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Jedi R.C.C. (Ra Jakta)

The Jedi are an elusive group of people that fight injustice where they find it. They are predominantly human, though a small percentage (7%) are from other species. The most frightening thing about them is that a few turn to the darker aspects of the their lives, corrupted by the power they wield. Unfortunately, these are the ones that become known, spreading the reputation of evil with the word, Jedi.

Lightsaber: A true Jedi's weapon. It is simple yet elegant. It is merely a beam of consentrated light energy like a laser. It inflicts 5d6 M.D. for an up to date fully operational one but homemade juryrigs may be less, G.M. decides.

Defensive Trance: Using a sword, a Jedi can shift into a defensice trance, making him nearly untouchable. Bonuses: +6 Parry and character doesn't lose his balance (through using Telekinesis). Penalties: Cannot Attack or Dodge, but can roll and attempt to deflect energy attacks (make parry normally, then roll to strike with a -4 to the die roll, no bonuses).

Psionics: Jedi are master psionics, always growing in power. Begin: Resist Fatigue, Telekinesis, Empathy plus choose 2 Healing, 3 Physical, and 2 Sensitive. At each new level of experience, choose two from any of the three categories. Every even level, choose one Super Psionic power. Psi-Shield and Psi-Sword may not be chosen at any time. In addition, if the Jedi meets a psychic that knows a power that he doesn't, he may train with the psychic to learn the power. This doesn't count against the level choices, and use the rules for learning magic spells.

ISP: 3D4 *10 + ME, add 10 per level

Bonuses: +1D4 ME, PP, and PE

Requirements: Homorable Alignments only ME 11 and PP 10

OCC Skills:

Even though they are psychic, they learn a number of skills resulting from intense training.

Paramedic (+20%)

Anthroplogy (+10%)

WP Sword

WP 2 of choice

Acrobatics (+10%)

Hand to Hand: Martial Arts

Other Skills: Choose 8

Secondary Skills: choose 6. At levels 3 and 8, 4 new skills can be chosen.

Communications: Radio:Basic only, or by O.C.C.

Pilot: Any

Domestic: Any (+5%)

Pilot Related: Any

Electrical: Any

Rogue: By O.C.C Only

Espionage: Any

Science: Any (+5%)

Mechanical: Any

Technical: Any (+10%)

Medical: By O.C.C. Only

WP: Any

Military: By O.C.C. Only

Wilderness: Any (+10%)

Physical: Any (+10%)

Standard Equipment: Suit of light MDC armor, set of dress clothing, set of black clothing, gas mask or air filter, tinted goggles or sunglasses, first aid kit, suture thread and painkiller, backpack, canteen, heavy and light blanket, hachet, skinning knife.

Carries his lightsaber, sling or bow, and one weapon of choice.

Any lightweight vehicle can be used.

Money: 2D6 *100 credits and one black market item worth 1D4 *1000.

Cybernetics: None, only considered for medical purposes.
