose(s).

For Christ JESUS lead the Father, for Christ JESUS lead Christ JESUS, for Christ JESUS lead the Holy Spirit: that's what One does. Would a Christian try to save a sinner, and then try to quote a Scripture for the sinner to follow but then be caught by the sinner that the Christian of ignorance wrongly quoted?, rather than let sinners correct Christians, let Christians ascend unto all understanding and caring loving wisdom in highest Covenanting for Christ JESUS.

How is the above Drawing within context?,

it is because of lack of properly ascending along the path of higher Holy Covenants that the above Drawing is in context: the Drawing is a gift to benefits any not properly continuously ascending reasonably and wisely precept on precept, allowing for vacations yet wisely caringly understanding that appropriately to inspire Disciples on how to behave [when they became in charge] when He was gone Christ JESUS prayed the Heavenly Father continuously as much the flesh could bear (Mark 14.33-36).

As Your Flock Member Disciple ascends through Covenants they Will find their gifts / light burden(s) as it is written in Matthew 8.20:

Even if unseen, love Your Son, Your Disciple must suffer any stings of any sins pertinent to their ascending through Covenants, as it is written in Acts 14.22 NLT:

When considering to be Christian, some people of delimited talent [reasonably as of normal people] wrongly / ignorantly imagine to feel some embarrassment to be Baptized, and then have to go into a boring time consuming routine of going to church and then to maybe do some extra things such as to be an usher or to maybe fix the church building or to maybe teach some children in a church classroom; and there are key values is such, though the "wrongly" part, the greater part, comes with former logic figuring the end is toward fixing the building toward corporate matters, and toward letting the next generation figure it out; even so these can also be tremendous values, via proper Covenanting.

Christians stopped leading properly, and so other ideas were entertained

as if to correct the dumb Christians, and so the above Drawing is pertinent.

The dumbest Holy One of Christians is wiser in New Logic that the smartest of sinners, speaking on a lower level, and likewise on a higher level as is written in Matthew 11.11 NIV:

To become fully repentant and properly Baptized as a Christian One is great! Yet Christ JESUS Will show an even greater Way than the sinner had planned prior to becoming Baptized. Christ JESUS didn't say just sit there in the pew. Ascend in Covenants, let One John The Baptist be added unto One You and One You To One John; properly prepare higher Covenanting plans focusing on good, properly prepare the New Logic future as it is written in Matthew 3.3 Berean Literal Version:

Here is some dumb stuff:

Dinosaurs did not exist when humans existed,

God did not make creation in a day, there was no Sun.

This is dumb too:

sinners are smarter than Christians and the Bible.

Dumb stuff: Humans and dinosaurs evolved so the Bible is wrong.

The Christian Bible is not wrong.

Evolve came from the root creationist idea of transfiguration, and from "a new creature", things found in the Christian Bible. Evolve is a simplified subset, ancillary to the more complex higher Covenant reasoning in loving wisdom as the purpose for there to be any Universe created (also see previous ICCDBB Sermons on pulse and on continuous improvement for mutual benefit). The simplified version of why there is evolution is to give birth to One Christ JESUS.

As stated above and in the previous ICCDBB Sermon, sometimes others lead some Christians; and that happens when Christians fail to lead, triadically right to left:

So sinners lead / Christians fail to lead / Christians fail to properly ascend in Holy Covenanting.

Christians fail to properly ascend in Holy Covenanting = So sinners lead x Christians fail to lead.

Above it is stated "You to properly lead these signs and wonders". Think of how many Christians and others strayed away from God in recent times since circa 1800s (above Drawing). Sinners have many temporary reasons to commit sins: to have selfish fun, such as self promotion (ibid.). But let not Christians fuel their crazy fires, for instance if Christians then, circa 1800s had better ascended in Covenanting, they might have been better able in former logic terms to defend the Bible. Rather Christians should have led the Way, so there is no reason for the Flock to drift and slip away [(stated from past to future) and rather higher].

