Cool Bands
59 Times the Pain I’ve only heard one of their songs, but it was pretty cool. Hard but not too hardcore punk rock, I’m not sure how to describe them really.
Alkaline Trio I haven’t even heard these guys but I hear that they are pretty good punk rock and they have a cool name so...
All 3/4 of the band Descendents, these guys are awesome. Melodic Pop Punk that has a little bit of ska influence, uh, yeah they’re pretty cool.
Bad Religion This band has been around just about as long as I have, but they are cool anyhow.
The Beastie Boys Everyone loves the Beastie Boys, I tend to like their older stuff better, but who’s counting eh?
Black Lab I remember these guys from a while ago although I don’t remember exactly what they sound like. A rock band with kind of high pitched vocals, I suppose.
Blue MeaniesSka-core with wierd sounding vocals, these guys are really cool, and their name is from the Yellow Submarine.
Bombshell Rocks I forget what these guys sound like, but I remember I liked a song by them. Kind of.
The Bouncing Souls My only problem with this band is that the singer always, at most of the ends of the lines, makes his voice go really high, and that gets really annoying. No wait, I think that might be another band. Shut up, I’m busy here. I’m only at the B’s and I have one heck of a lot more to write descriptions about. And then I need to add more. Grr.
Citizen King One hit wonders. I won’t hear any more songs by them on the radio until their next one single CD comes out. But that one song I heard was kind of cool.
Cornershop Oh my goodness gracious they rule. Good rhythms, good rhymes, good uh, music.
Creed These guys are really cool too, their music isn’t half bad and they have thoughtful lyrics conveying good morals and such.
Dandy Worhols This band is friggin awesome! They put out thoughtful, catchy music and they put on super duper live shows! And the lead singer is one hot dude, so I'm told.
Distorted Penguins A-A-A-A-Anarchy Waltz! Ska-Punks from West Virginia, I discovered this bunch on Cool stuff.
Down By Law Not the greatest Punk Rock in the world, but they pay the bills. What the heck did that mean Chris, you should at least take some time to write descriptions that fit the link, ya putz! SHUT UP! I”LL DEAL WITH YOU LATER!
eels The Eels! I love this band, even though they’re too soft for the likes of my friends. I love the rhythms and music, and the lyrics are well written. Even though Electro Shock Blues was a depressing album in a way, a light shines through and things are well in the end.
Fat Cactus Some Crazy Ska band from St. Louis. You should download their songs on, and it won’t infringe any copyright laws like all the stuff Napster is going through, because they are a local band not affixed to a record company and they want you to download their songs. Go! Now!
Frenzal Rhomb An Australian punk band, who could ask for more? They love camels too, what luck!
Fuel I swear Chris you make this crap up as you go along.
Garageland What do you expect you hoser?
Gas Huffer I suppose you do have to write about quite a few bands, and you have little knowledge of some of them. I am sorry.
Geggy Tah And I make up stuff that has nothing to do with them! Fish sticks!
Goldfinger You moron. Anyways, Goldfinger is a good band and a good movie too except they paint that one chick gold. Boo hoo.
Guster They had a CD. With a big old fly on it.
H2O East Coast Hardcore Punk. Cool band, I’ve only heard 3 songs, but they were pretty good.
Hankshaw Ah, a Chick Band! Yes indeed, a woman singer for a great band, who nobody has heard of. Except me. And you. Now, that is.
Harvey Danger This is such a great band, their lyrics are so much better ones that I would write.
Hot Water Music A very neat band who I know little about, I suppose I should look at their site more huh.
Helmet I think they had a cool song. Hard to remember, this was a year or two ago.
I Against I Good punk band with soul searching lyrics and pretty good playing.
Jollymon An awesome Portland band who's been around for a while and plays shows like every month. They're awesome and they give you free mp3s of them!
Kula Shaker I kick myself because I sold their CD to my sister, and they were really cool because they were like Indian music and I think I want to buy their CD again because I need some variety.
MxPx A very good Christian Punk band who sings about girls and confusion and other such schtuff.
L7 AN ALL CHICK BAND with ATTITUDE. That’s all I have to say, thank you very much.
Lagwagon Morning has spoken Mr. Coffee has spoken, la la la la la.
