
BJ was born on January 3, 1975. After 7 years, he was taken to the beach with his parents. But his parents drank too much grapefruit juice. They left BJ behind in the sand. He was all alone. Suddenly, he heard a noise. A GIANT SEA MONKEY LUNGED OUT OF THE WATER AND PICKED UP BJ IN ITS MOUTH! "Whoa, have a breath mint!" The sea monkey took BJ to the sea monkeys' caves. The sea monkeys were actually nicel! They taught him lots of neat things, like wrestling octopuses and riding seahorses without saddles. But after a while, he couldn't hold his breath any longer, so he came to the surface. He swam to shore.

He saw a little hut 20 meters away. He walked to the door, and knocked. Then he looked REEEEEEEAAAAAAAL cute. When the grown-ups came to the door, they saw him just Iying there, all alone. So they took him inside, and adopted him. After a few nights, aliens came and abducted BJ. They took him to their spaceship, and took off. When they reached their home on Mars, they taught him new tricks, and gave him cool devices. They also gave him the power to tell SUPER BAD JOKES AND PUNS! (I bet all of you thought that came naturally.) But they just wanted him to be their slave.

He planned an escape with all the other slaves (including the purple dog with green hair). That night they ran away (in an escape pod), but the aliens found out, and chased after them. BJ and the other slaves made a narrow escape. After taking everyone back to their homes, BJ went back to earth, but was sad, because the purple dog with green hair went to its own planet. But BJ didn't have a home. So he walked to the nearest house, and knocked on the door. He went into his cute act, and waited for an answer. And waited. And waited. And waited. And waited some more. No one answered. So he went to the next house, and looked cute. Someone came to the door.

"A bad joke is a goood joke," BJ quoted his alien friends. The door slammed in his face. "I'll just skip that line next time," he thought. He walked to the next house, knocked on the door, and went into his cute act. Phil Mann came to the door. He looked around, then looked down.

"Oh, look, a cute, little, teensy-tiny kid," Phil said.

"A bad joke is a goood joke -- oops!"

"What was that?"

“Never mind." So the Mann family adopted BJ. Affer 10 years of living with the Mann family, Baby Herbie was born. When Herbie was 2, the aliens came back, and attempted to abduct Herbie. But BJ stopped the aliens. That was when he decided to become a super hero! (A hero, anyway.) He decided to call himself BAD JOKE MAN!

The Preceding Origin was written by Chris, AJ, and Andrew in 5th Grade

Bad Joke Man's Sidekick is Super Herbie, who is really Herbie Mann, a boy of grade school age. BJ's mom and dad have no idea that their sons are super heroes. Phil Mann is the poppa, and Fran Mann is the momma. Chris is the creator and main writer of BJM. He thought BJM up late in 4th grade, with the stories of the Evil Midget OZwald and Stumpy. The next year, AJ and Andrew helped Chris write BJM, with stories like the Video Game Zombies and the Fuzzy Caterpillar. In 6th grade, Chris wrote the Revenge of the Sea Monkeys and the Annoying Commercials, to name only a couple. The next year, Lox in Sox was written, and in 8th grade, Chris wrote Skanky the Weasel. That brings us up to date, so enjoy the stories.