Though this is not to condemn the past Jews And Christians as they have kept the Christian Word Of God intact as in the printed text and other means. Rather this glorifies the Jews And Christians and any having paved the Way To Righteousness and higher glory, even to produce, create, evolve, and perfect the means of giving higher Covenanting principles of precept on precept as so of record, including the living record.

This also is hardly to judge the sinners as they already condemned themselves, even so let the Christians properly ascend over each of their interests, lovingly, caringly, wisely, mercifully, graciously, properly unraveling and guiding.

There is a mountain in the above Drawing. A sinner might take explosives and blow it up (symbolically speaking), and God made (created, evolved, grew) the mountain. Such does not make the sinner greater than God.

To be greater than God requires

to be One God, and then improve the self and all for their sakes.

Increasing value wisely unraveling the secrets of the higher and highest Heavenly Places in the Kingdom Of God. Entering the Holy Of Holies today and ongoingly. Rising from the dead, maximum healing, ascending into the highest Heaven, fully illustrated ICCDBB: to be doing the Will Of God in giving and showing unto others how to receive greater benefits more abundantly joyful living in Christ JESUS. John 8, Genesis 1.1, Matthew 19.28, John 1.1, Revelation 3.14, 1 Nephi 2.1, 1 Nephi 15.3, Romans 11

Lower left, the 4 winds become 2 Commandments (Matthew 22.38 & 39) and they become One in Christ JESUS. God created the Heavens, and spirits and things: would You rather have One talent or ten talents, even so, love Christ JESUS. One, may opt to be "like one of us", for higher purpose, similar on Earth as a parent has a child go for a loaf of bread, or as a business partner does for the other: as One, the focus in on One, of higher agreed purpose. If given a blind and deaf person, and the person wants to do sins with their eyes but not with their ears, which would be more anxious to heal?, yet mercy and tolerance can become freely agreed (John 8.11).

Judge not, save if the Will Of God. Judge not, save for higher purpose for Christ JESUS, precept on precept. Judge not lest as the Christian Bible explains and as God wrote into each heart, soul, strength, and mind as Apostles Luke and Mark explained. Even so, the perfect Word Of God is often misinterpreted with the latest versions continuing to come forth.

But (stated for their sakes and the sake(s) of all) some Christian friends such as LDS / Preaching reject info that is updated as new and improved versions, and such as the above Drawing upper left red circle slash model as the model states within "Let Your model be even more excellent", since LDS has stated it is not the Word Of God if it needs corrected (rather see "at" or "on" distinguishing of Covenant levels above, and previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on properly distinguishing as a key to all Covenants). Even so, God is alive and new changes are with God, such as a new creation (Genesis 1.1, Matthew 19.28, John 1.1, Revelation 3.14) so it is increasingly of value to hone and wisely unravel the secrets of the higher and highest, of the Kingdom Of God.

For instance of LDS 1 Nephi 2.1 explained "the Lord spake" but 1 Nephi 15.3 explained "they did not look unto the Lord" and in so saying rebuked them and criticized them and so corrected their understanding(s) of the previous explanation (2.1) and told them in 15.11 "ask me" (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on One for all, rather than selfishness such as "me"; and see ICCDBB Sermons on "leave not the other undone").

Editing, honing, updating, discovering, unraveling, ascending, grafting [rather than graft or grafted (Romans 11.24 and 1 Nephi 15.13)], nourishing [rather than nourish or nourished (Daniel 1.5 and Alma 32.42)], sucking and rather giving suck, learning and rather teaching, hearing and rather Prophesying, following the Father and rather victoriously conquering with the Father; these are what the Living Bible is. The Living Bible is living and growing. Original scrolls are valuable, yet interpreting is more valuable than tongues. Examples: when applicable, proper space travel clearly for the Lord is more valuable than being swallowed by a great fish; and touring the Promised Land or 3D computerized videos simplifying complex high Biblical principles is typically of far more value than repetitious reading of the Old Testament in a monotone as parishioners in pews doze off. Give them the higher benefits.

If to be at the highest level, if to lead the Heavenly Father (if the parent lets the child for the first time drive the family car on which they depend), then let the leading be most excellent.

