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Spring Pasta Salad with Asparagus

Serves: 6
1 1/2 lb asparagus stems peeled if tough and ends trimmed
freshly ground black pepper
1 lb penne pasta
1/2 lb fresh Mozzarella cheese, cut into small cubes
1 large bunch of scallions, about a dozen, sliced into thin
2 dozen ripe cherry tomatoes, cut in half and drained for 20
minutes in a colander to remove excess liquid
1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
zest and juice from 1 lemon
1/2 lightly toasted cup pinenuts
large handful fresh basil leaves, lightly chopped

1. Put up a large pot of salted water for cooking the pasta and
bring it to a boil. Add the asparagus and blanch it until just
tender, about 3 minutes. Scoop the asparagus from the water with
a large strainer spoon and place in a colander. Run cold water
over it to stop the cooking and to preserve the bright green
color. Drain well and slice into small pieces on the diagonal,
leaving the tips whole.
2. Bring the water back to a rapid boil and cook the penne until
just al dente (tender but slightly firm to the bite). Run the
pasta under cold water and drain very well.
3. In a large serving bowl, add the pasta, the blanched
asparagus, and all the remaining ingredients. Season with salt
and pepper, and toss well until all the pasta is well coated
with dressing. Taste for seasoning. This is best served at room
temperature. Serves 4 to 5 as a main course, or 6 to 7 as a
first course or side dish.

Note: Another lovely addition to this pasta is about 3/4 cup
freshly shelled spring peas. Blanch them for 1 minute in the
boiling pasta water after you blanch the asparagus. Drain well
and add them to the bowl along with the other ingredients

Posted by Karen

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