Less Than Jake These guys just plain rule, they are my favorite band, high engery punk ska from Florida. They like Pez!
Let's Go Bowling A trendy ska band.
Lionrock Some techno band who makes some really nice songs.
Litany Another Chick band who has a mixture of rock and baroque and renaissance, they sing about Rapunzel and woman’s rights and stuff.
The Living End I forget what the song no, I remember. Prisoner of Society, that song rules. Australian punkers who have a Bass--an Orchestral Bass--in their instrument line up, now that’s cool.
Local H Sometimes slow, sometimes fast rock with some good songs.
Mad Caddies Crazy, fast, fun Ska-Punk band, I love the song Macho Nachoes.
Millencolin These guys are just about the best band in the world, less than Less Than Jake of course. You need to hear them, they are unbeleivable.
Millencolin (Again) Soft Core Punk, same as above.
Mr. T Experience MP3s These guys kind of suck. But you can download every song they ever made, just about.
MU330 Original Psycho Crazy Ska. Is what they describe themselves as.
Mustard Plug Very fun Ska band who apparently watch Simpsons, because they stole the Pray for Mojo gag.
New Bomb Turks
The NIds I forgot about these guys! They’re wierd. Ska Punk Hardcore, they keep changing tempos and styles midsong. Indecisive punks.
Nerf Herder Nerd Rock Band, they sing about golf and video games basically.
NOFX The Punkest Band I’ve heard, I think.
Osker Ok song songs are Ok, but I’ve heard they kind of really suck. I haven’t heard too much so I’m not one to judge really.
Pennywise The Thinking Man’s Punk Rock.
Pulley Ditto, only less so.
Radish I did a project on radishes once. I kept coming across this website. IT WAS SO ANNOYING.
Radon Mad Scientist Punk.
Rancid Reggae Ska Punk, they are really cool! The singer has a permanent case of Laryngitis or at least it seems that way, but they are good anyhow.
Reel Big Fish I once caught a fish THIS big.
Screeching Weasel I once caught a weasel THIS big. And it sang to me and insulted me.
Sebadoh I once caught a -- what the heck is a sebadoh? A good band, that’s what it is.
Self I was a self once.
Silverchair I read that book.
Soul Coughing My soles cough when I walk on wet linoleum.
Sponge I have a Sponge. It’s name is Anastasia the Great Monkey Sponge Warrior.
Sprung Monkey I have a monkey. And a Spring.
Squirrel Nut Zippers I have all of those things. I should get them together, maybe they’ll sing me some fo their swing jazz whatnot!
Summercamp I went to summer camp once or twice.
Swingin' Utters When a cow dances it listens to Swingin’ Utters and its udders swing, eh?
Sytem of a Down I’m almost done with this tedious yet strangely entertaining task!
Ten Foot Pole If you had a 10 foot pole, and called it Sally, and no one was around, would it make a sound?
Toadies Froggies.
Tom Waits for his Welfare check.
Tonic Is the breakfast of Champions.
Union 13 is slightly less than Union more than Union 14, Union 15 would be right out!
The Voltineers A band whose drummer I know because he's AJ's friend. I haven't heard them but they look pretty cool.
The Voodoo Glow Skulls Are what I use to scare little kids into giving me their Halloween Candy.
Bands that used to be cool but suck now
Blink 182
Okay, these guys changed their style to appeal to the mainstream and then they make all their songs sound just like it so they won't lose appeal. Fricking sellouts.
Bloodhound Gang
Same deal as with Blink, I mean, the Bad Touch? COME ON? Fricking sellouts.
Korn I'm not sure why I ever liked this crappy messed up band.
Bands that always sucked
Fenix TX
I can't say in words how much this band sucks, well, I guess I could, but I won't because I'm lazy. Fricking ripoff of fricking sellouts.
Other Music Stuff
94.7 KNRK
It was my favorite station, I guess it still is if comparing it to other stations. Hear radio on the internet here.
Go here to get a Real Player Come on man! Or woman! Do it!
Toasty Ska Anyone wanta peanut!? Hear songs here.
Vans Shoes I wear these..on my feet!
Really Lame Sites
Spork.Com What a waste of space.
JNCO Jeans Why’d they do away with the monkey?
Suggest a (cool) site or report any broken links to Chris
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