Therefore of a key be graciously aware You a Leader In The Highest [(and Christ JESUS In The Holy Spirit Of The Heavenly Father is alway highest) agree / Covenanting keys] lifted of One Highest God, and also then if first time concerning Your so planning to lead all highest Almighty and hardly as if to make Almighty as if the tail, then if "You", then lacking One Of All Talents, that therefore You One applies and needful is that JESUS The Christ One In You In The Heavenly Father Creator In The Holy Spirit applies, such as so that You have all talent(s) to lead all matters (including all Spirits).

Also of key therefore is that there is no other, therefore it is wisdom to form New Creatures from all the God given created.

Newing One / One / Evangelism.

New Beginning / One / Evangelism.

Higher Guiding / New Evangelism / Higher Covenanting / Evangelism.

Previous ICCDBB Sermons (such as the prior Sermon at specified in detail concerning advanced ancient civilizations of higher technological abilities and that Christians should consider visiting with "God" (Mark 4.24 with Matthew 10.41) as specified with information from the dead as of former logic terms, to then travel beyond the Sirius direction: so if to visit an army that may be stronger and more ruthless (such as a parent protecting their own kind child) then the Christians should be accordingly honed and properly clear in their New Logic thinking lacking deviation, if to so pursue such an adventure; readied with low maintenance energy, supplies, and such if applicable.

Be of good cheer, God Will supply Your every need. Consider for instance the fisherman on the ocean and not hooking any fish. Yet Magellan with mates hungered while mired in edible nutritious sea plants, so being aware of more than previous former logic has value(s). Even a whale finds a bounty of food, and a person can be aware in advance, so might prepare a fine mesh net to harvest krill. As per previous (old ICCDBB Sermons and Affiliates) discussed similar to plankton and seeds organic materials are cast forth from planets such as Earth, due to winds, impacts, and other, and they float into outer space to seed the Heavens. There is an abundance of food and fuel and supplies and helps out there if One is wise to investigate in the Lord.

And if to so do, in the Lord (John 10.38 with 2 Samuel 7.21) then You may find some great Prophecy to announce with a great adventure to do.

For Christ JESUS, One is free to experiment, experience, and be proving for to glorify God through Your Flock agreeing in this honorable evidence of this service of obedience to the confession of the gospel of Christ, toward practical proof, then toward approval accomplishing, so then the victorious result (2 Corinthians 9.13 /, and that proof can contain former logic, and that proving alway containing New Logic unto the living properly guiding source of good living, and good for higher purpose. Per se in this Sermon in context such good living is for the highest purpose and rather higher than highest.

1. A Chosen People went out and discovered a ball of curious workmanship, so they changed their ways, they honed their ways, for the better.

2. Other Folds went nowhere at the moment and freely chose to ascend in Holy Covenants and changed their ways for the better.

Above, the second, 2, is like unto the first [reverse order (Matthew 22.40)], and the second, 2, is better than the first (John 20.29), and when properly together they are better than the two separated from each other (One For Christ JESUS).

Christ JESUS told You everything to be told You, as much as You could accept to heart and reason (Mark 13.23 with John 15.15), therefore as much as in You to do good, do good: do every good thing.

Of free choice, and whether a person is of New Logic or former logic,

interpretation of this Sermon may or may not be telling a person to lead Father God.

Even so, be prepared.

The Heavenly Father Will equip you with everything good for doing His Will (Hebrews 13.21).

Of the Heavenly Father Christ Jesus Will Himself give you support, and make you complete in every good thing (1 Peter 5.10).

The Heavenly Father Will encourage the hearts of Your Flock and give comfort (2 Thessalonians 2.17).

The Heavenly Father Will that You shall rejoice in every good thing which the LORD your God has given unto You, and unto Your house, You and the foreigners, and the stranger (Deuteronomy 26.11).

The Heavenly Father Will grant you abundant prosperity and the Lord will make you fertile in every good thing, in the fruit of your body, and the fruit of your cattle, and the fruit of your fields, in the land (Deuteronomy 28.11).

