Bad Joke Man and Super Herbie vs the Evil Midget OZwald

At the good midget prison, Oswald swatted a fly in his cell, and cussed at it. So he got the electric chair for being cruel to animals. He had it coming to him anyway. He sat in the electric chair, thinking about Bad Joke Man, who had brought imprisonment upon him. They cranked it up to 100,000 volts. But when they turned it on...ZZZZZZZZZZT...Oswald sucked up all the power. He broke out of the chains restraining him. He started acquiring a green face, and he spun around about 500 times. Then he suddenly stopped and said:

"Smokin'!" Energy bolts flew from his finger tips and the door melted. He ran outside. He noticed the things you only notice when you're zapped with 100,000 volts of electricity. Like the way the flowers and grass burn when you walk on them, the way the electric fence melts when you walk through it, and the way puppies run away when you try to pet them.

He built a laboratory at a nearby abandoned warehouse. He created a portal to 02. Then he made a super hero magnet, and he turned it on. Superman, Spiderman, Batman, and Captain America flew in and stuck to the magnet. As Bad Joke Man was being sucked up, Super Herbie gloated: “Has no effect on me! Hee hee hee!,' But Bad Joke Man grabbed him anyway. "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Herbie screamed. Oswald let all the other super heroes go. 'Free! Free at last!" the super heroes cried out. Bad Joke Man and Super Herbie came flying through Oswald's window. Oswald turned Herbie into a dog named Bobo. Oswald hurled Bad Joke Man and Super Herbie through the portal, but Oswald lost his balance and fell through the portal too. The portal disintegrated . . . THEY WERE TRAPPED IN OZ!

Oswald, Bad Joke Man, and Bobo were trapped in OZ! Oswald ran off on the yellow brick road. Bad Joke Man and Bobo started running after Oswald, but a munchkin bit Bad Joke Man and slowed him down.


Then Oswald picked up a can of paint along the side of road and threw it at Bobo. "RUFF!!! Bobo barked.

"HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!! n laughed Oswald. Oswald spotted a bunch of small munchkins. (Much like him except for little green boots). Then out of nowhere, a guy came out on a red carpet.

“All hail the Wizard of OZ!'' a munchkin said.

"Who in the heck is this guy, anyway!?!" Oswald asked.

"He's the wizard of OZ, duhhhhhh. Don’t you know anything?" the munchkin snapped.

“We'll see about that," Oswald said under his breath, as he pointed his hand at the wizard. "Say BYE BYE, Ozzie boy!" A bolt of electricity came and formed a force field around the Wizard. Bad Joke Man and Bobo approached Oswald. “Stand back!,” Oswald said as he saw the two heroes.

"Hello, Oswald . . . HEY!!! WHAT'S THAT IN THE SKY!!" Bad Joke Man screamed. It seemed to be monkeys. Flying monkeys. "This day keeps getting better and better,” Bad Joke Man said sarcastically. So he ducked and the monkeys hit trees. SPLAT!

Bad Joke Man asked Oswald to sniff his rose. "Okay...” Oswald replied. So he sniffed Bad Joke Man's rose. But it was a trick. A trick that would end the reign of terror of The Evil Midget Oswald. As Oswald approached the rose, a mighty stream of water sprayed out of the rose.

"I'm melting, melting.....mellllllltttttftttiiiiiiiinnnnggggggggg!" The force field around the Wizard disintegrated, Bobo turned back into Super Herbie, and the Good Witch appeared from out of nowhere. She gave them each a pair of red sneakers.

“Just put these on and tell your shoes to take you home as you click your heels." Bad Joke Man and Super Herbie ditched the witch and went to the "Dunkin, Munchkin” doughnut shop.

“Hiya, guys!'' said two munchkins that looked vaguely familiar. “It's me Oswald, and my long lost but now found twin, Bobwald! You see, five years ago, the Wicked Witch of the West cast a spell on me, making me evil and transporting me to the real world. Then you broke the spell by melting me into my former self. And now she isn't around to cast it again."

Yeah, cause she's dead!" Bobwald chimed in.

"Ding dong the witch is dead! Which old witch? The Wicked Witch! Wake up, you sleepy heads, the wicked witch is dead! Yay! Ha ha ha!"

“Aughhhhhhhhhh! There’s no place like home, there's no place like home! Bad Joke Man and Super Herbie appeared in Kansas. "Hey! This isn't home! Try again.'


They appeared in Kansas again. "D'oh!

"Wait!" Super Herbie yelled. "Why don't you try, 'There's no place like New York City!’

"Okay. There's no place like New York City, theres no place like New York City."


They appeared safely home. They slipped upstairs and into their bedrooms unnoticed. Once again, the Land of Oz was rid of evil because fo Bad Joke Man!

by Chris, AJ, and Andrew (I think)