If to know all, as God does, and if to be able to do anything as God is so able, and if You are to know and do as much as is proper, then is given now unto You for You and Your Holy Ones of Your Flock as You see proper, gifts and benefits toward equipping You commensurate to the task, and preferably also to Your abilities if You are so inclined to agree, and rather honed and straightened of Christian wisdom to so be doing and of record. Now You are given the key to hatred, and the key to love, even the keys in between (each and all from Christ JESUS) that You are ready for any mission such as protection of children, and elderly, and any unable to protect themselves, to care for such and to guide such (examples Revelation 12.5 & Proverbs 13.24, that rather Deuteronomy 32.36): the key to the heart of any seeking to break the law(s) is hardly the same as the key to any of accident (reference Covenants over pertinent per se mercy of the courts, Master Key, and casting of lots). Similarly, have the other keys too, as much as is proper in You and for their sakes: Wisdom, Holy Faith, New Spirit, Greater Unseen,... have all such keys. Even so, as Christ JESUS taught and did, be of the higher more valuable more important part, the highest of Covenanting In One, and be prepared if the Godhead needs You to go on a mission, such as even higher.

All that ever Will be done was done, and God can do any good thing. Let there be more joy in Heaven.

The Creator The Father provided the physics of the waters, and to the creatures which accepted properly the physics of the waters for higher good God gave that such swim around in the water, and every great sea creature, and then every living thing that moves, and from which the waters brought forth abundantly. And calling unto such that there be Highest Christian Leadership as much as is the Will Of God, even as Christ JESUS did as His Heavenly Father showed Him to do according to the even more excellent Way, so that then therefore so likewise let One JESUS Christ You discover, unravel, and make so that of the One Holy Belly that it be done that such shall flow One New Best Living Water forever (Genesis 1.21, John 7.38, and with Revelation 22.1).

This Sermon is on the public airwaves, even that many sinners may see some of the One True Working Of God, so to help ensure Your interpretation of this Sermon is proper to lead Father God rather than other such as to smitten with curses, the following as a gift is for bringing to mind as God wrote in the heart and soul.

Some ascending in Covenant levels can lead all

(Mark 16.15 with evolve/new creature above),

others temporarily disabled themselves, examples:

1. New / 2,000 years: Leading The Father With Christ JESUS One Work / Word greater source,

2. One (often utilized as a comprehensive term) Flock leader(s) toward higher Covenanting,

3. Newly Baptized, normally able to help author laws to guide sinners toward Evangelizing,

4. Not fully repentant, not true prophet, backslider, wanting healed & loved,

5. Lower covenant levels suffering stings under laws, quick to accuse others,

6. Sinners, lawbreakers, anxious to die rather than give up selfish pleasure.

Note that all including items 4, 5, and 6 to the right have included scientists, experts, popular stars, and highly positioned bosses; though some to the right can hardly think to distinguish levels such as to state "Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:", "Hereby know ye the Spirit of God:" (1 John 4.2).

So here are some keys in lower covenants: do not sin, do not break the Commands Of God, be not toward selfishness, stop hurting the self / "stings", be responsible and fully repentant.

Here are some keys in higher Covenants: be of proper Christian Baptism serving the higher as a New Creature, therefore be higher Covenanting as One Newly Ascending, Newly Lead The Holy Spirit In The Father In Christ JESUS. Now the following verse has many values / applications, to motivate Your Flock, for Evangelism, for benefits and gifts of the Holy Spirit, for tangible and/or intangible fruit(s) and rather for producing repentance in many that they produce repentance in many unto all.

Teach God The Father, then Your Anointed Position Holders, then the balance of Your Flock, then invite [Evangelism] into Your Flock, then teach each public person, then teach each critter, then teach each lesser thing (that all the created be taught the Word Of God). Many may not understand this previous sentence, and may have imagined otherwise, yet it is true though exceptions apply if to go on lower missions (Christ JESUS made Himself a little lower), so the previous sentence is / generally speaking, yet also specifies specifically; New Logic with former logic: Wisdom In Christ JESUS In The Boundless Beautiful Majestic Honorable Father (see above Drawing concerning any better model); and so concerning the many that "may not understand this previous sentence," imagine the opposite (see previous ICCDBB Sermons) as if to convert such as some insects as if in the hope that the insects preach and such convincing humans to follow them to follow God; rather is that You go do for God.

There are insects (including artificial insects) that can be caused to do many goodly things, yet rather do not place insects above people (see ICCDBB Public PCS on properly Prioritizing For Christ JESUS).

In Newly Leading The Heavenly Father be clear (for this part reference Drawing below on "sequence") that there is a Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil, there is a three part concern as shown above with the centered "Mark 16.15" reference mediation, and with items 1 through 6, Good And Evil. There is a four part concern with You seeing and reading and interpreting. There is a five part concern with You counseling others. Also with the authoring there are concerns as with LDS having parts of their concerns valid (hence yet another key reason to ascend in Covenanting, with ibid., and with see previous ICCDBB Sermons on proper recording and traceability; also of a related Evangelism key if to talk to some in their covenant language/lingo a traceability matrix can be utilized with the Christian Biblical Standard).

The source is the highest priority concern of traceability, the Commanding Grace Authority that should be vested in You One.

Yet in Leading as Christ JESUS taught, He also did, not on His own, rather He did as His Father had Him do, that is, delighted in Him so doing.

So this higher position is hardly about You so doing, rather the Heavenly Father One doing in the Holy Spirit Name Of Christ JESUS. Even so, You go do, be the author and finisher of the One True Faith In Christ JESUS.

Call no man your Father on the Earth (some say Dad): for one is your Father (Matthew 23.9) so if to call a Minister, Preacher, Priest, or similar Christian Leader "Father", then to talk with God The Father and with that person on Earth.

There is a choice, free for You to make (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on thresholds that some are of free choice). There are Bible version authors that have interpreted is various ways: even though You know there is only One True Way: lead. For their sakes, lead them. Lead all, if able to do so properly, even in each step along the Way.

Interpretations of versions include from the verse: 2 Timothy 2.8 /

"This is my gospel" (NIV),

indicating that such is an agreement, valuable, though static, save of the living of the Holy Word, even so, not only agree with eternal life, let Your agreement rather be agreement as a minimum and rather with such also be with agreeing in all You state and do, all You are stating and doing with living ascending; lest to possibly unnecessarily cause burdens unto those trying to wisely interpret.

So rather that same section of verse: 2 Timothy 2.8 / is also of the writing:

"as preached in my gospel" (ESV), and

"according to my gospel," (Berean), and

"according to my Good News" (World English, also root "News" / New).

So here in these three versions above You see other Christians already doing it, already at least sounding as if leading the Father, The Holy Creator Of Heaven. And there are many other examples likewise in versions of this verse. This is the hardly "static" Living Bible to the extent of the parts noted, according to the God given talents, noting that in previous ICCDBB Sermons NIV was hailed as a loving / living leader (a talent over a verse). Now ESV, Berean, World English, and others are of pertinent loving / living leader talents, yet together One Holy Christian Bible leading the Father (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on first the Holy Word including to "Teach God").

So these three verse parts indicate that if Christ JESUS living approaches them that the "Berean" authorship with the "Berean" version would expect that Christ JESUS do "according to my [Berean] gospel," per se, that is, in that part of that verse. Even so, Christ JESUS retains the authority to render a higher Covenant unto them overriding, as expected. So this is a Prophetic key, the highest One with living option. Of former logic is often the expectation (or other), while of New Logic is the higher path and the light burden Christ JESUS already accomplished so no expectation is that Christ JESUS do for others under law already fulfilled, so rather is that You Do As One and lead: therefore override Yourself, Override One To Lead One To Continue Living The Higher Value, for their sakes, the glory victory for the Father In Heaven.

Others of other verses that have done this in previous ICCDBB Sermons include God teaching JESUS (3 Nephi 27.13), and JESUS teaching God [and since One then of New Grace rather than former logic law(s) (Matthew 6.9) "hallowed be"], also Mary Of Bethany showing Christ JESUS how to wash feet, and Elias, John The Baptist, taught God (see ICCDBB Sermon "New Covenant / New Logic").

And likewise the Christ JESUS reports to You (1 John 1.2).

Yet not of the Source Of Truth Christ JESUS that hardly was any need to so lead since the Father was already One, also hence of New Logic, Newing Logicing. When Christ JESUS spoke of praying He spoke of how others (others from former logic, others from sin) should speak, more than to speak of the self Christ JESUS in the flesh. For the sakes of others Christ JESUS utilized the words that He did, all within the higher purpose of Grace Good God The Father gave. So if good grace suits You, beloved, You may opt to lead:

So One is not static, One is leading: Lead.

The key to life and living more abundantly. How to be better than God was to be God anew, with You. The key to the Universe and the stars of the Heavens according to science, physics, the God Of Nature, and how to give greater benefits more abundantly joyfully living in Christ JESUS. 1 John 1, Matthew 26.64, Revelation 5.

Christ JESUS would not have You be ignorant: the upper right Covenant levels / Thresholds, looks similar to a transmitter (see previous ICCDBB Sermon New Covenant / New Logic): Christian Leaders are more as transmitters (with love), while hearers are more as followers, receivers: One is the source of life and living, the other is hardly. Shown above is what the cross means in terms of the Physics Of God.

The past is behind, true. For Christians the past is behind, true, and in front yet with options to improve living and delighting in the Lord with ever ascending as One, true, the One True Source Of Telling And Doing The Truth: Truthing Lovingly.

One God knows all, yet have heart New God One Christ JESUS, You have an Advocate,

The Comforter, the Holy Spirit. The Father Will send in Your One Name Christ JESUS Your Advocate, and this same Advocate as You are agreeing Will teach You all things and Will remind One You God of everything Christ JESUS has said to you (John 14.26).

Assign Your Annointed to oversee and to continuously improve the presenting of the Holy Word And Will And Comfort Gift from One True Godhead. Make models and scripts according to Your good pleasure in the Lord for their gifts and for the greater unseen more New Blessed Ancient One Of The Future.

In the above Drawing is shown the end of decision making within the context of as if being alone, separate, and independent of anything higher (including God, therefore including You Christian Leader): shown in this case as Level "A".

If evolution has taught anything, it is to evolve to be the greatest and therefore invulnerable: therefore there is something higher.

If Creation has taught anything, it is to respect the Creator and therefore to create: therefore create all that is higher and most Holy.

If to sleep, then as if to risk per chance in casting of lots toward evolving at the God given gift of the evolutionary ascending rate (Proverbs 6.4).

In higher Covenanting, create the Supreme Being, The Most High One Leader in You: leading.

Secular Level "A" is dumb.

Christian Level "A" is with proper Christian Baptism, therefore it is wise, good, kind, forgiving, merciful, full of grace, and true.

Secular Level "B" seems as if dumb to sinners, until they fall into a pit and cry for higher help, or until they cry for Mommy as they fall into the mud on the battlefield, or until they are suddenly washed away.

Level "B" is enough to inherit The Kingdom With Eternal Life, but is it enough?, what shall be bound on Earth shall be bound in Heaven In Christ JESUS, therefore let the better happen, lest to fall asleep in the back pew or at home (ibid.): cause the better to happen.

Why ascend in Covenants?, for the people; rather the Will Of The Father be done in One Holy Spirit in Christ JESUS: the Godhead, the Leadership.

Level "C": the Christian might hardly notice much improvement, as gifts come often hardly as anticipated. Therefore the higher itself is a great Holy Gift.

And if a "Gift", then a giver of the "Gift".

Level "D" and the others include Church Memberships, Marriages, helping blind people cross the street safely, and so on, and Christians may or may not have done many such things during these times on Earth [Known Universe]. Yet the higher Covenanting Paths all lead in the same direction. So shall a person run out to find a blind person at a street corner?, perhaps, though hardly of former logic. Rather than waste time, since time is a gift from God, do what is proper, and prefer to do the greater good.


October 14, 2017

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